《 chapter 6 》
There's going to be a nonbinary character soon, what should their gender be? Or should they not have one at all?
Memories replayed in my mind as I sat on the sofa in my room. Unpleasant memories. It's weird, remembering your own death, but I've died before, so its nothing new. Just. . . A bit surreal.
I was walking down the hall to the dungeons, I had to. . . Speak. . . With a prisoner about some very important information he had and I needed. I'm not usually one for torture but when it came to the fate of the kingdom I was willing to participate.
I walked past some guards and down some stone steps. The cells I walked past were disgusting, I need to have these cleaned, we're keeping prisoners not pigs. I eventually made it to the one I was coming for and I looked in.
The 'bed' in the corner was empty and I didnt see anyone until I looked in the corner and saw the man. He had matted black hair and dirty clothes. I could tell immediately that he was planning on trying to lure me farther in, then attack me and escape.
Deciding to humor him I unlocked the cell and walked in, but stopped about two feet in. This clearly annoyed him. "Get up, I'm taking you somewhere." I told him firmly. "Like I'd let you order me around. A king such as yourself would never survive if you lived like me." He snapped back.
He was probably trying to get me mad so I would walk closer to him and let my guard down. "Unfortunately I don't think I would be one if I couldnt. I good king is always empathetic and understanding of struggling citizens and helps all he can. But for you I dont think I can be so nice." I said the last part with venom. He was part of a infamous gang in the capital, he had ruined many lives for the sake of his own.
I walked towards him to grab him but once I got within three feet he lunged at me. I easily dodged and simply kicked his shin to make him lose balance and fall over. While he was dazed from the sudden fall I cuffed his hands then chained and shackled his feet.
Forcing him up I pulled him out of the cell and towards the torture chamber. "W-where are you taking me?" He tried to sound intimidating but he just sounded wimpy. "You'll see soon enough." Was all I said before continuing down the hall.
️⚠️torture warning⚠️
"Here we are~" I said sweetly as I opened the door. The room was full of bloody equipment and torture devices. We never use this place much except for important cases like this. We're not monsters after all.
Not wanting to get bloody right away I decided to start with some good old fashioned water boarding. I strapped him to a table and grabbed a rag. "So, you want to give me the information or are we gonna do this the hard way?" He glared at me but I could see the fear in his eyes "ill never speak."
"We'll see about that." I placed the cloth over he face and brought up a bucket of water. Slowly pouring it onto his face. As I did I could hear him start to 'drown' under the cloth. Once the water was gone I lifted to cloth. "How about now?"
All he managed to get out through the caughs was "never." "Too bad, I was hoping this wouldn't have to get bloody." I said, slowing picking up a knife and whip . "Last chance" he just shook his head staring at the knife in fear. 'This guy doesn't know when to give up.'
I proceeded to fill the room with screams as I whiped him, I then took the knife and cut all of the marks he got.
⚠️*trigger warning and flashback over*⚠️
That was a time I wish I could just forget. The information he gave me was about Mary and her plot to over throw me and Bill. I realized I was shaking and tried to calm down.
'I cant think about this now, I have to focus on planning for the war' I said to myself over and over. Me and Mary were close friends before all of this happened. I just can't bare to see her hate me like this. I also feel bad for saying that we weren't siblings but I was angry and wasn't thinking straight.
I think Bill could sense my distress cause he teleported next to me and hugged me. "Alcor are you okay? Why are you shaking so much?" He asked me with a worried tone "I was just thinking about life before the war, and the first time I found out Mary wanted to betray me. We were so close before, I understand why she was jealous of our power but the Mary I know would never try to start a coup. Did I do something to her? Is this my fault?" At this point I was full on sobbing into bills shoulder. I just couldn't handle the fact one of my closest friends would hate me like this.
"Alcor, it's not your fault. Something or someone else must be influencing her. It's gonna be okay, we'll figure this out." Bill continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear as I had my panic attack. Eventually I calmed down and we just sat there holding each other for a little bit until someone knocked on the door. "Alcor? Can I come in?" I heard Zachary say from the other side. "Sure."
He opened the door and smirked upon seeing the position me and Bill were on, but then frowned once he saw my face. "Alcor, are you okay? You look like you've been crying." He said walking over to us "I'm fine now, just a few bad memories and a panic attack." I was fine with telling the other kemleer about these things cause we're like a family. Not related though cause that would be weird with me and Bill being engaged and all.
"Well, we're ready to do the test. And Mary is okay with it, for now. . ." We've noticed that mary has actually been acting normal but ever since she came back she's slowly started going back to her weird ways.
"Alright, bring her to the room and i'll be there in a little bit." Zachary nodded and left. "Alcor, are you sure you can do this? It might worsen your current state if she gets too aggressive again." Bill looked at me worried "I'll be fine, if it does get to be too much you can take over."
"I guess thats the best compromise i'll get from you, alright get ready and i'll meet you there."
I had decided to wear a simple green button up and black dress pants for this since it wasn't exactly affairs of the estate but it was still important so business casual would work. I had arrived at the room the test would take place in and took a deep breath before going in.
The test consisted of either scanning, or going into her mind to find any irregularities, going into her mind was much more effective but for this we had to have consent because we could possibly see some very personal things.
Bill wanted me to come for whatever reason so I also had to be prepared for the transfer, i don't really go into peoples minds since I'm not a dream demon so the transfer felt very strange and if I wasn't prepared I would probably throw up.
I opened the door and briefly looked around.
There was i chair in middle of the room with afew tables around which had small machines on them, probably for when we couldn't go into their mind ourselves. The wall was a bluish colour and the floor was stained hardwood.
Mary sat on the chair in the middle of the room, and Zachary and Bill were talking by the wall opposite me.
Bill seemed to notice me as he stopped talking and cam over to me. "Are you sure you're okay with this? You don't have to come if you don't want too." He whispered to me "I'll be fine Bill, dont worry about me unless I'm on the floor." He gave me a small smile before he walked towards Mary, me following suit.
"Alright Mary, you ready?" Bill asked walking in front of her. "Just hurt, I want to go back to my room."
Bill putting his hand on her forehead and her hands and eyes glowed a slight blue. Once Mary passed out he held his other hand out to me. I walked over but before I took his hand I turned to Zachary. "Make sure nothing bad happens while we're gone."
He gave me a "👌"and said nothing. I took bills hand and closed my eyes, knowing there would be a flash of light.
Some of you might think "Why does it feel so weird to go into a mind? In other fanfics it isn't like that." But in this one we take our physical bodies with us in a way, so once we're in the mind we don't have to worry about people messing with our bodies while we're not in them. (If you know Harry Potter it kind of feels like how they describe apparating)
We enting Marys mind and I almost fall over but Bill catches me "you okay pinetree?" "Yeah, just a bit dizzy. I gotta get used to this." I hang onto Bill for a few more seconds while the dizziness passes and once it does we're on our way.
Her mind scape seems like an amusement park but the roller coasters acted as trains. Taking you to different doors. We didn't have to go through any memories just preform a spell and get out, I think Bill only wanted me to come cause he just wanted to be around me more.
Bill did the spell while I looked around a bit. I was looking at a booth that looked like one of those games where you toss rings onto bottles to get a prize when I heard bill call out in pain.
I quickly looked back to see what happened and Bill was on his knees clutching his head and stomache. I ran over and kneeled down to speak to him "Bill! Whats wrong, what happened?" He opened his mouth to say something but ended up wincing again and fell forward. Luckily I knew how to get out so I Immediately took us back.
Once we did I was dizzy again but ignored it. Zachary saw Us and ran over to see what was wrong. Bill was still on the ground but he didn't seem to be in as much pain. "Bill, what happened?"
"I dont know, I tried to do the spell but half way through it felt like something stabbed my core and head at the same time, then when I tried saying something it happened again." He managed to get out
I thought for a second before I came up with an idea, I hovered my hand over bills abdomen and it glowed a faint green. My heart dropped at what I felt.
"Alcor, whats wrong?" Zachary asked, noticing my distress. " Bill, you need rest. Your magic core has been weakned by 40%." Bills eyes widened and he stared at me for a second "b-but. . . How?" He asked "I'm not sure. But my guess is that there was some sort of protection spell placed on marys mind and when you tried the spell it attacked you, it must be a powerful one it it did that much damage."
Zachary carried Mary back to her room while I helped Bill to ours. I still had work to do but after what happened I knew Bill wanted me to stay with him.
We reached the room and Bill layed down sighing. "Jeez, it feels like I'm gonna die" Bill grumble "You're not going to die, you just need a few days of rest to regain your lost power." I sat down and leaned against the head board with bills head on my lap.
"Did Mary put that spell there? Mabey she forgot to take it down so we could do the spell safely?" Bill asked
"Hmm, that doesn't seem like something she would do, but I dont see a reason for anyone else to put it there unless they were controlling her, but that doesn't seem very likely. I guess she has been under a lot of stress though so it would be easy to forget something like that. . ." I trailed off at the end, trying to think of a reasonable explanation for what happened.
"Let's think about it tomorrow, I wanna sleep." Bill said sitting up and dragging me further down the bed so my head was on the pillow. "Okay okay, stop dragging me." Bill layed back down and immediately fell asleep from the fatigue of losing abunch of energy.
I continued to think for a little bit before I eventually drifted off. . .
My birthday is tomorrow and I'm tired.
Whats your favorite food?
Mine is either lemon poppy seed muffins or garlic bread.
Au revoir😘
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