Chapter 4: A Letter from the Past
You found yourself surrounded by wild flowers, blue and white entangled with some purple. Sitting on the ground, you noticed you were wearing a white gown while your feet were bared. The crystal was still around your neck as it started glowing. Was this a dream? It felt like it, yet this one felt a bit different. You blinked a few times, you noticed a figure walking to you. Yet the appearance seen to be only dark. In front of you it stood, it began to speak.
"You shouldn't have come back.." you were only confused, it's wings appeared on its back, still being covered by the darkness. It was a fae.
"I don't understand.." the figure seem to crossed its arms. You wish you can see the figured face.
"Turn back."
"I want it find the truth, am I really.." you stopped yourself. It's hand was raised in the air. You only listened.
"Only you can figure it out. Whether you want to believe it or not, but heed my warning. If you continue on this path only danger would bring harm to you."
"I'll take that chance." the figure only sighed. Before vanishing, you bit your lip as you felt the wind against you. You were confused on why this happened, yet the figure gave you a warning. Thinking further, you were in the fae territory, the more you wanted to discover the more danger awaits. It was a risk and you made it this far.
"I have faith in you, I've always have." that was Sportacus voice. Your necklace started to glow, hearing his voice over and over. It was soothing and it felt nice. Before you knew it, you closed your eyes.. It was time.
You woke up only to see Sportacus sitting besides you. His hand was on yours and you only smiled at him. Leaning yourself up, giving his hand a small squeeze. He began to wake up, looking at you. He gave you a smile, getting up from his spot. He sat down next to you.
"Thank you for doing this." he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
"I would do anything for you." you leaned close and kissed him. Soft and slow you both were, it lasted for a few moments. Until you heard coughing in the background, breaking the kiss feeling a little embarrassed. Sportacus looked over at him, getting up from his spot.
"How are you feeling? Anything strange since coming here?" you nodded at Ipro.
"It's like I belong here or something. Yet..I don't know why?"
"Magic still lingers here. Your answers are somewhere in this place. Come, let's get started." you nodded once more. Putting everything away, walking out the door, it was cloudy, but looking up at the sky, it didn't look like it was going to rain. By continue walking, you notice someone walking, the aura felt weird. You turned your head back to see Sportacus looking straight at you.
"Find anything?" he asked. You looked back to where you saw the figure, the figure began to move and so you ran. This cause both the elf to chase after you. You wanted to know, you wanted to find out. Yet the figure went inside this large building, most likely a castle. You headed inside, it was dark, but the figure before vanished. It lead you here, but for some reason when you looked around, you only saw a table. Dust was everywhere, cobwebs were showing. You only walked over to the table, carefully as you were. You lifted up a single sheet of paper, it was torn a bit, but you were still able to read it. Hearing the footsteps, you felt him behind you, looking down.
"What is this?" you asked. Ipro only moved closer to you, taking the paper away from you, he began to read it. His eyes widen a bit, before placing it down on the table. It wasn't good news and you knew it.
"This..was information on Stefan."
"Yes, it must be his last letter before he vanished. It's hard to read with it being so old, the writing on it, some of the words have vanished, but I just can't seem to read it." taking the paper back from him. You trailed your eyes, something about this letter, began to show, it was like only fae themselves could understand. You began to speak,
My people, I no longer can stay for I have to protect my own daughter. You are on your own and I hope you can understand. By now you have heard the news and that I was wrong about everything. I let my emotions get the better of me. For I truly am sorry, all this bloodshed, this fighting has caused you, my people harm. I know this isn't the best, but I cannot let you die by me. Don't look for me, one day I shall return and make everything back to the way it was. Where fae and elves can be at peace once more. Whoever read this, I thank you.
When you stopped you looked up at them, Ipro only looked away, staring down at the dusty papers before him. Sportacus only crossed his arms,
"Stefan..he just..up and left them...I don't understand.." you spoke.
"It was the right thing he did. Putting his people first, only a great leader would do that, if only we knew why it ended so badly." Ipro was right, if Stefan did come back the fae would all be here. Something must of happened to him and you were going to find out.
"Protecting his own daughter from the elves themselves, the fae knew and thought something of it."
"Like a spell." they both look at you with a confuse look on their faces. You only shrugged your shoulders, giving out options. You only placed the paper down as you sighed to yourself. "How can an entire population of fae, just disappear?"
"I wish I knew." Ipro spoke, you began to walk away from the table, looking up at the stairs there were, three paths. It would be wise to split up,
"I'll take this path here, if we don't find anything we meet back here." you spoke, Sportacus was not liking the idea, but you were right, this was a huge place and only doing so they had to cover more ground.
"Alright, but if any trouble, we will find you." you softly smile as you went up the path you took. The two elfs took there's, hopefully this was a good plan.
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