Chapter 1
"Logan? Logan, honey?" Logan looked up at his mum.
"Mhm?" He asked, looking back at his notes and tapping his pen on his leg.
Willow shook her head fondly at her son. "You'll get ink on your trousers if you do that." She said mildly. "And the baker should be here soon with-" A clear, high whistle from the front gate cut her off. "That'll be him. Logan, could you be a dear and get that?"
Logan groaned and fell back onto the grass, staring up at the little puffs of cloud in the sky. "Why can't mam do it?" He asked. "I'm busy, mum."
"Mhm." Willow said sceptically. "Busy with what, exactly?"
Logan brandished his notebook in the air. "Noting down about yellow roses."
Willow rolled her eyes. "The yellow roses will still be here when you get back. Tarra's busy keeping your food on the table." She bent down and tweaked her son's nose lightly. Logan scrunched up his whole face and sat up. "So go on. It'll be less than five minutes and you'll be no worse for it."
Logan sighed and got up, making every move overly slow and laborious to show his mum he wasn't happy. "Fine. Where's the money bag?"
Willow nodded back to the kitchen. "In there. Go on, now."
Another sharp, clear whistle pierced the air as Logan struggled with his shoes. He hadn't bothered unlacing them last time he'd been into the near-by village and he was regretting it now.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." He grumbled, managing to fit his heel into the shoe and grabbing the money pouch. "Keep your damn hair on."
He pushed his glasses up his nose and opened the front door. He stepped out into the warm Spring sun and cool Spring breeze. It would've been a perfect day if his very busy schedule of doing nothing all day hadn't been interrupted.
"Finally someone comes out." The baker's boy said as he walked up to the gate. "I was worried you'd gone out and I'd have to leave your order outside."
"Mhm, sorry I took so long." Logan said, not looking up. "So, how much is it?"
"Shilling and seven pence."
Logan's head shot up in indignation. "A shilling and seven pence for a loaf of bread?!"
The baker's boy shrugged, the basket on his arm jiggling a little. "That's the price, sweetheart."
Logan didn't have anything to say but his mouth stayed open. This boy - very attractive boy - had just called him 'sweetheart'. And now he'd actually looked at this boy, yeah, he was very attractive.
It was mostly his eyes, Logan thought. His eyes were such a deep, shining green that you could look at them for ever and ever and that still wouldn't be enough time. A million different emotions and shades of green seemed to swirl around in this boy's eyes. Logan blinked and shook his head slightly, feeling a blush rise in his cheeks.
"A shilling and seven pence is way too much for a loaf of bread." He protested, trying to ignore the very visible blush on his face. The baker's boy grinned.
"Fine. How about you tell me who you are and we forget the seven pence?" Was this boy trying to flirt with Logan? If he was, he was doing it very badly.
Logan looked down at the money pouch in his hand. "I'm Logan." He couldn't make eye contact with this boy in case he got too transfixed by his eyes again.
"Logan." The baker's boy said, seemingly testing out. "An appropriate name for someone of such beauty." Nevermind, he was pretty damn good at flirting. "I'm Roman." Roman said, extending his hand over Logan's gate. Logan shook it tentatively.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Logan asked. Roman laughed as if the very idea was preposterous but Logan didn't miss the light blush on his cheeks.
"Damn, you've seen past my dashing good looks and right through my evil plan!" Roman declaimed dramatically. Logan let out a little laugh, shaking a shilling out into his palm.
"I wouldn't exactly say dashing." Logan mumbled. "Here's your money, Roman. Can I have my bread now?" Logan said, handing the shilling to Roman who quickly pocketed it.
"Thank you, good sir." He passed Logan the bread. "See you around, Logan." He winked before walking off in the direction of the village.
Logan didn't say anything as he made his way back to his house, blushing red.
I always have this weird thing with first chapters where... I can't tell whether it's good or not. Is this good?
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