Chapter 6
WARNING: Thunderstorms, if anyone finds that triggering
Logan looked up from his notes. "Hm?" He asked, blinking. He leaned closer to the flower, buttercups always had a whispery small voice, and listened. "Thunderstorm?" He looked up.
It was a perfectly sunny day, the pale blue horizon leading up slowly through gradient to a deep ocean colour but over to the East were storm clouds, dark and rolling. "You're right." Logan mumbled. "Fast approaching too..." He snapped his notebook closed, making his decision.
"Mam! Mum! I'm going out!" He yelled, running inside. Violet looked up from their place in a corner. Somehow... he'd gotten himself into a corner by the door. Logan didn't honestly question his sibling's powers anymore.
"It's going to rain." They said calmly. Though their voice was calm, their eyes were sharp and they looked up at Logan. "Like a lot."
Logan shrugged. "I'll take a coat."
Violet rolled his eyes and looked down. "Fine. Don't listen to me. It's not like I'm the smarter sibling or anything."
Logan rolled his eyes. "Yeah right."
"Thanks for agreeing with me." Violet said, grinning. Logan rolled his eyes again and didn't rise to their words. He grabbed his coat.
"I'll be back by-"
"Never?" Violet asked hopefully. Logan blinked a couple of times.
"I'll be back by six, maybe. Depends on how long the storm takes."
Violet looked back at his book. "Don't let me rush you, mkay?"
Logan laughed. "Don't worry. I won't."
Logan looked up as the first drop of rain fell. It fell right beside him and landed on a flower. If he bent down, he could've seen the raindrop right in the centre of the flower but he didn't, he kept his eyes cast skywards as more and more rain started to fall.
Logan reached up to wipe his glasses on the cuff of his sleeve when the the first thunder rolled across the sky. Lightning flashed through the clouds a second later. Logan turned his face to the rolling, black and grey clouds and laughed. He laughed because there was nothing else to do, because there was so much excitement built up inside him.
"Shit!" Logan looked around quickly.
"Roman?" He asked. Roman looked up. He was soaked through to the skin and his red waistcoat was sticking to him. His hair was plastered to his forehead but he quickly shook it out of his eyes, water droplets running down his face like tears.
"Oh, hey sweetheart." He said, trying to be smooth but failing pretty miserably.
"What are you doing out here?" Logan asked worriedly. "You'll catch cold!"
"So will you! What're you doing out here?" Roman asked. Logan shook his head and took his coat off, handing it to Roman. "Hey, what-?"
"It's got a hood." Logan said as if that was an answer. "You need it more than I do."
Roman looked at Logan wordlessly, clutching the coat uselessly to his chest. "Won't- Won't you catch a cold too?" He asked. Logan shrugged.
"I think I can handle it. I'm the one here who's spent most of their life in nature, I'll be fine." He said. That and a quick smile was really all that Roman needed to be reassured. "You should get back home."
"Okay... if you're sure..." He hesitated before putting the coat on. It was far too big for him and the hood came down to his eyebrows. Logan laughed. "What?" He asked, turning his head up and looking about. This made Logan laugh even more. "What?!"
Logan shook his head. "Nothing."
Roman looked at Logan and suddenly he didn't look so silly anymore. He looked very, very cute. Logan looked down at his shoes to try and hide the sudden blush on his face.
Roman looked down as Logan did. He curled his fingers around the cuffs of the coat. "You should get back home too." He mumbled. "I... I could walk you home if you'd like the company."
Logan smiled and Roman felt his heart flip in his chest. "Thanks, Roman. Yeah, um, yeah. I'd like that."
Don't mind me, just putting one of my Sides in as Logan's sibling because everyone was asking if they were in Come Away To The Isle. Nothing to see here...
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