Chapter 40
Pat was humming. He didn't usually hum.
Virgil glanced up from stitching as Pat skipped past him, humming all the way up the stairs and into his room. Strange. Not that Pat had energy, that was normal, but that he was... humming.
He'd grown up around Roman. He should've been out-right singing.
Virgil did a quick check through of all the mortal holidays Pat celebrated. Christmas was over, Easter had just been, his 13th birthday had gone by (elven mischief, the boy was growing up fast) and Halloween was in October.
"Love, we're having a talk." Virgil said suddenly, setting down his sewing. Roman barely had time to complain about the rain before Virgil was already hauling him up out of his chair.
"Remus!" Virgil called. "Grown-up talk."
Remus poked his head out from under the stairs. "Then why do I have to come?" He whined. "I'm busy."
"You're not." Virgil said flatly. "Come on."
"But it's raining." Roman whined. Virgil stared at him like he was seriously considering breaking up.
"I'm worried about Pat." Virgil admitted. "Now can we please talk?!" He gestured sharply towards the door.
"Why're you worried about the kid?" Remus asked, sliding out from under the stairs. Virgil stopped short of rolling his eyes out of his head. He grabbed both brothers and dragged them outside.
"Okay, who knows what's going on with Pat?" He asked over the rain. He got no answer. Remus wasn't paying attention and Roman was staring up at the grey clouds moodily.
With a sigh, Virgil waved his hand and thinned the rain to a drizzle rather than a storm. "Now-"
"Hey, I said no magic!" Remus cut in quickly.
"Considering what I'm worried about," Virgil snapped, "I'd say I'm the least of your worries."
"Okay, okay, let's not fight." Roman said firmly. He glanced over to Virgil. "Darling, what's wrong?"
"Well, I mean, it's probably not wrong per say but... it's kinda... worrying?" Virgil gabbled. "Do either of you know where Pat goes when he rushes out alone every week?"
"No." Roman said. "Thought you said we should give him a bit of independence."
"Yeah, why're you bringing it up?" Remus asked. Virgil was about to answer but Roman cut him off.
"Re, what are you not telling us?" He asked.
"What?!" Remus blinked, scratching the back of his neck.
"You're lying." Roman said. "What do you know?"
"Nothing!" Remus protested.
"Remus, if you know something about where Pat's going, then can you tell us?" Virgil asked. "It's kinda the only thing stopping the curse from being activated early."
"That's not going to happen." Remus said.
"Exactly. Cause we're going to stop it."
"No, I mean-"
"Re, what do you know?" Roman interrupted. Remus sighed.
"Pat's met someone." He said. "A prince of some sort. They're just friends, I made him promise he won't get involved. That way, when the curse does happen-"
"How do you-?" Virgil started.
"When the curse happens," Remus continued as if Virgil hadn't spoken, "his 'true love' won't be a random prince from another kingdom. It'll be his betrothed."
Virgil stared at Remus. "He's a mortal!" He snapped. "A teenage mortal at that! They can't control their emotions! They can't chose who they fall in love with! Why would you-?!"
"He won't." Remus interrupted. "He doesn't like the idea of 'love' or whatever. He finds it gross. He'll be fine."
"Before this gets physical," Roman - ever the peace-keeper - interrupted, "why are you worried, Vee?"
Virgil took a breath. "Pat never hums." He explained. "He's only hummed about once in his life, when he was really excited. It's a perfectly normal day, some mortals might not even like the rain. And yet he's so excited." He shrugged. "I'm just worried, is all."
Remus and Roman shared a glance.
"Vee," Roman said gently, "darling, he'll be fine. He may be a mortal but he's smart. He's not going to get himself into any trouble, okay?"
Pat finished humming his song and whirled around on the spot, laughing. For his birthday, Logan had tried to teach him how to dance. Emphasis on the tried.
"And a 1, 2, 3-" Pat barely got past the first count when he tripped over his own feet and fell onto his bed. Undeterred, he laughed and got up. Instead of trying again, he just spun around in a circle until he fell down again.
Lying on the floor and still giggling weakly, Pat rubbed the palm of his hand, as if the feel of Logan's hand in his was burned into his skin.
I got bored and it's already chapter 40 so TIME SKIP!
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