Hello everybody, it's (once again) been way too long since I've updated, but in my defense, I wanted this chapter to be about the Chaos Vs Order (but it will be a two-parter), and I wanted to know how it ended so I didn't do anything I would need to change after, but then I still ended up procrastinating a bit longer than I should have; sorry.
Also, I will most likely be removing all art at the top of these chapters that I do not have the right to use so nothing happens to this story, seeing as how I don't have a copy of this story anywhere else and I don't want to lose it. So, besides the art that people made specifically for this story, they will all be removed. So, now it's time to find an alternate way to get art for this story. Well, now that that's cleared up, let's get right into it.
Veronica POV
Veronica had decided she'd let (Y/N) sleep in today and she'd make herself her own breakfast, although she did take a picture of the silly way he was sleeping.
She sat on the dingy couch they had on their dirty living room floor, she'd probably have to clean this place up later, but as of right now, she just sat there polishing her weapons, taking pride in how tidy she kept her things, despite what you might expect at first glance at her.
She was listening to the news on the TV while doing so, waiting for Pearl and Marina to do their segment, which was one of her favorite times of the day; she looked up to Marina and Marina looked up to Pearl, so it was always something she made sure to do when she could.
Before she knew it, their segment of the news came on, so she watched while multitasking her polishing. Veronica was surprised, as always, to see hear the news of the next Splatfest coming up; her mind was already racing thinking about what it could be. But she grew a little confused when it was revealed: Chaos vs Order. It wasn't so much the topics that were confusing her, but more of the way that the two idols were talking. Marina seemed worried and sentimental while Pearl seemed blunt and uncaring.
Veronica took the high road and assumed it was nothing and was just a one-off thing like they tend to do every once in a while.
So, the two idols went to back to announcing the stages as the little Octoling went back to cleaning her weapons.
Her head quickly turned towards the sound of the door creaking open from the back of the house and a few seconds later, out came (Y/N). Seeing this, she greeted him with a smile.
Veronica: Good morning, (Y/N)!
(Y/N) yawned while entering the kitchen.
(Y/N): Good morning, Veronica.
He opened the fridge to get himself a glass of milk.
She didn't want to disrupt him so early with more of her thoughts like the ones she had "let slip" to him last time.
(Y/N): So, did I miss anything exciting while I was asleep?
Veronica: Not really, except I got a new phone wallpaper.
(Y/N): Really? What is it?
She took a second to giggle while she was taking out her phone to show him that she had set her wallpaper to be the silly photo she had taken of him this morning.
(Y/N) just responded with a smile and a chuckle and jokingly responded.
(Y/N): Hey! Don't set it as that or else I'll lose all of my street credit.
Veronica: Nope! I like this and it makes me laugh.
(Y/N): Fine, but please don't send it to anyone.
Veronica just sat there smiling at him.
(Y/N): You already sent it, didn't you?
She continues to just sit there smiling at him.
He just sighed and shook his head as he smiled at her.
Veronica: Also, there's a new Splatfest coming up. They say it's the final one.
(Y/N): The last one?
Veronica: That's what Pearl and marina said. They're calling it the Splatocalypse.
(Y/N): Splatocalypse? What're the teams?
Veronica: Chaos vs Order.
(Y/N): Sounds like it'll be pretty fun.
Veronica and (Y/N) were playing board games, which (Y/N) had to teach her to play some of them, and they chatted and were laughing with each other while doing so until (Y/N)'s phone vibrated. When he checked it, he saw that Marina messaged him.
Marina: Are you busy?
(Y/N): Not particularly
(Y/N): Is it important?
Marina: Kind of?
Marina: I need to talk to you.
(Y/N): I'll be over in a little while.
Marina: Thanks.
Veronica: What is going on?
(Y/N): We're gonna go to Pearl's house after we finish this game.
Veronica: That sounds fine.
The door opened with Pearl having face paint on.
(Y/N): Um... Is this a bad time?
Pearl: Nah, it's cool; We're just getting our war paint on.
Veronica: We?
Pearl: Me and the rest of Team Chaos.
Veronica and (Y/N) looked past Pearl to see no one except Callie behind Pearl, to which Callie waved at them happily.
Pearl: Now get in here already.
Pearl dragged the two into her house.
(Y/N): So, is it just the two of you on Team Chaos?
Pearl: Of course not! There's three of us.
Veronica and (Y/N) were confused.
Pearl: Hit 'em with it, Cal'.
Callie walked up to the group and took her hands from behind her back to reveal Lil' Judd in her hands.
Lil' Judd: Meow.
Veronica: Awwww!
Veronica had her hands on her face as she admired how adorable Lil' Judd was.
(Y/N): So... it's just you two and the cat?
Pearl: ... Yeah...
Pearl lifted her shoulders getting her spirit back.
Pearl: So! Can I sign you two up to be apart of Team Chaos?
Veronica and (Y/N) both rubbed their necks or looked off when she asked the question, which clearly made Pearl a bit sadder.
Veronica: I was kind of thinking about joining Team Order.
Pearl looked over at (Y/N) for his answer.
(Y/N): I haven't decided which team I'll join yet.
Pearl gave a little half-smile.
Pearl: I'll take that as a maybe!
(Y/N) smiled at her confidence.
Callie: If you join us, I'll make sure it'll be you who gets to be next to me when we rule this place.
(Y/N) laughed at this.
(Y/N): And who else would be next to you if not me?
Callie: Long, tan, and handsome over there.
She pointed to the side and he turned to look at Lil' Judd.
(Y/N): Woah.
Callie giggled at his reaction.
Callie: You know I'm kidding, you're the only one for me, (Y/N).
Pearl quickly went in between the two.
Pearl: No fraternization in the workplace!
Callie just crossed her arms and huffed a bit.
Callie: Jealous much?
Pearl: I'm not being jealous!
Callie: Sure, okay.
Pearl: I'M NOT!
Veronica just giggled at the two of them's petty argument and walked over to (Y/N) and tugged his arm a bit.
Veronica: You ready to go now?
(Y/N): Yeah, sure.
The two walked for the door and left while the two inside continued to argue and Lil' Judd went to go claw up the toilet paper.
Veronica: If that's an idea of how Team Chaos acts, I think I'll stick with order.
(Y/N): I don't know, seems kind of fun to me.
The door opened up revealing Marie's classic, sassy smile.
Marie: I've been expecting you. And hi, Eight.
Veronica: Hello!
Marie: Come in, come in.
The two walked in while Marie shut the door behind them. Marina's house, despite being smaller than Pearl's had clearly more people here than Pearl had at her house. With just the first glance around the room, (Y/N) was able to spot Marie, Liz, and Cuttlefish. Liz had already walked over and walked over to another area talking about something.
Marie: Don't be a stranger, come on.
She grabbed his hand and walked over to where Cuttlefish was sitting, to which he happily greeted the youngin.
Cuttlefish: Hey there, Agent Four! How've you been?
(Y/N): Pretty good, sir. And you?
Cuttlefish: Great myself. As much as I love fighting the Octarians, it's nice to be in peace times. You don't need to worry about anyone being in danger, and it gives me plenty of time to relax and practice my sick rhymes.
Marie rolled her eyes.
Marie: Come on, gramps, (Y/N) doesn't want to hear about your "rap career."
(Y/N) raised his hand to dismiss her.
(Y/N): Nah, Marie, it's fine.
Marie: If you say so.
Cuttlefish laughed at this.
Cuttlefish: See? This squiddo has respect for my raps.
Marie raised her hand to her face knowing what was coming next. Beneath her hand, she had a slight green tinge of embarrassment.
Cuttlefish: I may be old and a rapper, but that don't mean I need to be pampered.
(Y/N) was already holding in a laugh while Marie shrunk more into her hand as the green glowed brighter.
Cuttlefish: I'm here at this Octo's home, but with my team, I'm not alone.
Marie: (Why do you have to be so embarrassing sometimes, Gramps?)
Cuttlefish: My granddaughter is here and I love her a bunch, so tell me, when the hey is lunch?
Marie took her hand away from her face as her face was nearly completely the color green.
Marie: GRAMPS!
Cuttlefish: What? It's true.
(Y/N), meanwhile, was holding in tears and laughter as he tried responding.
(Y/N): Come on, Marie, I think it's sweet.
Cuttlefish: See? He likes it.
Marie: (Y/N)! Don't you start now.
(Y/N) lightly chuckled,
(Y/N): Okay, okay, fine. Can either of you tell me where Marina is?
Marie: She should be up in her room, she hasn't been down at all.
(Y/N): Okay, thanks.
He walked away to go to Marina's room as he saw Marie lecturing Cap'n Cuttlefish, causing him to chuckle a bit.
When he reached Marina's room he knocked to see if she was in there.
(Y/N): Marina? It's me.
The door opened up a crack to reveal Marina looking at him. Once she saw it was him, she opened the door for him to come inside. She sat back down at her desk and he sat on her bed, facing towards her.
(Y/N): So, what is it you wanted to talk about?
Marina laid her hands on her desk and lowered her head a bit.
Marina: I think Pearl is done with me...
(Y/N): What? What do you mean?
Marina breathed in deeply.
Marina: I think Pearl wants Off the Hook to break up.
(Y/N): What? Why would you think that?
Marina: I've been having this feeling for a while now and it just feels like it's been leading up to this. With this being the final Splatfest and all. I just...
Marina was fighting back the tears but wasn't doing so well.
Marina: She's the reason I am where I am and I don't want to lose her.
(Y/N) walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders trying to comfort her as he rested his head on the top of her head.
Marina: I just don't know what to think anymore. She's my best friend and I love her so much; I don't want to picture my life without Pearl there next to me.
(Y/N): Marina, Pearl cares about you more than anything. You two are practically family, and family will always be there when you need them and they will always care about you.
Marina sniffled and wiped some of the tears away.
Marina: Thanks... I just need someone to talk to right now... I need to get these feelings out of my head and express them in a healthy way.
She was surprised by the sudden feeling of him hugging her.
(Y/N): We're all here for you, but I think if you're really worried, you should talk to Pearl herself about this.
Marina: But we're on opposite teams and it's the Final Splatfest.
(Y/N): Marina, it's just a Splatfest, it's not the end of the world.
She mumbled.
Marina: It sure feels like it...
She looked up into his eyes.
Marina: But... if she does want Off the Hook to break up... I want to spend these last days with her.
He sighed and moved his hands back to her shoulders and kneeled in front of her.
(Y/N): Marina, I can't make you do anything, but when this is all over, we'll all be happy and laughing together.
She wiped more tears out of her eyes and forced a smile at him.
Marina: I'm glad I have you for when I need someone.
He chuckled.
(Y/N): I'll always be here to help you.
The two stared into each other eyes. They knew that the other would always be there for them, and it brought light to the dim situation that had befuddled them.
Marina placed her forehead against his and laughed away her sadness with him.
Veronica POV
Liz: There, that one fits pretty well.
Veronica admired her new Team Order shirt.
Veronica: I love it!
Liz: See? I told you you'd like the design we have for our shirt. And there's plenty more for anyone else to join.
Veronica: I just like to have all my things in an order to where I know what's going on. It's just how I was raised.
Pearl POV
Pearl was lying on her arms that were on the table as she poked at Lil' Judd, who was eating a cat treat, while Callie was asleep with her head on the table, drooling a little bit.
Pearl sighed thinking about how many people Marina must have on her team, and how they were probably having a lot more fun together than was happening here. She knew that she isn't as popular as Marina; I mean, she has seen the internet.
Pearl was about to cry until some knocks on the door were heard, which woke Callie up for a second.
Callie: Huh? Wha-?
Pearl ignored Callie's abrupt awakening and walked to the door and opened it.
(Y/N): So, have you got room for one more?
Pearl had a quick gasp of shock but didn't care to question it as she just instinctively hugged him and let her happiness flow out of her eyes.
(Y/N): I'll take that as a yes...
Octavio POV
Octavio sat in his snowglobe, glaring, as usual, towards the city of Inkopolis.
Octavio: ... Chaos.
2444 Words
July 27, 2019 - 12:00 A.M.
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