Origins of Stories
Stealthheart's Dream and Stealthstar's Memory: (discontinued) "I wrote this story because I never wanted to forget how I felt when I first read the series. If you have read Monologues; #BULLYING, you should know how badly I wanted to be a part of it." (quote from Stealthheart's Dream; Extras) I wrote Stealthstar's Memory once I discovered that the book would be too long if I combined the two.
Pori: (discontinued) When I first read The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Twilight by The_Blamless and wanted to create my first Zelda fanfic, I wanted to make a story about a Zora. I literally started this story blindly, unlike most of the other stories I write. I decided on a name, the first one that popped into my head, and decided to answer what would happen if someone found out that Mikau died. This was around the time that I had started the Great Bay Temple, and I loved how this temple was the first one where you actually got to talk to all the Zoras and connect with them. I also loved Mikau. I watched his cut-scene almost every night before I went to bed.
The Frog Princess: Now, I haven't said anything about this work, so I'm not going to say much. But when I first picked up Tales of a Frog Princess by E.D. Baker, I actually thought that the story was about an actual frog instead of one transformed by a curse. Now it's been years since I first thought that, and so after I started At the Half Moon, I decided that this would be another great idea for another of my originals.
At the Half Moon: (discontinued) I wrote this series after reading...great StarClan...I can't even remember... No, seriously, I've checked every reading list, every follow I've made...mousedung, I don't know. I really liked the story, but I think she must have deleted it or removed her account or something. All I know is that it was an Alpha and Omega story about two lost wolves who discovered they could turn into humans, and they got caught by someone and had to go to a human school. She stopped writing after a while, but it was a really great story, and I wish I still knew what happened to it. It was called Alpha and Omega...Hietus...something like that. Anyway, I decided to write something similar to it, and added in the clans and alternate terms because Erin Hunter did that, and it makes sense because maybe they can't understand what we're saying. Maybe they don't speak the same words we do.
The Eagle: Most of you probably already know this, but this was my second work inspired by a dream. All I Ever Wanted, which I deleted a while back, was my first work that wasn't warriors fanfiction, and it was just waaaaaay too crazy. It was about a person who was a thief in Ancient Greece, got caught, and became a detective for Zeus and Hera. Great StarClan's kits, that was an awesome dream. But they had a magic car which I and two other friends named Porter and Rebeckah crashed, so we had to clean it. Then we went on a drive...and stopped at a gas Ancient Greece... Then I decided to take it on a drive when they left the car to get snacks...and crashed it which they arrived where it crashed...picked it up...and smashed it on a wall... Rebeckah was blamed and then my vision shifted to where we were back at the gas station, and Rebeckah was the one driving, but I tried to warn her, and so I was blamed instead...and then arrested... Anyway, I went to a school where the playground (which I had asked Rebeckah about before if she could see it but she couldn't) had two sides - one with balls and one with swings. I went over to the balls but the people there looked at me weird, so then I went to the swings, which were really uncomfortable, by the way...too low to the ground. And met this kid named Jeremy who asked me what happened, and then he was going to explain when my dad banged on the door for me to wake up for school. An hour early. See what I mean? This story makes a lot more sense. But it was a bit weird at started off as a movie trailer, but then turned into an actual dream, and I actually wrote a song. I can't remember half of the dream, which is sad because I actually wrote a song!
The Storyteller: (discontinued) This story, again, as you probably already know, was my third work inspired by a dream. ...Not really anything else worth saying...
Knots: This story wasn't inspired by anything, besides The Hunger Games, and the fact that I always thought that I would never want to kill if I was in the Hunger Games, so I probably wouldn't win. Also, in this work, I get to write so many of my own feelings in here. For instance, my mom actually did sing Bye Bye Blackbird when I ran into her room crying after a nightmare.
Following Fire: This work was my second Warriors fanfic for the warriors months in June. It is under construction now, because I thought it was weird, but still didn't want to delete it.
The Story of Rabbitstorm's Prophecy and The Story of Rabbitstar's Prophecy: (discontinued) This was actually my second published work, inspired by my first, StarClan in the Forest, which included short stories about StarClan and other deceased cat groups, such as the Dark Forest - which inspired another deleted story Mapleshade's Shadow. I am debating on if I should resurrect that one later, though...
Daughter of Light: This work was originally called Treble Clef. I wanted to create a Percy Jackson fanfiction, and I was thinking about it in bed when I thought, why not take OC's from other Wattpaders and write their story? I spent about two hours PMing each camper from a RPG, and many of them loved the idea.
Fallen Crumbs: I just felt like writing an autobio, and later put it under construction after thinking it was weird and writing #YOURSTORY in Monologues.
The Unicorn's Wish: Like I said in the summary of the story, I was seeing a lot of magical stories, took the first idea that popped into my head, and wrote it down. Now that I mention it, that's actually how I come to write most of my stories on Wattpad!!
Molecloud's Tale and Birdstar's Legacy: (discontinued) Again, not much to say. My friend, @lilypotter6204, got into this series when I was talking about it in young woman's, so I decided to write hers and her sister's warrior stories.
Monologues: "I suspect that you guys have read the summary of the work. That I have these little monologue moments in my head and I 'just want to let them out.' I never really understood until now why I have all these moments. In Communications class, we recently had to do a project on self-esteem. Most of what everyone said that they learned from research that those who talk to themselves have low self-esteem and/or think that themselves are the only ones who will actually listen to them. And, as much as I hate it when people say you don't have any friends when you talk to yourself...I have to admit that...they're right. But really, why do I talk as if someone is listening? The same reason why I talk to myself. To listen. I need someone, anyone, to just listen. 'Everyone here is blind! Can't you see that I really am trying? I'm a human being! Why do you treat me like this?' This is what I hear every day at school in my head. 'LISTEN!!! For once in your life, just LISTEN TO ME!!!' Am I overreacting? Maybe I am. But I hunger for an ear. Someone who will just listen to me." (quote from Monologues; #Monologues)
Randomize: Isn't this one pretty self explanatory? It started out as Randomize, but then it didn't work out, so I deleted it. I then later made a work called Mythbusters, but I kept coming up with excuses to put other stuff in there, so I changed the name, and Randomize was resurrected.
To the Sky: Aha. This was when I first joined Wattpad. I still had the warriors months active, and this was for Firestar's month in July. I've often considered putting it under construction, but some people tell me that they really liked it, and I kinda do want a memory of how I used to write.
Johnny's Memory: This was an English project. It was our final, and we were reading The Outsiders by SE Hinton. I loved Johnny, and I wanted to write about him. A few of my classmates told me it was awesome, and I decided to put it on Wattpad.
Warrior Cats Name Generator and Tribe Name Generator: Saw a lot. Did it. What else? I don't know...
Fires of Rebellion: I was learning about the revolution in History, and I was confused about why the colonists were so angry. My teacher explained it to me, and I decided that it would be a good idea for a monologue, then later a story.
The Widow Trials: I had been wanting to write a story about a person trapped in a dream for a while, as well as a Charlie Bone. I had this great OC that I really wanted to write about, so I mashed the two ideas together.
The Lost Ocarina: This was my fisrt completed story in over a year. I was really surprised by how fast it took me to finish. Anyway, this was also based off a dream, but I had come up with the name long before I had a dream, though I hadn't decided exactly what I wanted the plot to be about.
The Blood of Silver: This was originally titled Demon Side because it came up when I was fangirling over Ghirahim. I changed it because it didn't really apply as well as The Lost Ocarina did, so I sat down at stared at it for a while, thinking, "What is important to this story that is not shoved in your face but is not too subtle either?" Then I remembered one of my lastest chapters with Ghirahim talking about how her blood is silver, and because of future references, I decided on this title. The story also gave me a good excuse to kill Madeline, because I was considering that. I didn't want to be to mean to my own character, so I thought this could've been a good way to explain it. Hopefully it will be as good as The Lost Ocarina. I'm going at an entirely new approach, though; less temples and more adventure. I can promise you that this is the last book. There will be no trilogy. To insure this, I already have the ending planned out (as I do most stories I write), and I'm sure it will be very satisfying.
Dawn of the Mist: This was the result of the fans of The Unicorn's Wish; one of them said on their profile that they liked dragons, so I thought, why not? It works for me in a lot of ways: I get to resurrect At the Half Moon and I get more experience with mythical creatures to prepare for continuing The Unicorn's Wish.
A New Perspective: I've had this story stuck in my head for forever. I chose Brighthheart as the main character because I wanted to choose a cat that was not too big in the series, and I felt like I connected to her the most.
A Teen's Guide to Surviving a Kidnapping: (discontinued) This was another one of those stories - the idea just popped into my head, and I decided to write it down.
25 or 6 to 4: If you didn't already know, this is a different version of Fallen Crumbs, telling the story of how I came to love band so much. This was just one of those crazy ideas I thought I should try.
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