Roman rubbed his arm nervously as he looked at the white tile walls. They would be utterly blank, if not for the picture of a dragon hanging halfway up. It was a painting, colored in shades of green and blue, and was pretty much the only thing Roman liked about this hallway. The carpeting was that same generic pattern, lines of color. It was grayed out and old, and would have surely been rough, had he not been wearing shoes. He studied it, having nothing better to do. Frayed, ugly, and so boring. He looked around one more time, just to be certain that there was nothing else he could do. There were some packets in a sorter against the closest wall, but they only had those stupid things like "Do your homework!" or "Eight reasons to do your chores!" or even "MENTAL ILLNESSES" in all caps. Because if yelling mental well-being into you doesn't work, apparently yelling awareness will. It didn't matter. He knew all of the stuff in there either way. He'd heard it too many times, from too many people. Repeating something doesn't make it true, and he'd heard it too many times for them to convince him that it was true. He looked at the cameras. There were two of them, one at the part of the hall that branched into other halls, and one in the direction he'd come from, from the... well, it was hard to describe it intelligently. It was where the main nurse/counselor/ he wasn't sure what she was, but she sat there, ready to murder innocent students and report bullying. She was a middle aged lady on the older side, with a head of frizzy brown hair and pale, slightly wrinkled skin. She didn't always frown, and she seemed pretty nice. Roman didn't trust her. She wore a floral blouse and beige formal pants, slip-on shoes, and a pair of glasses over her slightly squinty brown eyes. Light makeup, medium length nails... Roman had seen her type many times before. She was very much the generic counselor lady. She was nice, but Roman knew there was a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, and he was certain she would turn into a dragon if he was rude. He'd been waiting there for about ten minutes. He wasn't particularly worried about the wait. He wasn't a bully or a victim, he wasn't suicidal, and he hadn't broken any rules. He was just here to get his schedule changed. He'd been put in art, and he was here to switch it to World Studies. He'd finally decided that this was the year he would take that first step towards his destiny.
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