Four weeks later
I sighed as I threw myself into my comfy bed. Tomorrow I was going to get my paycheck from babysitting. I feel kind of bad, being paid for this but I need a way to pay for rent and groceries along with gas for my car. I closed my eyes and was about to drift off to sleep until my ears were filled with the sound of my phone ringing.
I sat up and grabbed my phone off of my night stand.
"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"(Y/N)! I-I have no idea what to do right now." Aaron's panicked voice spoke through the phone.
"Wha- hold on, Aaron, calm down. What's wrong?"
"Levin he has a fever or something and I have no idea what to do." Aaron said a little calmer.
"Okay, I'll be over right away." I said as I stood up from my bed. "Just take Levin's temperature and if his fever gets worst get him to the hospital." I quickly threw on my jacket and went out the door of my apartment.
I soon arrived at the front of the giant apartment and quickly went inside. I went straight to Aaron's apartment room and unlocked the door.
"(Y/N)! Is Levin alright!?" Malachi yelled in a worried tone as I hurried into their bedroom.
"It's okay, just calm down. Aaron, can you get me damp washcloth? I'll make him some noodle soup." I said calmly.
Aaron seemed panicked but kept his composure as we both went into the kitchen. Aaron let out a sigh as he dampened a washcloth. "I feel kind of embarrassed for freaking out about this..."
I smiled as I lit the oven and began to make chicken noodle soup. "Haha, shouldn't you be used to this now? It's very common for kids Levin's age to get random fevers."
"I guess but my wife always took care of Malachi's fevers when he was Levin's age and I don't know. Levin hasn't been sick for a long while so I guess I just panicked." Aaron chuckled slightly as he wrung out the washcloth and went back into the boys' room.
I smiled and finished making the soup. I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon and went into the bedroom. Levin had the damp cloth on his forehead and sat up slightly as I handed the bowl of soup to him.
"Thanks..." Levin said tiredly.
"After you eat go right to bed okay?" I said as I ran my fingers gently through Levin's soft blond hair.
He smiled and slowly began to eat. Aaron put Malachi back to bed and we both left their room together.
"Coffee?" Aaron asked.
"Sure, thanks."
Aaron poured me a cup of coffee and I added some sweetener and we sat at the dining table.
"Thank you so much again,...I don't know how to repay you." Aaron mumbled slightly.
"It's perfectly fine Aaron. I'm happy to help whenever." I then remembered, "Oh! How was the parent-teacher conference?"
"It went well I think....Kiki kept staring at me with a creepy smile and looked like she wanted to ask something but she always got interrupted...I wonder what it was."
My mind went strait to Malachi introducing me as his mother and I let out a gasp as my face flushed red and I covered my mouth.
"What's wrong?" Aaron asked sounding concerned.
I took a deep breath and slapped both my cheeks. I needed to calm down. I can never let Aaron know about Malachi saying that, that would be just too embarrassing. "Nothing, nothing is wrong just feeling a little warm as all." I said a little too quickly.
Aaron gave me a worried look but didn't press further. "Oh right." Aaron said as he stood up from his seat.
I sipped on my coffee and he went over and pulled something out of his suitcase. "Here, this is your pay. I might as well give you it now."
Aaron then handed me the small slip of paper. I thanked him and looked at the check. I almost choked on my coffee.
"Aaron!" I yelled in surprise, "$40,000!? That is way too much!"
"Huh? How?" Aaron asked.
I mentally groaned....seriously, this dumb rich man. "Umm....this..is really way too much money. I cannot accept this."
Aaron thought for a moment before looking at his watch. "Well look at the time! You should get home and get some rest so you are well rested tomorrow." Aaron said in a hurry as he began to push me out the door.
"Ah! Wa- Aaron!" Before I could even speak fully Aaron had pushed outside of his apartment room.
"Go get so rest. And also, no matter what, I will not accept that money back. Have a good night." And with those last words the door was slammed in my face.
I couldn't even move for a few seconds before finally recomposing myself and groaning. Seriously?....That just happened...it really did. I stared back down at the check in disbelief......$40,000.....I have to return most of this in some way.....
I let out a long -slightly irritated- sigh and headed for home.
Next day
All morning as I got the kids ready for school I tried to give Aaron the check back and ask for less amount but he just wouldn't listen!!! Uggg. I sighed and suddenly Aaron placed his hand on my head, "Why don't you get us tickets to go to an amusement park this Saturday?"
"What? How will that help me to force the money back to you?" I pouted and brushed his hand away.
Aaron gave a small shrug. "Use some of it for the tickets for the amusement park and then the rest for the next what...years rent? That should tide you over for a year or at least half a year."
I thought for a moment and this much could pay for rent for a while..."But-"
"No 'buts'. Just accept it." Aaron smiled and then left for work.
I hadn't realized until now but my heart was pounding so hard in my chest. I don't know if it was nervousness or...if Aaron made my heart beat so loudly- nonono!! That is impossible.....right? I only think of him as a boss-...no, more like a friend but then...why is my heart pounding so hard?
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