《chapter 3》 i remember. . .
Fun fact: the person voicing dr. Coomer is a woman. Holly hollowtones
Once again I was in the field. But this time i was sitting at a picnic table by the cabin with the lady sitting in front of me.there was a warm breeze and I saw some rabbits playing in the feuld a little ways away. "I assume you have many questions. Ask as many as you like, ill answer as many as I can, but there are some things I'll leave to you to find out." I look back at her and she has a small smile. " who are you, and who was that man with you last time?"
"I'm Amani, seer for the gods, spirits, and kemleer. The man was Zachary, my assistant and best friend. He is the Kemleer of foresight and predictions." "What is a kemleer?"
"A Kemleer is a specific race of demons that are so powerful most consider them to be gods. They make up the highest status of the celestial hierarchy, the high counsel. The gods come to them with problems or for help whenever they see fit. They also decide the fate of dangerous criminals and rouge gods. You are a part of them." She pauses for a second to look at me. I just stay quiet waiting for her to continue.
"You are the Kemleer of wisdom and intelligence (how surprising), you and Bill are the strongest of the Kemleer." She summon some lemonade and offered me some but I refused. "Bill?" I asked shocked. "Yes, Bill is the kemleer of the mind and sanity. You two were very close. So once you. . . Were killed. . . The sadness drove him insane." I had no words. I knew I must have died to be reincarnated but its still weird hearing it. She let me think for a moment s I I could process the information.
"How did I die?"
She immediately frowned and when she spoke I could hear her voice shake ever so slightly. "A war was started among the gods. The other side decided to weaken the forces of their enemy they would go after the kemleer. They managed to weaken and corner you. Some of you had to survive so the realm wouldt fall while you were reincarnated. So the only way for the rest to escape was for you to sacrifice yourself." As she spoke images flashed through my mind.
"Mason you can't! You need to be the one to survive!"
I could hear voices yelling at me. They sounded familiar, mabey they were the other kemleer. "Mason?" I looked up and saw her staring at me with a worried look "are you ok?"
"I'm fine, just thinking." She seemed relieved but scowled when she heard what said next "what about Mabel?"
"Mabel is the kemleer of emotions. She was jealous of yours and Bill's power. So much so that she decided bring the gods against eachother and star a war. She then planted ideas in their heads that would result in you getting killed. Bill found out and killed her in a blind rage." This was unbelievable. Mabel was a villain? "She must be different this time. She's so nice now." I said trying to convince myself she was good. "Lets hope you're right so we can finally end this silly war." The world faded away and all went quiet. . .
I opened my eyes to see my room once again. I heard Stan and Ford talking downstairs so I decided to go and say good morning. I put on a green shirt and grey joggers. I go down the stairs and into the kitchen where Stan was drinking some milk. I get out some waffles from the freezer and put them in the toaster. "Morning stan."
"Mornin' kid." He didn't seem like he wanted to talk so I just played some games on my phone waiting for my waffles to be done. Mabel came in and got a jug of Mabel juice from the fridge. I could visibly see Stan shutter when he saw it, and I dont blame him. Its full of plastic dinosaurs, flavor syrups, sugar. And glitter. She got sick from drinking so much of it once and she had to go to the hospital. Our mom forced her to stop drinking it but she managed to sneak some in every other day. At least she switched to edible glitter after that. My waffles were done so I pulled them out and just ate them as I didnt feel like syrup. Plus I just don't like frozen chocolate chip waffles with syrup.
"Hey dip. Do you know what a Kemleer is?" I choked on my waffle when she said that. "I heard it in my dream and it sounded familiar. I just want to know if its a real thing or a weird dream thing." I guess I shouldn't be too surprised as she's one too but it caught me off guard. "Uh, yeah. Their real. A kemleer is a species of demon. Their so powerful that their considered to be gods by most. Although there aren't that many."
Stan looked at me weirdly then shrugged."not that many? Are they endangered?" Mabel asked, sounding slightly worried. "No, not really. The reason there's so few is because they make up the highest status of the celestial hierarchy so there doesn't need to be a lot of them. Plus there shouldn't be a lot of them, they're too powerful." She took that answer and continued drinking her Mabel juice "how do you know all this?" He looked at me suspiciously, I didnt know what to say so I just shrugged. Ford soon came in and looked slightly worried.
"Mabel, dipper. Can I talk to you two down in the lab?". I nodded and Mabel said okay. We followed him down to the lab and he had us sit down at a table.
Sorry you have to hear the same thing over and over
"So, as you know, both of you were sick and you had the same symptoms, only difference is that dippers was worse. Plus you two have been acting strongly and I was worried. I wanted to rule out anything magical happening before taking you to a doctor just in case. So I scanned you kids while you were sleeping. And the thing is. . ." He paused for a second to breathe". . . Your energies were that of a demons, a very powerful one at that. I wanted to do a quick experiment just to confirm my theory." Mabels jaw had dropped, I stayed quite. "It shouldn't hurt too much, just a little sting." He brought me and Mabel over too a machine and had us sit on separate chairs, then strapped a circular thing to our chests and a smaller one to our four head. He then pulled a lever and we heard a buzzing from the machine.
Soon I felt a tingling sensation coming from the things Ford strapped to us, which eventually began to sting as he said before. I glanced over to Mabel and I could see highlights of bright colours appear in her hair while her eyes glowed a subtle pink. I heard Ford gasp as I felt a sharp pain coming from my lower back (buttwing time). The same pain in my forehead. It made me wince and double over in pain. I saw Mabel in the corner of my eye and her ears were slightly more pointy while her iris turned pink. I shut my eyes as another wave of pain shot through me and a fell off the chair, yelling out in pain. I was vaguely aware of Ford turning off the machine and running to me.
The pain faded and I opened my eyes. I saw black runes on my arms and felt something on my back. I reached back iand felt leathery skin. When I touched it I could feel a tingling sensation run up my spine. I remembered Ford had a bathroom down here so he wouldn't have to go all that upstairs. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and gasped. My hair had darkened to an almost black color, my scalera was black, and my iris and pupil was blue.
My ears were pointy and I had black bat like wings on my lower back. I just stared at the mirror. Ford and Mabel eventually came and Mabel looked in the mirror too. She had streeks of colour in her hair and her iris was pink. Her ears were slightly pointy and she had sharper teeth and nails. I also had fangs but no claws. "Gruncle Ford? What happened to us?" Ford opened his mouth to answer but I beat him to it "these are our demon forms, what we actually look like. And how we looked back in the celestial realm." She stared at me and so did Ford. "I already knew about this. I've known since yesterday and I've meat Amani, the seer for the gods, spirits, and kemleer."
"Is that how you knew what they were?" Mabel asked, finally being able to speak. "Yes, we are kemleer. I'm the kemleer of wisdom And intelligence, you are kemleer of emotions. We had both died after a war started among the gods. I'm guessing we should start regaining memories soon." I walked out of the room to sit down as I could feel a headache coming. Ford and Mabel soon followed. "How do we go back to our human forms?" That was a good question. I already knew how magic worked since I've done it before. I told Ford and Mabel to be quiet for a minute and closed my eyes. I took deep breaths and focused on my body. I could feel the magic flowing through me and focused on that. I started to manipulate it to go to the areas I knew had changed. I then pulled it back to the core of my magic and could feel the tingling sensation on my back again.
I opened my eyes and looked at them, their jaws were dropped "how'd you do that?" Mabel asked bewildered. "Have you never meditated? I've also used magic before so I do actually know how to manipulate it."
I was teaching Mabel how to hide her demon form when I felt something calling me to the forest. I felt she had a good enough understanding to do it by herself so I got up a d walked to the door so I could go to the forest. I heard Ford calling me but I ignored him.
I walked further in, just letting the feeling pull me in. I eventually came to the clearing with bills statue. "Break it"
The statue was weak due to all the erosion. All it took was a light kick to the hat and it fell off. My ears started rining(my ears started ringing as I wrote that)and I saw a bright light. I heard crying and was soon tackled. The light faded and I saw bill clinging onto me, he was the one crying.
Wowee that was fun. Feel free to ask any questions you might have cause I have answers. Sorry it took so long, school started again and I like sleeping. Also, I forgot to change the title after the story went in a different direction than I planned. He'll start remembering stuff in the next one.
Au revoir 😘
1898 words
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