"Uh..." I shift my weight awkwardly. Why is my face burning of a blush?!?
"I uh... H-have a girlfriend..." My attempts to keep my voice steady fail and I rub my forearm awkwardly.
"I don't care." Catching me off guard he pins me against the wall again.
"N-no I'm serious!" Perhaps it's my pleading tone that stops him, yet I don't understand why he does stop anyway, he doesn't seem like the type to let anything get in the way of what he wants, especially when it's someone he wants... But if I'm not mistaken, a sigh drowns him and he backs away, flipping up a fire escape and looking at me, pausing a moment.
"See ya round Spidey." Is all he says but with a half hurt half trying to hide it tone which leave me so confused....what the hell just happened?!?
After he disappears I stay frozen a moment in shock and utter loss.
Shaking my head I shoot a web up and swing myself to the top of another roof. The rest of the night I try focussing on anything else, a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g!!!!!! The guys I smash and hang upside down for the cops, the drunk dudes who steal from people and prey on those weaker than them. The drunk or hurt people I rescue, anything!!!!!!!!!!
But the one thing that infects my mind, infiltrating my thoughts... Is Deadpool. My only question is... Why?
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