New moon
"What do you think your doing?" I asked the mechanic. He was not doing what I had asked of him and to be honest. His place was disgusting. "All I needed was a starter."
"Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system needs to be replaced." He said.
"Look buddy. The only reason I come here is I don't have one of these things." i said, patting the lift that was holding my Jeep in the air. "Be glad you have my business at all."
He glanced at me. "It'll bprobably be around 12,000 for parts and labour."
"Are you kidding? Fine, I'll be over there." I sighed. I had left Anubis at home. I walked over to the waiting area and put my hand on the door. It was covered in a clear slime. "Ugh. Nice. That's real sanitary. That's a quality establishment you're running here." I called. I opened the door and went into the waiting room. I opened my phone to call my dad and tell him where I was when my body started to go numb. Right before I lost control of my fingers I dialed 911.
I looked over at my Jeep to see a lizard like shape, probably what attacked Scott climbing down my Jeep and attacking the mechanic. Slowly my Jeep began to lower. The jerk called for help and I closed my eyes as it lowered onto his chest. I opened my eyes to see the monster, just as my phone connected.
"911, what's your emergency?"
I was sitting on the back of an ambulance. My dad walked over. "You okay?" He asked.
"Sure other than the fact that I just saw a guy die." I responded. My dad smiled and patted me on the shoulder.
"Go home." My dad said. "But we need to keep the Jeep."
"Oh come on. Well at least make sure they wash it." I sighed. I called Scott, who came to pick me up.
"You're right, it's not like you. It's eyes were reptilian. But there's something else. You know when you see a friend in a mask, but all you can see are the eyes?"
"You saying you know who it is?" Scott demanded.
"No. But I think it knew me."
"I'm so sorry about the other day. We'll get through this. I know.. because I love you." I was telling Scott apology from Allison. "I love you more than... Oh My God. Scott I can't do this. I can't. You're my best friend and I think of you as a brother. This is just wrong. You and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate."
"Come on. You are the only one we can trust." Scott pleaded. "Is she coming to the game tonight?"
"Yes. okay message comeplete. Tell me about your boss."
"He thinks the Argents keep a record of all the things they've hunted. Like a book."
"You mean a bestiary?" I asked.
"Don't you mean bestiality?" Scott started to asked.
"No, god no. It's a pedia of mythical creatures."
"How am I the only one who doesn't seem to know about this stuff?" Scott demanded.
"Look. You're my bestfriend, you're a creature of the night, it's kinda my job to know this stuff." I consoled him.
"If we can find it and tell us who and what this is, we need that book." We said in sync.
"I think you mean..." Allison said with a laughing tone.
"No! I mean bestiary. God what is wrong with you and Scott?" I demanded.
"Well, what would it look like?"
"Old, bound in leather. He would probably keep it on him at all times."
Allison got a knowing look on her face."i think I know what your talking about."
________________(Stiles does the running thing like normal so skip)_______________________
'come on. Is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate." Coach yelled as the Abomination took out another player. Coach sat next to me.
Allison got the keys off of her grandfather and I slipped past, sneakily picking them up. I ran towards the school, only to see Lydia in the car crying.
"Hey Lydia, are you okay?" She just rolled up the window. "Lydia, listen to me. Right now okay. I want you to clean yourself up. You are an amazing girl." I thought for a second before snapping my fingers. "You know what? You, Allison and I are going to have a girls night tomorrow. My dad has the night shift so you would totally be allowed to come plus tomorrow Saturday. And then we will have a heart to heart, just the three of us." I said. Lydia opened her mouth. "Lydia, no isn't an option."
Lydia smiled sincerly and rolled down the window. "Thank you Stiles."
"I gotta get something from the school but I'll call you tomorrow about times, kay?" Lydia nodded and I ran off towards the school. Going inside, I went to Gerard's office and the book wasn't there. I texted Allison and when I looked up, Erica was there.
"Hello Stiles." She smirked.
Erica dragged me to the pool where Derek was waiting.
"Stiles." He greeted, playing with a basketball.
"Derek." I greeted back, Anubis materializing by my side.
"What did you see at the garage?"
"Several health violations." I replied.
Derek wasn't amused. "Let's try this again." He said, popping the ball with his claws. "what did you see?"
"A lizard-like thing. Green, scaly hide, yellow slit eyes, tail, claws that dripped a liquid." As I was describing the monster, Derek and Erica got a scared and knowing look on their faces. "What? Have you seen it? You have this look like you know exactly what I'm talking about."
That's when the monster growled and I backed up to beside Derek, Anubis melting into my skin. My eyesight sharpened and I knew my eyes were glowing purple. Derek pushed me away and he got cut on the back of the neck. Erica got pushed into a wall and knocked out. I grabbed Derek and began to walk towards the other end of the pool.
"Call Scott." Derek ordered. As I got my phone out, I dropped it. Reaching for it, I dropped Derek in the pool. I dove after him, Anubis making me a stronger swimmer. When we reached the surfacde, I looked around.
"Do you see it?" I asked, treading water to keep us afloat. I didn't see it so I began to swim for the wall when Derek spotted it by the wall and warned me of it.
"Can you get me out of here without drowning?" Derek asked.
"You're worried about drowning? How 'bout the monster with razor shap teeth? Did you notice that?" I demanded.
"Did you notice I'm paralysed from the neck down if EIGHT FEET OF WATER?" Derek yelled.
"Right in my ear, Sourwolf. And I have wolf hearing right know," I complained. I didn't see it so I began swimming towards the edge. We reached it only to notice the monster on the other side. Sticking Derek in a life jacket quickly, I turned to the beast, pulling on more of Anubis' power. My nails and canines grew and I let out a roar. The monster screeched back and jumped at me. I kicked it away, into the pool. It's back feet touched the water before it started freaking out, scampering to get out. "Derek, I don't think it can swim." I called. The monster hit me with it's tail and I got launched into the air. Seeing as I was facing the ground, I angled myself to be able to land on the monster. I landed on it's back, only for it to throw me back into the water. I crashed into Derek, causing him to slip out of the life jacket. He sunk to the bottom and I swam down to get him. My lips accidentally brushed his as I grabbed him but right now, I was more preoccupide with getting him to the surface.
The next hour and a half was murder. I tried to howl for Scott but it didn't work. I was tiring and Derek could tell. "Derek, you gotta howl." I said, looking at the monster. I wasn't letting go of him again. I wasn't letting him die.
Derek let out a howl like school did that night when we tried to catch the Peter. I heard Scott's car pull up. He ran to the office and grabbed the keys . I began to swim to the edge of the pool and just as I reached the edge, I lost all my strength, sinking under the water. The monster looked at Scott, who he had thrown into a mirror then at the mirror shard in Scott's hand. It looked confused before running out of the area by smashing a window in the ceiling.
The bestiary as it turns out was in archaic latin, so it was useless. But Derek knew what it was.
"It's called a Kanima." He said, with Erica by his side.
"You knew this whole time?" Scott demanded.
"Guys, I've gotta get home, I'm soaked and tired plus I promised my dad I would see him when he got home." I said before walking away, Anubis at my side once more. When I entered the car, I looked at the wolf sitting in the passenger's seat. "You ready?" I demanded.
He nodded and I drove home. When I entered my dad was waiting. "Where have you been?" He demanded.
"Fighting and swimming in the pool at school, whilst hiding from the monster that's murdered the guy at the mechanic's." My dad knew about all this supernatural stuff. He had since Anubis showed up when I was five. My mom explained it to the two of us together.
"What is it this time?" He said, getting mom's bestiary.
"Kanima." I said, wringing my hair into the sink. My dad found the page and from what we read, it wasn't good. "It seeks a master?" I demanded/yelled. Well, my life just got worse.
"Sweetheart, you need to tell your friends that we know." My dad said, rubbing my back. I looked at him and I smiled.
"Lydia ans Allison want to have a sleepover tomorrow. If they come over, I'll tell them then. I can tell Scott tomorrow morning. But I just held Derek Hale up in a pool for two hours after fighting a Kanima. I'm going to bed... and starting to carry my gun again." I sighed. My dad nodded and sent me to bed.
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