Dammit Deadpool
"Hey Gwen!" I smile at my girlfriend, I actually have one.
"Hey Peter!" She's almost always smiling, me on the other hand... Ever since my uncle died, I still hesitate to look in the mirror...
"You okay?" Mary Jane asks, resting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah." Flashing a fake smile I continue typing on my computer.
"Whatcha doin?" She asks, giggling.
"I'm just trying to figure out more about this Deadpool fella, ya know anything about him?" Gwen plops down beside me on my bed.
"Well personally I've never met him but one of my friends, you know Harper," I nod, Harper is kind of the chick I imagine Deadpool with, she's got long legs, is tan, always high or drunk, and is always clueless, never gets the memo, "well she swears she made out with him, only knowing her she could have been high or drunk, or both and made out with a trash can. The weird part is she said that he kissed her but wouldn't go any further and said, quote, 'Sorry doll but I already have a mate.' Like, who says that?!?" Gwen laughs but I don't.
What did he mean by 'he already had a mat'?And what did he mean when he said he wanted me?!? If he already has a "mate", why did he come after me? Did he mean something else? No, no he couldn't of meant anything else... Wait. Could that mean he thinks I'm his mate. No, no don't be silly Peter that's ridiculous... But why would he turn away from Harper, it just doesn't make sense... Maybe he's gay. But still... There are so many unanswered questions. Harper could have been hallucinating. But I just... I don't think so...
"Peter? Peeeeeeeeter? Hello?!? Earth to Peter?!"
"Huh?" Stumbling from my daze, heat rises to my cheeks as Gwen laughs.
"Where'd you go? You completely zoned out!"
"I, uh, j-just..." Giggling she kisses me on the cheek and I blush harder.
"You're cute when you blush." She tells me, making me turn even more red!
"I'm surprised you haven't asked about Deadpool sooner." She says, getting up and walking around my room, looking at the pictures on my walls.
"Huh?! What's that suppose to mean?!?"
"Oh, just that, well you and him both kind of do the same thing so I'm surprised you haven't run into each other yet."
My face screws up.
"I am not like Deadpool!"
"Okay okay! Calm down there Cowboy!" She giggles and walks back over.
"I just mean that well he's a vigilante, but instead of leaving his victims for the police he... You know..."
"He what?!" I preach on.
"Well he kills them."
"You never knew this?" Laughing again a little she gets up.
"I've gotta run Peter, I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod, she leans down and pecks me on the lips.
"Love you." Her voice calls as she makes her way to the door.
"Love you too..." I say, but my minds so distracted...
Deadpool... Why is he all I can think about?!? Why didn't I know about him before?!? Ugh I feel so stupid and oblivious.
My throat groans as my head leans back against the wall.
"Dammit Deadpool..."
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