Bobble Hat X Mask
I love this ship so much! It's so cute! It's super fun and bubbly Bobble Hat and the moody, grumpy, and videog-game-obsessed Mask! It's meant to be :) -Mochi
"I'm bored can we PLEASE do something? Pretty please I don't know what to do..." Bobble hat complained to Headphones as they sat down at the table. They had just finished ordering drinks at the cafe, and Bobble hat was getting impatient. This was not like her. Maybe she had something on her mind?
"Be patient Bobble hat, Goggles will show up soon..." Specs answered. Bobble nodded accordingly and stayed quiet. Pretty soon, a blue inkling clad in hero-gear ran in.
"Sorry i'm late!! I forgot to put on clothes again so I had to go back," Goggles said, out of breath.
"IDIOT! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO WHERE CLOTHES DIDN'T I?!" Headphones smacked him over the top of his head with her squiffer.
"Sorry! Sorry! I forgot!!" Goggles squeaked, still getting bashed on the head. Bobble hat just looked away. She didn't know what this was. She was just not in the mood.
"Um... Bobble are you okay?" Headphones asked, looking concerned. Bobble hat just shrugged. There was no happy smile, or fun words. Just a bored looking inkling. This was not her style at all. Headphones just shrugged it off, hoping that later, she would go back to behaving like herself.
"Let the team meeting begin!" Specs announced proudly once they were seated. They all cheered- except for Bobble. Specs noticed this and just brushed it off like Headphones. They all knew her well, but this was weird for her. Suddenly, Goggles interrupted their thoughts.
"And then I got a new pet cat! I know Bobble has a pet cat, how is your cat Bobble?" Goggles smiled at Bobble. Bobble got a weird look in her eye. Was that...
"Bobble! Are you okay?!" Headphones asked, now this time, VERY concerned. It wasn't like Bobble hat to cry- if that was tears.
"I-I'm F-Fine!!" Bobble hat managed to spit out, while she was blinking her eyes rapidly. "I think there is just something in my eye!"
"Alright then Bobble, let us know if there's anything wrong," Specs told her. She nodded in response. She would have let out an ocean if she had opened her eyes.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad Bobbles... or sad... I just wanted to see how your pet cat was doing that's all..." once Goggles said that, she burst into tears and ran out of the cafe.
"BOBBLE!" Specs called after her. "What did you do?"
"Nothing! I swear!" Goggles said feeling guilty. He didn't know what he had done. He just wanted to see how her cat was doing...
With Bobble:
She sat down in the alley way. Crying. Why was she acting like this...? This is not her... not her normal self. So why was it happening now? She'd experienced it before, previously, but not as deep as this one.
"Are youuuu okayyyyy?" A voice asked. She looked up, tears still streaming down her cheeks.
It was Mask.
"O-Oh... I-I'm fine..." She mumbled, "I think..."
"You doooon't looook fiiiine," Mask contemplated, proceeding to look Bobble over. She just wiped her eyes. "Whats wrooong?" Mask asked her.
"W-Well... you see... my cat... her time was up... A-And I guess I just miss her...!! She was with me all through my schooling, and when I was eligible to be on Team Blue a-and when I made my first actual inkling f-friend!" Bobble had choked out, barely managing anything.
"Awwwwwww thaaats saaaad... I gueeessss iiiits haaard to looose a pet," Mask told her, sitting next to her.
Bobble hat just buried her head in her jacket. "I don't know what to do... I guess i'm just lonely now without her. Of course I-I still have my team and all... but Goggles I guess just made it worse by accident..." her voice faltered, "At least I think by accident..."
"What doooo youuuu mean, by accideeeent?" Mask asked. "Diiiid he briiiing iiiit uuup?"
"Yeah... He was just w-wondering how my c-cat was doing," Bobble replied, "I-I think I just d-didn't want to say anything a-about my c-cat..."
"I seeeee..." Mask said thinking, "Weeeell, iiiif youuu waaant, you coould cooome to my hoouuseee to play gameees...?" Mask asked, "Thaaat miight get youur mind off of iiit?"
Bobble looked a little happier, "You mean I can come to your house to play games? I love games!!" She perked up instantly.
"Yeees, iiiif youu waant," Mask told her. "Whaateveeer flooats youur boaat!"
"Yay! Thanks Masky!" Bobble replied happily. Mask just blushed (under his mask) at the comment.
"Leeet's goooo," Mask said regaining his cool.
And off, off they went.
Yeet, that was an oh-kay story. Not my favorite, but it was cute. I could totally see Bobble having a pet cat with her. I think this is really cute! -Mochi
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