《cnapter 2》 whats going on
I was floating through darkness when I suddenly fell and landed in grass. I looked around and saw I was in a medow surrounded by forest and a cabin right on the edge. "Beware the star." I looked around trying to find where the voice came from but I couldnt see anyone. "You will be betrayed, please be careful." I looked back in front of me and saw the woman I saw in the forest. Standing next to her was the man. The lady was about 167 cm(5'5) and she was wearing white and blue robes with accents of gold. Her her eyes were grey, with no pupils and she had a little necklace on that I couldnt see the charm for.
(Just so you guys know, the lady is based of of the priestess from goblin slayer and the man looks like Daniel from amnesia)
The man had shoulder length brown hair and a white button up shirt on with the puffy sleeves and lace on the cuffs. He had brown dress pants and shin high boots, he was about 185 cm (6'1), 7 cm(3in) taller than me.
"Who are you? Why do you keep telling me to 'beware the star'?" The lady and the man looked at eachother, then the man spoke "you'll find out soon"
As I was about to ask what he meant the world around me faded and I was once again in darkness.
I opened my eyes to see Stan and Mabel sitting by me. I look around and I see that I'm in my room. "Dipper, are you okay? Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford said that yesterday you were really spaced out and then you just fainted." Mabel sounded really worried. I tried to sit up but my head hurt too much so I just stayed down. "Sorry I worried you, I just wasn't feeling well." That was only part of the truth, I dont know why I just didn't want to tell them about the people in my dream.
"If you felt sick you should've told Stan and gone upstairs, he would understand." I just stayed silent, I was quiet for a second before Ford came in the room and saw that I was awake. "Dipper you're up, how do you feel." He asked walking over to the bed "my head is killing me but otherwise I'm fine." I tried to sit up again but this time it was my stomache that forced me back down "never mind Its also my stomache."
Vomit warning
Mabel looked worried "mabey you should just stay down" I nodded, not able to say anything as a sharp pain came from my stomache making me wince. My whole body ached and I felt like throwing up. I started feeling hotter and I had a sinking feeling in my stomache, thats when I knew I was about to throw up. I quickly got up ignoring the pain and speed walked to the bathroom kind of slouched to lessen the pain. As soon as I got to the bathroom I threw up into the toilet.
My whole body was shaking and the tiled floor felt so cold against my sensitive skin. My eyes were watering and I had a fowl taste in my mouth. Mabel came in and helped me wash up then helped me back into bed. My stomache hurt slightly less now and my nose had started running. I didnt pay attention to what came out of me in the bathroom but Mable was telling Ford that there had been some sort of black liquid. My head was spinning and I was loopy because I just couldn't think straight. I eventually passed out while the others were talking.
Stan had called me last night saying that dipper had passed out so I rushed home to see if he was okay. he just threw up in the bathroom and went back to bed. When I went in to help him I saw some sort of black liquid and decided I would ask Ford if he knew what it was.
"I have no idea what it could be. He might've ate something in the forest that could have caused this. I know of a few things that could do this." Ford said unsure of the situation. "That would make sense, he seemed perfectly fine when he left yesterday, it was when he got back that he started acting all weird." Stan added.
"Didnt he say something about seeing a lady in the forest? He said she spoke to him but before he could get a good look at her she disappeared, and when you asked him what she said he just went quiet. Mabey this has something to do with her." I said looking at Ford. "Well there are two possibilities that include her, either dipper ate something that made him hallucinate, or that lady did something to dipper."
We all thought about it. I think that woman did something because I doubt dipper would eat some random thing he found in the forest, he's too smart for that. Everyone agreed and we were talking about what she could've done when we heard dipper taking in his sleep. "The star . . ."
I wonder what kind of dream he's having.
I opened my eyes yet again to my room. I was feeling significantly better but I was still dizzy and still had a headache. I managed to get up and get a book to read and just sat there for a little bit until Stan came in the room holding a tray with what I assumed to be chicken soup.
"Hey kid, how you feeling?" He asked as he gave me the bowl. "Slightly better, im still dizzy and I have a headache. Other than that I feel normal." "Well thats good. Mabel started feeling sick a little bit ago. Definitely not as bad as you but still." Great, now I've made Mabel sick. At least it isn't as bad. Stan went back down stairs and left me to my thoughts.
"Who where those people. They seem familiar but I've never seen them in my life. They seem to be warning me about some star, mabey their talking about Gideon, he's the star on the cipher wheel. He was acting nice when I met him at the bus stop but mabey he'll go back to being evil?" Thoughts were racing through my mind as to who the star was.
"Mabey its Mabel? I mean, we're still pretty close, the only thing that's changed is that she's slightly more entitled and needy but thats it. I'm leaning more towards Gideon but Mabel is still and option."
I was just lying there for an hour thinking. I also wanted to know why I was so sick all of a sudden. The only thing I ate was the dinner Stan made but the others don't seem to be sick, and Mabel didnt even have any. Plus I heard Mabel say something about black liquid. There are some things in the forest that if you eat them they make you throw up. But I didnt eat anything from the forest. It must have something to do with those people I keep seeing. If I see them again I'm going to ask.
I texted Mabel since I didn't want to risk getting up again to ask if she was ok. She replied saying she was fine just a little dizzy and she probably just had a head cold. I thought it was wierd that both of us got sick on our first day back but its not impossible. Mabey just something we got from the bus I mean, who even know when the last time that thing was properly cleaned.
I watched some videos and read my book before needing to go to the bathroom. I got up and decided I might as well take a shower while I'm up. I got some extra clothes and a towel and walked into the bathroom. I did my business and turned on the shower to warm up while I got undressed. I turned on some music and got in starting with washing my hair and then my body. When I was done I just stayed in there a little longer just to take in the warmth, and also to make sure the conditioner was completely out.
To avoid the cold air and getting water all over the bathroom I mostly dried my self off in the shower then got out to get dressed. I obviously wasn't going anywhere so I just got a pullover and sweatpants. I'm pretty heat tolerant so its normal for me to wear sweaters and hoodies in summer. I felt a lot better after the shower so I decided I would go down and get a drink.
Walkimg down the stairs I heard talking in the kitchen. Sounds like Stan and Ford, and it seemed like they were talking about me and Mabel. I quietly walked down to hear better. I know eavesdropping is rude but its hard not to, especially when they talk about you.
"I dont know Ford all of this seems kinda far fetched. I mean, couldnt it be a malfunction or something?" I couldnt see them but I could hear Stan shifting from foot to foot and Ford was either sitting or standing still."what are they talking about?" I thought to myself. "I highly doubt it was a malfunction, I've tested the machine hundreds of times and its never malfunctioned before, why would it now? Besides, I didnt believe it myself at first. I did it four times and checked the machine just to see if I was correct, the twins are giving off high levels of energy that only a demon could. And its not residue from weirdmageddon, that would have faded to almost nothing after so long plus they haven't even been around weirdness enough for it to survive."
My eyes widened as I listened to him. "Is this true?" I thought. I would need to go down to the basement later when Ford wasn't around to make sure.
"How are we gonna tell them then? We can't just go "hey kids, Ford was worried about you guys and so he did I scan of you energy to make sure nothing was messing with you and turns out you guys are demons!" Well actually that might work but definetly more gentle." At this point I decided to stop and snuck back the the top of the stairs then walked down normally so they would hear me coming.
I walked in and I saw Stan making some food and Ford was sitting down going through papers. Both of them looked nervous and I could guess why. "You guys ok?" I broke the silence and Ford looked up and pretended he didn't notice me come in "what? Oh, of course we're fine. But how about you, do you feel any better?"
I could say "oh yeah I'm fine, just a little confused after finding out im a demon, what are you up to?" But decided against it.
" I'm fine, I think I'm mostly recovered. It was probably just a stomache bug." Ford too kthe answer and went back to his papers. I got a cup and poured some apple juice cause I'm obligated to drink it after being sick.(when im sick I always have apple juice instead of water cause gross) I send Mabel a quick text to see if she wants some and she says yes. Since its he closest things to Mabel juice she can get and I don't let her have any when she's sick.
I get another cup for her and went to her room to give it to her. "Hey Mabel " I say walking in "hey sir dipping sauce." I hand her the juice and she starts drinking. "Are you still sick?" She asked me, "not really, I took a shower and immediately felt better. Mabey you should do it too." We continued talking while I debated telling her what I heard, but I decided not too before I knew for sure. She wanted to take a nap so I took her empty cup and left.
I heard Stan and Ford talking again but it wasn't about us so I kept walking. I put the cups in the sink and as I was about to leave Ford got my attention. "Dipper wait." I stopped in the doorway to listen "I'm going into the forest for the rest of today and part of tomorrow to find some stuff. Since you could still be sick im taking Stan with me so I want you to stay home and if you can look after Mabel." I nodded anasked when he was leaving "in about an hour" I nodded again and went back upstairs to wait for them to leave.
~*one hour later*~ (I'm imagining that in the voice from spongbob)
I heard the front door close and I look outside to see Ford and Stan walking into the forest. I gave it afew minutes to see if they would come back to get something they forgot. Then I walked down stairs and checked to see if Mabel was asleep. I then went back to the gift shop, put in the code to the vending machine, and went into he elevator.
I first went to the lab to see if there was anything there. On a table in the corner I saw Ford scanner, I walked over to it and saw the papers lying around it. They were all about things either from the forest or from weirdmageddon
I then tried the study after looking around a bit more. I didnt see anything that looked like ones from the scanner. But when I looked under his desk I found a small box with a lock on it. I remember seeing a few keys in one of his drawers. J grabbed the keys and tried each one of them. Eventually one of them fit and the box opened.
Inside I saw notes Ford had taken and two folders, one labeled "Mason" and the other labeled "Mabel". These were the scans. I just knew it. I first opened Mabels, not wanting to look at mine yet.
Mabel pines
Age 17
Sex: f
When the twins got back from California I noticed a slight wave in the barrier readings but thought nothing of it at first. Once they got off the bus I could feel a strange aura coming from them but it quickly faded so, once again, I thought bother of it. I'll talk about what happened with dipper in his file. When Mabel came home she seemed normal. Then the next morning she showed some of the same symptoms as dipper but far less dramatic. She didn't pass out but developed a head cold and went to her room. I was worried about them so I scanned them while the were asleep to rule out that it was something magical happening. The results surprised me and I made sure that it wasn't a problem with my scanner. The energy coming off them was that of a demons, as I expected, dippers was more potent. I dont know how to tell them but I plan on going to the forest with Stan to get a few supplies for an experiment, and once I get back ill break the news to them. I know dipper might want to come with me so ill use his sickness as an excuse.
**** *, ****
I was shocked to say the least "so it was true" I looked at the paper behind it and it was the scans. As Ford had said, the readings said Mabel had the aura of a demon. I looked at my scan and saw the same thing, except mine were more higher and somewhat erratic. This was unbelievable. I flipped the back and began to read it.
Mason pines
Age 17
Sex: m
As I said with Mabel, Dipper has been acting weird since his arrival. Stan had told me that when he went to tell dipper dinner was ready, he was just staring at the wall. And when he finally got his attention, it took his five seconds to respond. Once he came into the kitchen I tried talking to him and he seemed unfocused, at one point he stopped talking all together. He soon passed out. Once he woke up he had a fever and threw up, Mabel claiming to have seen black liquid in the toilet. As I said with Mabel, I was worried about them so I scanned them to rule out anything magical. Dippers energy levels were much higher than mabels. At first I thought it was the last dipper said he met in the forest, but now I dont know what to think.
I bet these sudden sicknesses are a side affect of them becoming demons and that is why their symptoms are so similar. To be sure im going to the forest for supplies for an experiment. After that we can try to figure out why this is happening and what to do.
I'm not even surprised anymore. This was all so much I just didn't know what to think. I put the stuff backend made sure it didn't look like I dug through anything. I went back upstairs and just sat in the kitchen for a while, thinking. Once the initial shock wore off I had many emotions going through me. First of all, I thought it was cool. I mean, im a demon, how cool is that. Two, will Ford and Stan see us differently? Will they still love think of us as there nice and nephew? I didnt know what to think. What kind of demon even was I. And most of all, how did this happen. I decided I would go to bed early. Mabey those people would come back to my dream and I could ask them what was going on.
Funny story after these messages.👇
That was a long one and I hoped you guys liked it.
Interesting story time
So I absolutely refuse to go to school without a hoodie. Even in the summer I'm always wearing a hoodie. Once, in 7th grade we were getting new assigned seats in social skills and we were all standing in the back of the class waiting for our teacher to tell us where our sears were. I was wearing a hoodie as usual even though it was really hot in the class. I started getting dizzy so I stood by a wall so I could lean on it. It got worse and my vision started fading in and out, my ears started ringing, and I could barely pay attention to what the teacher was saying my vision went completely black about 4 times before I finally decided to tell the other teacher that was in there (it was the science room but the social skills teacher didn't have her own room) and she had me sit at the paras desk and take off my hoodie. I almost passed out cause I got so hot but I still didn't want to take my hoodie off. I only take it off to change for gym and I wear it during gym.
I deal with heat and cold very well.
Au revoir 😘
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