Chapter 2: Let the Ball Begin
The closer you got to the ball, you saw that a few people were wearing mask as well. This made you feel a little better, Robbie on the other hand, saw a few people giving him dirty looks, but he knew he was a villain after all. Considering everyone started whispering, you can hear the people. Robbie held your hand giving it a small squeeze, it calmed you down a bit. He whispered to you,
"Don't listen to them. Besides enjoy it, you got two more days of it." he was right after all. Heading inside the hall, a few people stare at you, the dress that Robbie made was captivating, which only made you blush completely red. Robbie seemed to notice, he only smiled at himself, if the people of Lazytown knew he was such a fashion designer, he would probably be treated differently, but tonight was not his night after all. Looking over at you, he let go of your hand. A worried look on your face as he only shook his head.
"Go on, dance. Enjoy yourself, I'll be over by the dessert table. Okay?" you nodded understanding, Robbie left to the table, he was a good friend to you. He knew you had to get over this fear, he would, but one step at a time. You began to breath in and out, before walking around. Everyone was having a good time, you saw the mayor with Miss Busybody. Looking the other way, you saw Stephanie wearing a pretty pink dress, while Trixie was wearing something related to a japanese fashion. To be honest it really suit her well. Next the proud Stingy, looking like a prince, which caused you to laugh a little inside. Standing next to him, you saw Ziggy with his sense of fashion, almost identical to Stingys. Pixel well, he wasn't really interested in the ball, considering his wear was not formal. People bump into you, causing you to move to the side, what you were really interested is getting some fresh air for one. You walked up the stairs, carefully until you reach the top. The balcony doors were opened, some peace and quiet for one, continue walking over, you leaned yourself against the rail. Staring into the moonlight, it was such a beautiful night out for one. Stars twinkling, you couldn't help, but admire them. Yet, you wondered why you even shown up, no one seemed interested in you, besides being jealous of the dress that Robbie made for you. You sigh to yourself, a breeze went by, before hearing footsteps, you hope it was Robbie. The figure stood next to you,
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" you turned your head to the side, seeing him, you didn't know who it was. His face was covered with a pale blue mask, his eyes were the color of ice blue. His hair was dirty blond, his ears were practically covered, you wondered why seeing the tips at the bottom were nothing, but dark brown. He was dressed almost like Robbie, but the color was nothing,but dark blue and some pale blue to not be confusing. He was handsome in your eyes. You bit your lip, before speaking while standing up straight facing him,
"Indeed." he placed a hand on your shoulder, you flinched a little.
"Sorry." his accent, you could of sworn you heard it from somewhere before.
"It's alright." this was kind of awkward to you, to be honest you were hoping for someone else.
"A maiden shouldn't be alone, why don't you come with me. You like to dance?" this man was kind to you, for once besides Robbie, but then again. He wasn't being pushy, he was thoughtful for asking.
"Do you dance?" you asked. He only chuckled to himself, this made you blush a little.
"I love trying new things, dancing is one of them." in your mind, you picture him being the worst dancer. Than again, you nodded to yourself, he wrapped his arm around yours as you both began to head back inside. Everyone stared at the two of you, this made you nervous as heck, you were going to dance with a strange man that you just met. He took his hand around your waist as you followed him, with the sound of the music playing, step by step, in your mind you kept looking down. His feet were actually good, he knew what he was doing. He moved his other hand, lifting your chin up, staring into his eyes, you felt like you were in a trance. "I'm right here. I won't let you fall." your mind drawn a blank. Peeking over at the side, there was no one else dancing, it was just the two of you. He twirled you and brought you back, your back hit against his, looking over you saw Robbie. His smile, this must be a good thing, his head leaned against your ear, whispering, "You are a really great dancer, be proud of that." he was complimenting you. A blush formed once more, before he spun you around, close to his body, he wrapped an arm around your waist. This close to contact, his face close to yours, lips barely touching, you whispered.
"I...I..don't even know your name?" his lips curled a little, before answering,
"If you tell me yours?" what would you call yourself, Robbie once told you that people come and go, so maybe..
"Rose." a fake name, you were scared to even use your own name, He smiled a little,
"Ithro." a name that never heard of. The two of you stopped as everyone clapped. They loved it. You could only smile at yourself, you were brave. Ithro took your hand and led you over to the other side. The noise grew loud once more, you leaned against the wall, as Ithro stood next to you.
"So where you from?" you asked. Ithro placed a finger to his chin, like he was thinking.
"Up north. You?"
"My home is here, in Lazytown." he found this interesting, yet he never seem to showed it.
"You must be a dancer, you are quite incredible. We should dance once more before the night dies down." another one. He wanted to dance with you more, thoughts ramble on in your head. He saw you blushed, he found this adorable for one.
"I would like that very much, Ithro." this caused him to smile. He leaned in closer to you, placing his hand against your cheeks, he stared into your eyes, they were beautiful in his eyes. You didn't know what he was doing, but whatever it was, if felt nice.
As the two of you got talking, you both dance once more, yet time seem to fly so fast. Everyone started to leave, causing you to say goodbye to him.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" you asked. Ithro just nodded.
"It would make my night, princess." this caused you to blush a deep red, he leaned down and kiss you on the cheek. Before departing, frozen in your spot, you felt your cheek. What was this feeling you were having with this man? No, you couldn't he will disappear and never see him again. Your emotions ran wild for a minute, before you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking over, it was your friend.
"__________, I saw what happened." he knew it wasn't right for you.
"I mean it, that man, just...dont fool yourself into it. I care about you too much to see you heartbroken once more ." you only nodded at him. He took your arm and began walking back to his place. "By the way, it seems like you were really having fun."
"It was incredible, Robbie."
"What's his name?"
"Ithro.." that name, he could've sworn he heard it from someone. He shook his head, he only focus on you getting home.
Climbing up the ladder and into his airship, he took of his mask, before changing himself out of his clothes. Tonight was something for him, rubbing his hair as his ears were free, he could only smile to himself. His ship started to speak,
"Sportacus is everything alright?" He couldn't help, but think about you.
"Everything is fine." Crawling himself into bed, the lights dim down. Folding his arms behind his head, he wondered who you were under that mask.
'A kind and caring person, should I tell her...'
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