S3C Chapter 7: We've All Got Secrets
Back at it again with another chapter. They just did the in-game news broadcast for the Frosty Fest and, man, Nintendo is trying their best to convert me into a Shiver fan. I'm sure at least a couple of people probably thought Shiver was my favorite of Deep Cut already based on my writing but nope!
Anyway, because of all that, I wanted to write another chapter. I'm struggling with ideas I want to do, ideas I can do now, and ideas I have to wait for Side Order to do, but I'm going to try my best.
Frye POV
Frye was just lying on the sofa, relaxing and scrolling an online shopping website where she was ordering a ton of stuff.
Frye: Hehehe- What?!
Suddenly the orders wouldn't go through.
Frye: NOOOOooooooo!
She was now standing on the couch with her hands on her head giving a dramatic pose as she couldn't spend anymore.
(Y/N) then entered the room, looking around confused as to why she was yelling.
(Y/N): What are you screaming for? Did something bad happen?
Frye looked over to him, remembering that he was even there. She then immediately proceeded to run over to him and start shaking him down.
Frye: I need to borrow some money!
(Y/N): What?!
(Y/N): You three are already draining me of plenty of money. And you're also always selling loot you find in the desert. How could you possibly need more money from me and for what?
Frye: Abuwauhwba-
She was trying to explain what happened while moving her arms around but she was sobbing like a child and couldn't be understood by him.
(Y/N): -Frye, relax. Take a second and tell me what happened.
Frye then took a second to settle down, breathed in and out slowly for a couple of seconds, then stared at him silently for a second preparing herself.
(Y/N): Fryeeee...
Frye: So can I borrow some money..?
(Y/N): No.
Frye: DANG IT! Worth a shot.
She then snapped out of it. She clearly wasn't acting before but she just changed her emotions on a dime like that.
Frye: I was ordering some things online, WONDERFUL THINGS, but then it just stopped going through!
(Y/N): How... how many things..?
Frye then was looking off in other directions, stretching a bit.
Frye: ᴺᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵐᵘᶜʰ...
(Y/N): Let me see it.
She then walked him over to the couch, grabbed the laptop, then walked back to him showing him it.
(Y/N): You have a laptop?
Frye: Did you want to see it or not?! YEESH! Choose a lane!
He took a second to look through it, and it didn't take long for his eyes to widen.
Frye: It's not THAT much! Cool it!
(Y/N): THIS isn't that much? COMPARED TO WHAT?
Suddenly, Shiver and Big Man walked into the place; Big Man was holding a lot of bags while Shiver was only holding one.
Shiver: Why did my card suddenly get cut off while I was at the mall?!
Frye then quickly stood behind (Y/N) while pointing over at Shiver.
Shiver: I knew how much money I had before, it should've been enough!
Frye: Look at how much you bought! I only had to buy a couple of things! How much did all those cost?
Big Man: Ay... Ay... (I had to watch her spend it all... I didn't think cash registers did numbers like that...)
(Y/N): Both of you need to figure out some self-control when it comes to shopping. Either that or you all need to get another job besides bandit-ing.
Frye: We already have a day job though! Shiver just needs to cool it with the shopping. Sure, I can sometimes, very occasionally spend a little bit much on some things, but Shiver can't hold back!
Shiver: Frye!
Frye realized what she had said and covered her mouth.
(Y/N): What day job?
Frye: We...
Shiver: We...!
The trio were now sweating for a moment before Big Man interjected.
Big Man: Ay! (Hey, is that my laptop!?)
Frye: Oh! My bad, Big Man. Here, I shouldn't have taken this from you! Sorry!
She said giving Big Man back his laptop that she took without asking (again).
(Y/N): What are you three hiding?
Frye: Hiding? Pssh, would I hide anything? I'm an open book!
He stared at Frye who was acting suspicious, but couldn't disagree with that last part.
Shiver: Wow, would you look at the time? Too late for us to all head home for tonight, guess we should just stay the night here. I don't feel like taking all these bags home, so I'm turning in for the night.
She said as she gave a fake yawn and headed to her room.
Big Man: Ay... (You didn't even help carry the bags here...)
He said as he walked to his room.
This left just Frye and (Y/N) still standing there.
He turned to her and she just tried to act innocent and walked backward towards her room while snapping her fings at him.
Frye: I better turn in, y'know, be responsible and all that junk, hehe. See ya!
She then quickly disappeared in a yellow blur.
He heard her room's door shut a few seconds later.
(Y/N): Okay, yeah, they're definitely hiding something from me. "...be responsible"?
He quoted what Frye had said.
(Y/N): I know a thing or two about being an irresponsible person and hiding secrets!
He said while holding a fist upwards with a look of determination on his face. Then quickly shifted his mood and shrugged his shoulders as he walked away nonchalantly.
(Y/N): Eh, maybe I'll follow them tomorrow. Might be fun.
~The Next Day~
The trio of bandits had woken up the next morning, seemingly back to normal. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was pretending to still be asleep.
After a while, the trio left, and (Y/N) left his room and proceeded to follow after them.
He was trying to blend in: picking up a newspaper to hide his face, hiding around corners, hiding under cardboard boxes.
He was like a ghost, they had no idea he was tailing them and going to find out their secret.
Shiver POV
Shiver: Is he still "secretly" following behind us?
Frye: Yup...
Shiver sighed as the two looked unamused at his poor attempt to follow them.
Shiver: Guess we're going to have to lose him. You two know what to do.
The three turned a corner and then quickly made a run for it. Once they had gotten a good distance away before he had turned the corner after them, they quickly got into an alcove of one of the tall gray buildings, letting Big Man block the other two with his back to blend into the building.
They heard his footsteps running down the sidewalk before they slowed and stopped, seemingly to try and look for what direction they could've gone.
(Y/N): How did I lose them? They had no idea I was even here!
The trio, including even Big Man, had rolled their eyes at hearing him say that.
Frye: Yeah, no idea when you were doing your own sneaking music with your mouth...
Frye had whispered out loud.
They then heard him sigh and the footsteps were walking back the way they came.
(Y/N)I guess I can at least mess with the stuff in their rooms while they're gone. I wonder if Frye's door is still unlocked.
Frye then quickly started pushing forward for but a moment and was about to spout something instinctively before Big Man stood firm and Shiver made sure to hold Frye back and cover her mouth so she didn't reveal their location.
After a couple more seconds, the footsteps were gone and they got out.
Frye: My stuff better not be touched when we get back there after work...
Frye pouted with her arms crossed.
Shiver: It's fine, if anything is, we can always mess with him after we get back. Besides, why not just lock your door?
Frye: Because I would lose the key...
Big Man: Ay. (We've gotta get going so we're not late.)
Shiver: You're right Big Man, now that that nuisance is dealt with, let's go.
Big Man: Ay. (You know we could've just told him what we do and it wouldn't be a problem.)
Shiver: You know that it's not that simple.
Big Man just shook his head confused.
Frye: Shiver's just worried he'll act weird- or weirder than normal, with us if he finds out we're celebrities.
Shiver swatted Frye with her fan.
Frye: Ow! What? It's the truth!
Shiver: I like my toy just the way it is. If he freaks out over us just being the best idols ever, then that toy will be gone.
Frye: Mhm... Whatever you say, softie. Onward, Big Man!
She quickly changed her tone as she pointed forward with a march.
Shiver was embarrassed by Frye seeing through her, so was a bit annoyingly following up behind the two for the moment with her fan hiding her face.
(Y/N) plopped down onto the couch as he was disappointed that his plan somehow failed and that he didn't find out what their job was.
He decided he'd just relax for a while instead then and just watch some television to get over his failed mission.
He was flipping through the channels way too fast to tell what was even on any of the channels, so it was hard to tell if he was actually looking for something to watch or was just flicking through the channels as entertainment itself.
For a brief frame, he saw something that piqued his interest but kept flicking through.
(Y/N)'s Left Brain: STOP THERE IT IS!
(Y/N)'s Right Brain: Too late, I'm in the 40's. Gotta go around all over. It's faster.
(Y/N's Left Brain: Wait, wait, that's it!
He stopped the channel flicking, once again on the channel he had seen a glimpse of before.
He sat up on the couch that he was laying down on his side before. He just stared and watched as how... Shiver, Frye, and Big Man were giving the Splatsville News?!
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was staring calmly at the television as he proceeded to think out loud to himself.
(Y/N): If I had a nickel for every time this type of situation has happened to me, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
He then proceeded to think for a few minutes about what he would do with this newfound information.
After sitting on it for a few minutes, he decided he'd get out and go do some turf wars for the day, so that he had something to do while he contemplated what he would do.
(Y/N): I mean, I've got to mess with them now, don't I? But how do I use this for a trick against them is the real question?
He grabbed his weapon and then left to go find some active turf wars.
He was walking back to the three's hideout, having done pretty well for himself in the turf wars, even if he did make some mistakes a couple of times while he was busy contemplating his tricks.
He gave a little snicker as he approached the place, ready to put his plan into action.
(Y/N): [They should be here by now unless they went home today.]
He entered the building and saw the three around the main room. He then gave his cheeky smile preparing for the surprise he found out earlier today. I mean, seriously, is it really his fault if he found it out? How can they hide a whole TV channel from him? Really, it was their fault for thinking they could hide it... right?
(Y/N): Oh you're all here, coolio!
Frye: Hey, were you doing some turf wars without me? Wait, coolio?
(Y/N): Well, you were all busy today, weren't you?
He said with his cheeky grin.
(Y/N): Speaking of which, you're never going to believe what happened earlier today while I was looking for something to watch on TV.
Shiver gave an internal little jump at the sound of that, not turning to face him, just still looking straight forward at the television.
Shiver POV
Big Man looked away from his cooking to hear what (Y/N) was going to say, while Frye gave a glance over to Shiver.
Shiver despite not facing him was making sure to listen still.
Shiver: [Of course he would've seen us on television eventually, I shouldn't be surprised...]
She thought to herself as she lowered her head a bit as she sunk into the couch.
(Y/N): I was flipping through all of the channels looking for something to watch when... when, uh...
Suddenly the chipperness in his voice dissipated, and he almost sounded lost on his words.
(Y/N): Uh... the uh..... TV went out... it was so strange and out of nowhere. So I decided to just go do some turf wars all day!
Shiver gave an internal sigh of relief finally letting out the breath that she didn't even realize she was holding in. She then relaxedly went back to watching her show, with a bit of a grin on her face.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (That's all? I guess we'll have to get the TV checked out later.)
Frye: Yup, you sure do.
Shiver: Let us know if everything's okay or not.
Big Man just stared at the two for a second before turning away, unsurprised by the two's shifting of the responsibility to him.
Frye turned back to (Y/N) who was now actually walking farther into the place since he was just standing around the entrance area more or less before.
Frye: So you did just do turf wars all day without me?
(Y/N): Not all day, just most of it. By the way, I didn't take you for the kind of person to have a tea set.
Frye slammed her palms onto the tabletop.
(Y/N) just laughed as she lightly shook him by his shirt collar slightly embarrassedly.
Frye: My grandfather said I had to! Ngh! I'll get you back for this later. Hmph.
(Y/N): Don't be too upset. After all, you did just admit you knew I would do that earlier, so you could've stopped me.
Frye: Touche... Well, then you can at least help me with something later if you're gonna go through my stuff.
(Y/N): Sure, sure, I will... as long as it doesn't require an extreme amount of money.
He then thought to himself.
(Y/N): [Wait, if they're idols, how do they have this much of a money issue..?]
He internally sighed realizing how hopeless they were with their spending, but smiling all the same.
(Y/N) sat just staring up at the ceiling of his room. He couldn't figure out why exactly he had decided to not go through with revealing that he found out they were idols. He kept thinking about it but it just stumped him every time. After much thinking, he just decided to put it past him.
(Y/N): ...they'll tell me themselves whenever they're ready...
He just accepted to himself, turning over onto his side to get some shut-eye.
2406 Words
January 5, 2024 - 11:18 P.M.
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