Chapter 37
Isabella and I stood with Liu Ming and Jax flanking us. It had been three days since our ragged group had stumbled through the human entrance, Jax non-responsive and Isabella dazed.
With the lack of food and sleep, not to mention the dehydration, our group had looked far worse for wear.
The plaza was filled with every Spirit. The air seemed to hum like the moment before a gun went off. I could feel the heat from my companions, but their energy was lost in the flood of emotion that danced in the center of the circle.
Perkha led the council meeting as I was the one to make the request.
The small bell in her hand rang and the plaza quieted, waiting for the first words.
The circle of people around us trained their eyes on Jax as he stepped forward. As he passed, I caught the edge of his pungent odor. The herbs used to heal him, though medicinal, smelled of old sewage and decaying fungi.
His left arm hung at his side, the bandages still holding while it healed. He had been partly conscious for the last two days, but Jax still had trouble remembering the fight. His memory was scrambled and the clouded look when he tried to remember tugged at my heartstrings.
"Maurea has given us her account of what happened on your journey, but we would like to know every detail before we vote." Siren had been quiet since the council learned of his actions. Even now, Perkha sat closer, pinning herself between Atoya and Siren. "Any Spirit may speak, but the decision to take action still lies with the council. Jax, Liu Ming and our guest, Isabella, will testify as to what transpired in the last week on the deLaware estate and what they know of the Hunters. If we deem it dangerous, we may make the decision to declare war on the Hunters with a majority vote from the council as the representors of their gift."
Siren leaned forward and I watched the eyes of the observers follow him like he was raining to their barren desert. "Jax, my pupil, what happened and why do you feel war is the only solution?'
Jax stood taller, pulling his shoulders back as he addressed the man I despised.
"I can't say I remember what happened in great detail, but the Hunters have weapons far more advanced than we had dreamed of." He bowed his head at Faraji and the winged man returned the gesture. "They also imprisoned me and attempted to threaten me for information."
"I support Jax's statement and add my own experience as evidence." Faraji added his own accord. Anaula sat next to him, her hand covering his as the bruised knuckles gripped a walking cane.
"We cannot wait any longer." Jax's eyes moved along the crowd, every council member holding his gaze.
"And what would you have us do?" A willowy old man, Ezili, croaked. "We know nothing of the Hunters. If they are as powerful as you say, why should we engage them in battle?"
"Because hiding and running is disgraceful. Nothing will change if you continue to hide. Even a guilden cage is a prison of itself." Liu Ming was emotionless as she passed Jax. Her lips were tight, glare dark. "If you want to hide, do it on your own, but recognize the threat facing you."
"How dare you-" Ezili cut her off, his white eyebrows raised.
Liu Ming cut him off with one swipe of her hand. "I dare speak my mind. Your fellow member claimed any Spirit may speak, I am."
Her hands clenched in front of her, pacing in front of the inner table with long, even steps.
"You don't live here. I am a council member for Intutum, you are not one of my charges." Ezili stood, his hand tapping on the table as his gutted words tore at us. "Why should you get to determine the fate of these people when you are not one."
"I do not reside in Intutum, but I am your ally. The Hunters are worldwide and kill Spirits indiscriminately. I followed them from China when my friend was captured. You have lost loved ones as well. We owe it to them to fight. We have never been closer to finding the missing and avenging the fallen."
Liu Ming stopped in front of Ezili, her copper eyes boring holes in him. "If you do not wish to fight, stand aside. However, you will not hinder us."
She was jeering down on him, forcing him to flinch away from her. For all Liu Ming's faults, she was not one to back away from a fight.
The plaza was silent and Liu Ming stepped away from the scrawny man. Her eyes never left him and remained proud. "Thank you for listening."
"I agree with you, but what would we do if we chose to fight?" Perkha tilted her head, a passive smile on her face. "The Hunters have years of experience, training while we know nothing of them."
"Our priority should be finding the missing and learning all we can of the Hunters." My chest rumbled as the crowd of people turned their attention to me. The sharp words flew from my tongue and I let them.
"Though I am ashamed to admit it, my sister and I are the daughters of Hunters."
The sentence floated in the air around me, blanketing me from the people surrounding us.
The Spirits had the same reaction to my blood as I had. Mistrust, rage and an overwhelming confusion. They spoke softly and I could see Isabella strain to hear, but every question and maliced comment found its way to me.
"My sister has connections and knows of their plans. With her help," I took Isabella's hand, "we can be safe and free again."
"Can we trust her?" A voice rang from the crowd surrounding us. Though I couldn't place a face, the fear was enough to deter me slightly.
"I would like to answer that myself." Isabella took a deep breath and stepped forward. Her hand slipped from mine, leaving my sweaty palm cold.
"I know names and places." Her head was held high as she addressed the area the voice had originated. "Like me, others are not content with our families actions. We can find allies in them and use my name to fool the unwitting. My sister and I hold no allegiance to the Hunters. "
Isabella shuffled as her line was spoken. She had rehearsed it a thousand times with me. Every breath taken at the right time, every word spoken fluently. Even so, I could see a bead of sweat run down her neck and her rapid breaths.
"And have you any information on the new weapons the Hunters poses?" Atoya stared down at Isabella, his eyes picking at her every movement. "You must know something after living with them for so long."
I stepped in front of Isabella quickly, blocking her from Atoya's gaze. "You do not have to answer if you wish, but the question comes from me as well."
My sister lay a hand on my shoulder and I softened under her touch.
She addressed the council firmly, "I have only heard rumors of a metal made from the ocean. Pearl and coral. It was said that only these blades could mortally wound a healthy Spirit." I spun to stare at my sister and her next sentence died on her lips. "I don't know where they make them, but I know who might."
My mouth hung agape as I took in Isabella's questioning look. Her brows were pulled together, mouth slightly ajar. Her expression matched mine, but my expression arose from fear.
"Yes, a gem of the sea?" She ran her hands along her collarbone. "The necklace mother wore?"
"Is that all you know of the weapons? Where do the pearls come from?" I grabbed Isabella's arm, holding her close as an uproar was heard around us. "Please, you must tell me."
"I assumed they came from the ocean." She looked over my shoulder at the abashed people surrounding us. "Would I be wrong in my assumptions?"
"The pearls mean more to Spirits." I let my head drop as I thought of the cost the knife at my waist held. The ruby's glint, the scarlet shade of blood. "They are what we become after we die. Our souls."
"And the Hunters use them for weapons?" Isabella shrank into me, her hand covering her mouth. His face paled and she sat quickly, holding her stomach. "That is awful."
"Are you alright?" I demanded as I knelt next to her. Jax and Liu Ming were fighting the council, trying to block us from view. The others were in various states of anxiety as they tried to hear every word that was spoken.
"It's just the sudden rush," Isabella waved her hand, trying to dismiss her state. I could see it in her, she was horrified. "I'll be fine in a moment."
"I wish you had told me before the meeting." I hugged her to my chest, shielding her face from the inquisitive eyes around us. "We could have avoided this mess."
"I hardly thought it relevant," she stuttered. "I'm sorry, Maurea. Truly I am. If I had known. God, if I had known."
"It's alright," I murmured, holding her tighter. "Now we know and that is because of you."
"Maurea," a voice boomed and I closed my eyes. "Take your sister to her room."
I opened my mouth to fight Atoya. He had been treating Isabella as a prisoner for the last few days, though no one listened to him.
"I can handle myself," Isabella breathed as she stood, her body leaning on mine. "I want to help and I need to know what is said. Perhaps I might remember something of importance."
"If you are sure," I promoted. Isabella nodded and pushed away from me, smaller than before, but still standing on her own.
"Please, continue." Her tone was flat, but she wore the gaze of four dozen remarkably well.
"Very well, dear." Perkha smiled at us and turned her attention back to Jax and Liu Ming. "As we were saying, anything more can wait for another day. I am ready to make my decision and I believe the others are as well."
"Perhaps we should let the others vote, to show what they believe is right?" I gestured to the Spirits surrounding us. "They should have a say in their future."
Though my words benefited the others, I glared at Siren and Atoya.
"I have no objection , perhaps it will convince the council to their pupils." Perkha turned to scan the circle. "Who would like to fight? I myself cannot allow the Hunters to weaponize our souls."
She raised her hand and a forest rose to salute her. I could see no Spirit restraining themselves as they proudly faced the council.
The Spirits were enraged. I myself wanted to scream and cry. I had held Annabell in my hand, her pearl humming with what remained of her. She had been returned to the sea, the others should as well. To turn our souls into weapons by which to kill our family was unforgivable.
Kinelle, the Murmur elder, released a low hiss, her pulse ringing and rendering the crowd silent. Slowly, each member stood as though the weight of the world had been placed on their shoulders.
Perkha, starting, speaking of her wariness, but unwilling to see another friend hurt. Faraji, Anaula, Siren, Atoya, Kinelle and Dayami joined her. Their voices were powerful and I stood taller.
When the last three council members came to make their decision, Ezili was the only one who voted to remain peaceful. Two other members I had never bothered to befriend began to side with him, but jeers and cures from the restless mob droned them out and they reluctantly agreed.
"Then we will begin planning tomorrow." Siren stood, his charm turned on. I couldn't stand the warm feeling clouding my head and I pushed it aside, the effect limited.
"Yes," Perkha grit, pulling Siren to sit once more. "For those who want to fight, we will meet in the library in one hour. If you do not wish to fight, you will not be forced or looked down upon, but as of this moment, we are at war."
The council dismissed themselves slowly and I spared no time rushing Isabella away with Liu Ming and Jax trailing us.
"You didn't have to stay for that," I reprimanded as I closed the door to my room. "We could have left and discovered their decision later. You need to think of yourself and the child."
"Maurea, I am not frail," Isabella huffed as she sat on the bed, sinking into the mattress.
"Yes, but I would worry less if you would agree to see a doctor. Babies are not fond of stress."
Isabella ignored my fussing and turned her attention to Jax as he closed the door to the apartment. "Where is this library the woman spoke of?"
"The woman's name is Perkha." Jax said as he eased himself into the chair, His body sagging into the plush seats. "The library is not far, so we have enough time to talk."
"What is there to talk about?" Liu Ming asked.
She had been leaning on the farthest wall, quietly observing the group as though she didn't know where to fit.
"You said you followed the Hunters from China. What is your story?" I couldn't help but think back to Liu Ming begging me and Jax to stay imprisoned to buy her more time. "Is that who you were looking for on the estate? The girl who was captured?"
Liu Ming nodded. She looked calm, an impenetrable force. If I had not seen the cracks in her armor, I would have assumed they were missing. "I followed them to the village, then I lost their trail. One of the men saw my eyes and I was forced to run before I could save her. I thought she was gone," Liu Ming tilted her head and looked at me, "then you showed up."
"I cannot say for certain we can help, but perhaps with our limited information and the full support of the council, we can find her before-" I stopped talking when I saw her face "-before any fight breaks out I mean."
"Before she dies." Liu Ming's words were like a slap to the face, cold and heartless as though she had already accepted the fact her friend was dead.
No one said anything. It was a truth no one wanted to admit but deep down we all knew to be true. Yu Shang was most likely dead and that was a possibility we would have to consider.
"How did you know to find me?" Liu Ming questioned. "I know a friend told you, but who was it? It is possible Yu Shang could have been the friend."
I froze, unsure how much to reveal. I trusted everyone in the room, they were the only ones who I trusted to not have an ulterior motive and deceive me to accomplish it. Still, I doubted they would believe what happened, I barely did.
"The Ocean helped me, told me the time was right." I grit my teeth as I thought of the controlling deity. "It told me to find you and stop the Hunters. I'm sorry, but it couldn't have been Yu Shang."
"You talked to The Ocean?" Isabella snorted, before quieting when she saw our serious faces.
She blinked her doe-like eyes, her voice barely above a whisper, "Does that happen often?"
"No," Jax shook his head, laughing. "I don't blame The Ocean for choosing Maurea, but that would make sense. The amount of attacks have risen and with our newest Spirit being a direct connection to the enemy? Maybe it took an interest."
"I hardly care what The Ocean wants. For the moment, we need to focus on the Hunters." I turned my attention to Isabella. "At this meeting, you only answer the questions you want to. You are here willingly as an ally, not a prisoner."
Isabella nodded, but her hands covered her slightly bloated abdomen. "I want to help in any way possible."
"I would avoid the others when possible," Jax warned. "You are an ally, yes, but they might not see it as such."
He turned to me. "Could we find her an apartment with a nurse, in the upper world I mean? A pregnant woman in the middle of a war is not going to help anyone."
"Would you like that?" I took Isabella's hand, holding it close to my side.
Isabella closer her eyes, leaning her head against the bed frame. I could see her eyes move behind her lids. Her delicate hand pat the fabric at her stomach.
"I think that would be preferable for the moment." Isabella nodded as she waved her hand. "I can help from a distance, but I do not wish to be on the front lines of this fight."
"We can't force her," Liu Ming agreed.
"Then tomorrow we can find a nurse and begin searching for a home." Jax pushed himself up, running his good hand though his hair.
I stepped in front of the door before he had a chance to flee to the library. "I have a request before we leave for the meeting. I don't trust some of the council members. I want to make a promise that we as a group will work against the Hunters with the council, but only while they work with us."
"You don't trust them." Liu Ming observed and I nodded.
"I don't trust Atoya and Siren not to do something reckless." I fidgeted with the end of my shirt. "Will you agree to work with me and not with the council?"
I could see Liu Ming and Jax exchange glances.
"I would be a fool to trust them after they used us." Jax extended his hand and I took it. "I think you might be right."
"Liu Ming?"
"If it helps me find Yu Shang, I will work with you. I don't trust these Spirits, but you were willing to trust me." Her face seemed to morph slightly, tighten, but it relaxed in a moment. "We should make our way to the library."
"You know I will always stand with you, dear sister." Isabella joined us at the door as Liu Ming opened it and stepped out. "Let us focus on what we can do with the council before deciding how to fight them."
Isabella swept past us, sparing a moment to look down at Jax and I's intertwined hands before scurrying away. She had watched from a distance the last three days, never saying anything as I waited for Jax to recover. I was expecting a good-willed lecture from her soon.
"Hurry now, Maurea. We don't want to keep her waiting."
Jax laughed at Isabella jest and we followed the two women out of the apartments. The crystals seemed to glow brighter and the stench of Jax's wound was covered by the smell of ripening berries as we crossed into the woods.
"Do you think Atoya and Siren are an enemy?" Jax asked when the village faded behind us.
"No," I admitted, "but I don't think they understand how complex the situation is. They've branded anyone in my family as the enemy. Isabella and I are proof that is not true and I fear they might use us and others to win. I wouldn't be surprised if they endangered us all to stop the Hunters."
Jax looked hurt and I had to remind myself Siren was his mentor. Perkha was the mother I had never gotten and Siren and Jax had the same relationship, though strained.
Our small conversation ended and we continued the rest of the way in silence.
I was invigorated when I saw the dozens of Spirits flood into the library.
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