Chapter 1
You want to hear a story? Okay, let me think... How about this?
Once upon a time, there was a tiny kingdom at the edge of a grand forest. There was no famine, no drought, no war, no pain, no suffering. The king and queen were good, kind people and everyone in the kingdom was happy. Well, almost everyone.
See, what the king and queen wanted more than anything was a child. A little baby, an heir to the throne. And though they had tried for many years, nothing had come of it.
One day, the queen was walking in the forest when she came across a little clearing. There she met three Good Fairies. They knew about her and her little, happy kingdom - the whole forest did - and so, they agreed to grant her one wish. Just wish for anything.
She wished for a child.
Nine months later, she had one. A tiny, beautiful baby boy - Prince Patton - was born. The kingdom rejoiced, for they had all known their monarchs plight, and a party for the little prince was held. All the aristocracy far and wide was invited. And that is where our story begins...
"But why do I have to go?" Oscar whined. "I don't wanna go to a stupid party!" He slid down on the carriage seat, crossing his arms and pouting. His father sighed.
"Because, Oscar, this is an important event." He said. "Everyone is going to be there, it was just the same as your first birthday. And Logan's-"
"But it's Logan this prince is marrying!" Oscar cut in. "Why can't he go?"
"Because your brother is only a year old." His father said, his tone slightly reprimanding. Oscar rolled his eyes and groaned. "Besides, Ax is going to be there."
Oscar sat up at the mention of his friend. "Really?" He asked excitedly. His father nodded.
"I did say everyone, didn't I?" He asked, smiling a little at his son's excitement. "Now, do you have everything? Your present for Prince Patton?"
Oscar picked up the box. "It's so heavy!" He complained. He shook it a little. "What's in here that a baby could want, anyway? Baby's don't want anything! They just lie about and babble all the time! Blah, blah-blah, babble, babble, babble. And then they start crying!" He sighed and leaned back. "Babies are so tiring."
"Mhm, imagine being one." His father said, joking in his good-natured way. "Now, come on. Sit up straight. We're nearly there."
Oscar sighed dramatically and looked out of the window at the sea of trees rolling by. "What's that?" He asked, pointing out of the window.
"What's what?" His father asked, looking out of the window as well.
"That castle, there." Oscar said, pointing. "That one on the hill."
His father looked up. There was nothing there.
"Where, Oscar?"
Oscar sighed in annoyance. "It was right there!" He protested. "I swear. It was this big, huge castle with, like, spindly turrets and it was all black and grey!" At his father's disbelieving face, he insisted, "It was there! I know it was! I'm not making things up!"
"Why don't you save your fairy-tales for Ax, yeah?" His father said. "You two can tell stories under the table for the whole christening, if you want."
"But this isn't a fairy-tale, father!" Oscar tried to convince him. "It was real! I know it! I saw it!"
It was obvious his father didn't believe him so Oscar turned back to the window despondently. When the carriage rounded a corner, he saw it again.
A castle like something out of a nightmare. Twisted and dark, always in shadow. The turrets reached up towards the sky like they wanted to push through into space. There were no lights on, only the occasional flicker of white lightning inside. Oscar stared, transfixed. It was real. It was there. Why didn't his father believe him?
I feel much better about this story than I did with Galaxy. I think this might actually go somewhere.
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