Chapter 1: What Happened to the Fae?
With everything coming up to this point, you were sitting next to Sportacus while Robbie was on the other side of you. Ipro was sitting in front of them, a big book was placed on the center of the table. There were no markings, only a few burnt edges. Ipro looked up to you,
"Now _________ what you're about to hear, may be not to your liking."
"I can handle it." Ipro smiled a little, before opening the book and turning the the begining, lights were dim all of a sudden. Ipro began mumbling under his breath, before you knew it, blue lights seem to emerge out of the book, almost like a movie playing. Center of the table, Ipro began to read, as images began to show.
"Fae have always known for their tricks and misfortune, they lived side by side with the elfs of the north, while they lived in the south." you saw one light that was purple with wings showing as a fae while the blue light with tiny ears was the elf. They were seen shaking hands as everything was peaceful. "That was until the day, where things turned terrible." the images changed as you can see that snow was falling harder and the elves and fae were together, it looked like arguing. "Winter has been harsh and the fae couldn't survive this, they were out of supplies that they needed. One Fae named Stefan asked if they can borrow until spring has come once more. Yet the leader of the elves decline this, explaining that winter came early and their crops were either sooner than they should. Maggi, the leader couldn't sacrifice the things he needed for his people. This caused the Fae to grow angry." The two began to show themselves as one had a pair of grey eyes, a scruff of hair on his chin, while his wings were non other than light shimmering purple. The other only showed his ice blue eyes, while his blonde hair was wavy enough to style on there own, his ears twitch as you can hear the argument through the light.
"This was never a problem before Maggi, we've been friends for so long. Help each other out, but this one time. You've decline me."
"Mother Earth has not been too kind to us. The snow she lays here, shows we have not learn."
"About what? My people need those supplies if not my own kind will cease to exist!" Maggi only crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry-"
"Selfish elves."
"That's not true!" Stefan only slammed his fists on the table as a shot of magic came at him. Maggi block the attack, as Stefan wings flutter underneath. Stirring inside of himself, Stefan at this point had enough.
"If my people die, it will be on you hands that ran their blood." with that Stefan rose up from his seat as he flew away from the elf. Maggi only got up from his seat, he knew what was going to happened.
Images began to change, showing the border of where the fae stood were block from the north.
"It was true, winter was not kind to them as most of the fae passed. Stefan along with over a hundred fae's were left. Him and Maggi fought on who is to blame, the two of them no longer were friends, but as enemies. Stefan order the fae to go back to their roots. It was indeed such a terrible thing." You only widen your eyes as you saw some of the fae playing tricks on the younger elf's, some were even killed and you couldn't bare to watch it. Sportacus only held you close, yet you still have to watch even if it was gruesome. "Elves were over populated and Stefan was only trimming them down one, by one. Soon he lost feeling thoughts the elves claiming to his people that they were not to be trusted, they lie and only defend for themselves. Than years passed by heroes were being born and came to the point of Number 7. Trial has begun"
"Bu-" Ipro silence you for a moment, before the images began to change, it was the trial. You knew what this was, Maggi stood where the high council would be. You notice a female elf chain she was as another elf was by her side. Her eyes brought tears down her face, you only listen to what they were saying,
"Stasia, you are charged with mating with a fae. And thus brought this creature into this world." Maggi snapped his fingers as another elf came in, hearing the sounds of the baby, its tiny wings were showing, Stasia pleaded, but Maggi silence her once more. "You knew very well it is forbidden to cross-breed-"
"What happened in the past does-"
"Silence!" she stopped herself, before Maggi calmed himself down. "Keep this up and punishment will come quicker than you can even blink." She only nodded as tears were running down her face. "Now, who is the father?" he asked. Stasia didn't answer. Maggi ran a hand over his face. "Than I have no choice, but to eliminate the runt-"
"No..please..I'll tell you..just..don't..dont hurt her." Maggi stopped himself and let her continue.."Its Stefan..the leader of the Fae." Maggi stayed quiet. "I know the sins I have made, but he isn't like what you said. He cares for his people and the two of you fought over something stupid. End this madness-" she couldn't breath, the life inside of her was being choked up. Maggi hand enough.
"Stefan is no longer the fae I knew...he knew we couldn't survive that winter-"
"But if you just-"
"Thats enough out of you. Her punishment starts." he snapped his fingers as two or more elves were surrounding her. Before they can even start, everything shine so bright as a yell came out of nowhere. Soon the light died down and face to face he was, was Stefan.
"She's my mate, you cannot take her-"
"She's under my land. My rules, she knew the consequences with mating with a fae and now brought this creature-"
"My daughter, Maggie." he growled only making Maggi stand. Stefan's wings flutter faster, irritated that he was yet he felt himself falling. Chain were tossed and hook on Stefan, pulling him down as two other elves held him.
"Any last words, Stasia?" she looked over at Stefan, his eyes filled with anger and worried, she slip out a tear.
"Stefan...protect her. Find a way."
"No, please Maggi!" Maggi was silent as he closed his eyes, feeling the sounds of the her screaming, Stefan kept struggling against the elves. Blood pour out as her magic was gone and her soul was release. Dropping her body down on the floor, Maggi reopened them.
"Now, the runt."
"/NO!/" before the elf would finish off the child, Stefan used his magic and freed himself off the chains as the elves that were holding him fell back. Stefan ripped the rest of the chains off, taking his daughter away from elf. He flew away, protecting her, every step of the way. Maggi only closed his eyes,
"My people, fae has no bounds with us, we shall build a bigger wall. No escape they shall enter and if they do, kill them." it was an order and they all knew it.
Ipro stopped reading as he closed the book, you felt yourself cry a little. Sportacus tried calming you down, while Robbie hugged you from behind. You began to look at Ipro as you wipe some of the tears out of the way.
"Whatever happened to Stefan?" Ipro only played with his goatee a bit as his one arm was crossed over his chest.
"Since what Number 7 told me, while I was in training, he told me that Stefan wasn't seen or heard from. No Fae had a leader, so they were on there own after that it was all up to them." You broke away from the two of them, you were fearing for your life.
"If I truly am a fae, the council will know and..he..he.."
"Calm down, that's in the past-"
"Yet what if it isn't? Fae may no longer exist, yet what I am? Who am I?" his words went silent as he had nothing to say, he didn't know how to answer it. You stood up and began to walk away. Sportacus got up, but you spoke,
"Leave me alone, Sportacus...I want to be alone." Sportacus sat back down on the couch as you were nowhere in sight. You walked into the bedroom, locking the door from the inside. You back slid down against the door, knees closed as you wrapped your arms around them. Scared and worried, confused even, your mind was a whole lot of mess and there was can do about it.
"We have to remove that glamour off of her."
"What! Sportacus I know you are trying to help, but if she really is a fae, I don't want her hurt!" Robbie freaked out on him, while Sportacus sigh to himself.
"Yet she should know who she is. I want her to know the real her. I want to make her happy."
"Yet her happiness will be the death of her. I'm not losing my best friend over this."
"Yet I am her mate and I have to at least try. I stop the high council before Robbie, what makes you so sure it won't this time if they find out?"
"Because you know fully well Sportacus that fae are not taken likely even to the high council. Maggi may be gone, but his son still runs the stand." Ipro pointed out, Sportacus frowned.
"Still __________, should know. It's her right and she wants it. I made a promise to her I would. Either you help me or don't." Sportacus stormed off, leaving the human and the older elf alone. Robbie only rubbed the back of his head, while Ipro closed his eyes.
"I know, Robbie."
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