Chapter 16
Violet poked her head out the door. "Logan!" She said.
Logan didn't look up from his notes. "Hey! Dumbass!" Violet called again.
"Mhm?" Logan asked, trying not to roll his eyes.
"Your boyfriends coming." Logan's head shot around so fast Violet thought he'd twinge his neck.
"He's not my boyfriend." Logan snapped, sitting up. Violet nodded.
"Sure, sure. Then why are you blushing so much?" Before Logan could say anything, Violet darted back into the house, giggling.
Logan rolled his eyes and went back to his notes. His boyfriend. Ha. Roman wasn't his boyfriend. He'd probably never even like Logan like-
A clear whistle pierced through Logan's thoughts. He lept up, not even bothering to mark his page in his notes, and ran inside the house. He narrowly missed running into a wall again by veering madly and tripping over the table. Either way, he went sprawling along the floor.
Violet raised their eyebrow. Logan shook his head. "Not a word."
Violet laughed as Logan struggled off the floor and into his shoes. "Have fun with your boyfriend." They called as Logan bolted out the door.
Logan rolled his eyes again as he jogged up the driveway. Sure, he liked Roman. He liked Roman a lot. But he doubted that feeling would ever be reciprocated. If it ever was, which would be never, he'd probably-
"Hey, sweetheart." Logan looked up, not realising he'd gotten to the gate this quickly. "You okay?" Roman asked.
"I- yeah." Logan didn't end it as a question but his voice still went up at the end. Whether that was because his heart seemed to have jumped into his throat or just because he was distracted, he wasn't sure.
Roman smiled at him, nervous himself. "Great. Um, here." He handed Logan the loaf of bread.
Logan looked down quickly and a little half-smirk made its way onto his face. "So do I get a stupid discount or am I paying full price? Sweetheart?" He laughed before he'd even finished his sentence but Roman still felt a red blush rush to his face. Even if it was just in jest, he'd never been called a nickname before.
"I, um, actually, yeah, there is a discount." Roman said, trying quickly to regain his footing. "You go with me to the Spring Fete and you get a seven pence discount." Logan stared at him.
"As in... go to the Spring Fete, like, on a date or...?" Logan trailed off, not wanting to make a fool of himself.
"I, uh, yeah?" Now they were both a blushing mess. Logan ducked his head, smiling shyly.
"I've never been asked on a date before." He said quietly before looking at Roman with piercing clarity. And, God, his eyes! Roman didn't know how he'd never noticed before, but Logan's eyes were like the night sky. Beautiful, deep and fascinating.
"I'd love to go to the Spring Fete with you." Logan said, smiling bashfully. Roman's mouth fell open.
"You're being serious?" He asked. Logan nodded. "Holy shit, you're being serious! I, um, that's great!"
"Did you expect me to not be serious?" Logan asked.
"No- I, um, well... I don't know." Roman thought he was probably grinning like a loon but he couldn't care less. "I just- I'd never expected someone as beautiful as you to want to go out with me."
"Uh-" Logan felt himself blush darker. He ducked his head and pressed some coins into Roman's hand. "I, um, I think you're beautiful too." The compliment was a little slap-dash and awkward but Roman smiled all the same. He thought it was adorable.
Roman looked down at the coins in his hand as Logan turned and started walking away. "Hey, uh, sweetheart?!" He called. "You gave me full price-"
Logan ran back to the gate and leaned over, catching Roman off-guard and kissing him. It was clumsy and quick, their noses bumping against each other, but when Logan pulled back they were both bright red.
"Keep the change." Logan said a little breathlessly.
AHHHHH, THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE! Also, really damn short. Sorry, you're probably only gonna get, like... 20 Chapters? Roughly?
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