Chapter Nine
The interrogation room came back into focus. The room was silent for a few minutes as Moxie and Blitzo woke up from their fever dreams. You didn't even know what to say to break the silence until Moxie spoke up.
"Do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company?" Moxie asked Blitzo.
"Not really." Blitzo frowned.
"I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental but you said that because I needed it and it helped." Moxie said.
"Look I'm hard on you because I know what you're capable of Mox. You care too much about what everyone thinks except for me because well you know my opinion is correct but just keep doing a good job, okay? You shoot and kill good, you escape things easy, you can be strategic and cold blooded when you need to and don't expect any more compliments, I'm maxed out." You smiled, that was one of the nicest things Blitzo had ever said to Moxie.
"Thank you sir." Moxie said.
"You know my name, use it."
"Thanks Blitzo." You decided to speak up.
"Blitzo, sometimes I feel like you don't take me you see me as some kind of big joke." Blitzo sighed.
"(Y/N), I don't think you're a joke. Truth is, I'm sure you could fight, or that you could be helpful on missions. But when your mom died, she was serious about keeping you safe and I just don't think it would be very responsible of me to let you risk your life like that, you know? It's not cause I think you can't handle it, I just don't know if I could live with myself if something happened to you and it was my fault." You had never thought of it that way. As much of an asshole as Blitzo could be, he did care about his employees. You didn't want to press on the secret he was hiding because it would seem suspicious, but that didn't matter. At least he was starting to be more honest. Before anyone could say anything else, the ceiling caved in and Millie dropped to the floor and ran towards you guys to untie you.
"There's my Millie!" Moxie exclaimed.
"Impressive work Mils! How'd you get here all by yourself?" Blitzo asked. Loona broke through the glass the agents were watching you guys from and had them both held by the collars of their shirts.
"Get your asses out of here before more fuckers show up!" She threw the agents aside and transformed out of her human form back into a hell hound. Everybody pulled their weapons of choice out of the supplies bag as one of the agents hit an alarm button calling for backup. You decided to join in so you could defend yourself and pulled out some throwing knives.
"Okay, I've had one too many emotions for today. Guys, let's fuck these fuckers up!" Blitzo exclaimed, ready to battle. Everyone began shooting, mincing and beating up the many human agents in the room. This was your chance to prove yourself to Blitzo. You glided around the room like an agile fox, dodging bullets, slices and swings from the humans. You threw knives in different directions, each one hitting your targets spot on.
"Mox, cover me!" Blitzo shouted.
"Yes sir!" Moxie replied while taking out a few more humans. Blitzo pulled out a knife and began slaying a few humans around him. One of them he decapitated and took a sinstagram selfie with, making you chuckle. Blitzo made his way to Loona, beaming over how proud he was of her.
"Hey Mils!" He waved at Millie.
"Hey Blitzo! Just one sec!" She took out a few more humans with her giant axe.
"You need a gun or anything?" He asked. She said she was good. He offered water instead and she thanked him. Blitzo made his way over to you but just stood for a moment and watched you taking out the humans like an arcade game. As you danced around the room throwing your knives like darts, he smiled.
"That's what I'm talking about (Y/N)! I didn't even know you were this skilled!" You couldn't help but let a warm smile slip on to your face, then again the warmth could've been from the blood spattering around you. Blitzo went back to shooting the humans after checking on everyone on the team.
"Now who wants some quality time with daddy?" As he took out more than half of the remaining humans, agent one and agent two watched in horror, frustrated that they were losing.
"Why God, why are we only using weapons from Japan's edo period?" Agent One said.
"Hey, the Edo period was badass and you know it!" The other one exclaimed.
"Dammit, you're right!" Agent One replied. Next thing they knew, they were hitting the ground to avoid getting shot by Loona. They tried to crawl away, but it was hard to navigate the floor with all the blood and bodies lying around. Blitzo pulled out a giant rocket launcher with a very vulgar name which took out all of the remaining humans except for agent one and two.
"Oh crumbs, is everyone okay?" Moxie asked.
"Woohoo! How's that for demon scum?" Blitzo shouted in victory. Next thing you knew, the lights in the room turned red and began flashing. A siren went off, those damn humans had hit an alarm button.
"Oh shit! Come on fam, let's blow this Popsicle joint!" Blitzo said, motioning for everyone to try and escape. But before you could all reach the iron doors, they shut, all 6 of them down the hallway to escape.
"Quick, the book!" Moxie told Loona who pulled it out of the supplies bag. She flipped to the page with the spell to get from the human world back to Hell.
"Shit, I can't read the spell in this light...I can't see dick!" She shouted.
"Oh shit. Looks like we milked this one dick dry and now we're out of badassery." Blitzo said.
"Ha, you demons aren't going anywhere now!" Agent Two said, her and agent one cornering you guys with guns pointed your direction. Just in that moment, the room got even darker. Monitor screens around the room began to turn on randomly with static. The doors began to shake as if there was an earthquake nearby. Some of the monitors violently threw themselves to the floor. You heard a familiar voice echo through the room.
"Who dares to threaten my impish little plaything?" It was Stolas. He had possessed Agent Two who turned her head 180 degrees to speak to Agent One.
"What's the matter demon hunter? Never seen a real demon before?" The dead humans in the room rose up and began to draw a summoning circle with their blood around Agent Two. When the circle was complete, Stolas stopped possessing Agent Two and appeared in the room before them in his true form. After scaring the crap out of them, he returned to the form you were familiar with, the tall bird prince that Blitzo was dating. He turned the lights back on in the room and approached Blitzo.
"Stolas? How did you know that we needed help?" Blitzo asked.
"I have my ways darling. Are you alright?" He cupped the side of Blitzo's face in his hand. Blitzo groaned.
"Ugh, I'm fine Stolas." Stolas patted Blitzo's head.
"Hmm...good. How the fuck did you get caught by humans? Are you little creatures not being careful up here? You know, if you get in trouble, I get in trouble. We don't want that!"
"They caught us off guard your highness." Moxie butted in.
"Yeah you can unclench your bird puss Stolas, it's not gonna happen again, kay?" Blitzo added.
"Luckily for you, most don't believe in the word of the demon obsessed lunatics. They are seen as kooks!" He directed his attention to One and Two who were crouched in the corner together, quivering with fear of Stolas.
"Kooks! Such a silly word! Now, let us all return!" Stolas added, chuckling. He opened up a portal back into hell and Moxie and Millie returned first followed by Loona and you.
"Am I going to get any thank you for the rescue Blitzy?" Stolas asked.
"Huh, I suppose you should. Want me to fuck your brains out tonight?" Blitzo said, causing you to verbally gag.
"Very much so!" Stolas responded.
"Alright but you're keeping quiet or I'm using those bear traps." Blitzo teased, making Stolas blush. You felt sick just listening to the two of them. This wasn't the kind of information you needed to know in order to report to Striker. They kissed each other the entire way through the portal. While Stolas and Blitzo disappeared to Stolas's house and Moxie, Millie and Loona went home, you knew you had to report to Striker that night. Your smile dropped as you headed to hell's elevator to make it to the Wrath ring.
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