Ross x GN!Reader angst
Ross x GN!Reader angst (Platonic)
Requested by Your_Pansexual_Bee, thank you!
Y/N and Ross were close friends, they had been since Kindergarten! They are two peas in a pod. But when Y/N begins to act strange, Ross becomes worried, will he figure out what is going on with his closest friend?..
[Ross's POV]
It was lunchtime, Robert, Roy, Y/N and I sat at our usual spot in the back of the cafeteria, Roy and I pulled our our lunchbox, while Robert picked at his pizza tray, Y/N, surprisingly, didn't have any food with them, they were staring at the table, odd, their mom usually packed a big lunch for them…I open my lunch box, inside I find a bag of chips, a sandwich, an apple, a cookie, and a note from mom, I quickly stuff the note into my pants pocket, if Roy ever saw any of the notes my mom leave for me, he'd tease me for the rest of my life. I focus on my lunch, opening the chip bag, I look at Y/N “Hey, Y/N” I hold out a chip for them “N-No thanks, I'm not hungry” Y/N shakes their head and smiles, strange, they usually would've already stolen bits of my lunch by now, why do “Alright then.” I pull my hand back, putting the chip into my mouth, going back to my lunch, while Roy and Robert talk…
Ross walked out of the school bathroom, he saw Y/N walking by. Ross smoked and began walking over to /Y/N “Hey!...” Y/N glanced at Ross, they seemed upset “H-Hi…” Y/N kept walking, speeding up, Ross watched them walk away, he felt upset, what was going on with them? This wasn't the Y/N he knew, the silly, energetic happy kid, who always had something to say, who was never seen without a smile on their face, they had changed, and Ross needed to know why.
The Next Day…
Ross walked down the school halls, as soon as he spotted Robert and Roy by their lockers, he sped up. Robert and Roy waved at Ross, smiling “Hey guys...” Ross stopped in front of them. Letting out a sigh, he soon spoke “So, uh…Has anyone else noticed Y/N's been acting strange lately?..” Roy looked at Ross and shrugged “Yeah I guess, they look kind of thin...” Ross sighed, feeling even more concerned. He looked down at the floor “I'm worried, this isn't normal for them…” Suddenly, Robert piped up “You guys don't know?” Roy and Ross immediately put their full attention to Robert, speaking at the same time “Know what?” Now, with all of the attention on him, Robert got nervous “Oh, uhm…Y/N's mom died of cancer a couple of days ago, I-I thought they told you guys!” Ross looked horrified, why wouldn't Y/N tell them something like this happened? “No?” “O-Oh…W-Well now you guys know!..” Robert smiled nervously. Ross grew quiet, he was confused and concerned, he stared at the floor with wide eyes, why wouldn't Y/N tell him something like this? They'd known each other for over a decade! They were practically siblings, why didn't he know about something this important? “Dude! Are you okay?” Robert spoke loudly, snapping Ross out of his thoughts “Y-Yeah…I-I gotta go now!..” Ross quickly walked off, leaving Roy and Robert…
Y/N sat on their couch, flipping through the different channels on the TV, when A sudden knock was heard coming from the front door, startling them. Y/N cocked their head over the couch, staring at the door nervously, they slowly got up and approached the door, feeling relief wash over them as they opened it and saw Ross. Y/N let out a sigh and smiled “Hey..” Ross smiled back and stepped inside “Hi…” Ross looked around the house, every picture that had Y/N's mother in them seemed to have been taken down, dishes piled up in the sink, the house felt…cold, and sad. Y/N looked at Ross “My dad will be home soon, let's go to my room...” Y/N gently grabbed Ross's hand, walking him to their room. In their room, Ross sat on the bed, Y/N closed the door, letting out a sad sigh and frowning. They sat next to Ross, looking down at their hands. Ross looks at them, concerned “Hey…What's wrong?..” Y/N let out another sad sigh “...A lot..” “...Tell me what's wrong, please…” Ross frowned, looking at Y/N with concern, Y/N remained silent for a moment “Alright then…” Y/N looked up, staring off to the distance “Everythings been so...Wrong lately…Ever since my m-mom died, my dad's been drinking, he's been coming home late and yelling a lot, and I've been so busy trying to not t-think of my m-mom...” Y/N's voice began to shake, tears welled up in their eyes “..I-I h-haven't eaten since she passed. E-Everytime I walk i-into the kitchen I think of her and
a-a-and I-I just…I-I…” Y/N broke down into tears, wrapping their arms around themself. Ross wrapped his arm tightly around Y/N, pulling them in close and hugging them, rubbing their back “Shhh…Shhhhh…Let it all out…It's okay…” Ross moved one of his hands to Y/N's head, combing through their H/L H/C hair. The two lingered for a moment, allowing Y/N to calm down, soon, Y/N pulled away from the tight embrace and rubbed their eyes. They looked at Ross as he spoke “Do you feel better now?” “...Yeah…Thank you.” “No problem.” Ross smiled, his eyes suddenly lit up “Hey…Let's go get something to eat!..There's a place a few blocks down that has some really good fries! I'll pay.” “T-That…That would be nice…Thanks.” Y/N smiled at Ross, who returned a small smile to them “Yeah, don't mention it, now go get changed, please…” Ross stepped out of Y/N’s room, closing the door, he perked up almost as soon as he shut the door “Hey! Do you want Rob and Roy to join us?” “Hmm…Sure!” Ross smiled slightly “I'll call them…” Ross walked to the living room and began to dile Roy's phone number, waiting for Y/N to finish getting ready.
Many minutes passed, Y/N soon came out of their room, wearing a baggy blue pull over, pants and dirty sneakers. Their hair was still pretty messy, but it looked a little better, Ross smiled “Are you ready? Rob is already on his way to the place, Roy's getting ready.” “Yeah…I'm ready”Y/N smiled and walked to the front door, Ross soon followed, they stood there for a moment, making sure they had everything they needed to bring, Y/N looked at Ross “Hey Ross?..” Ross cocked his head towards Y/N “...Yeah?..” Y/N wrapped their arms around Ross's chest tightly, pulling him into a hug as they spoke softly “...Thank you, thank you for being my friend…” “...You're welcome…” Ross and Y/N kept each other in a tight hug, minutes passed, soon Ross pulled away, putting an arm round Y/N's shoulder and opened the door “Come on, let's get something to eat…” As Y/N walked with Ross to the restaurant, they began to think that maybe, just maybe things would get better, they just needed time…
(I'M SO SORRY IF THIS SUCKED! I don't know how to write angst, or anything in general, but it was fun to write!)
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