My feet march along the path. Tons of people passing me by, some bump into my shoulders, others step on my feet, the backs of my shoes. Some people even end up smacking straight into me! It's been a few days since I've been home. Aunt May hasn't asked about what happened, I don't think she will. I know that a part of her wants to ask, is curious as to what exactly happened but the majority... Is filled with the respect in the understanding that she really doesn't want to know. It's been a few days I've been back home... It's been a few days I've been away from Wade... So am I really back home? Is it possible to have two homes? I know my safe place, in Wades arms... That's one home... But with Aunt May is different, it's family, it's where Uncle Ben use to be... Where my parents were... When they left me... But still, there's that thought growing in my mind that they would all want me to start a new life, a new family... With Wade. And as a crazy as that sounds, I can almost here Uncle Ben saying, "Don't you dare leave your Aunt alone all by herself." I almost want to laugh, but my eyes swarm in tears... I don't know what I'll do... It's funny how sometimes even love can tear someone apart... And here I see kids dressing up as Spider-Man on the streets. Kids who want to be me. When if they new who I really was, if they had my life... They would trade it in seconds... Only, I'd like to keep my life. Because I've finally found the last piece of the puzzle, I have the two things that complete me. Wade, and what's left of my family... Aunt May.
I find myself heading to my favourite place, I come here every weekend, around the same time, the same day. I've noticed this guy... A tall broad figure, hiding almost just out of sight but not completely... He always watches me... He does nothing but stare at me the entire time, but never do my Spidey senses go off... The only one who can sneak up on me or anything like that without my Spidey sense going off is Wade... I guess that only further proves he isn't a threat... If it is him, I'll see...
My feet take me to the corner store, it's made of all windows on the side, so I can easily see out and anyone really can see in. The man is there again... He hides across the street in a dark alley, the sun is reaching the end of its day... Making the shadows even larger with every growing moment and the light still beautifully shining... I smile as I, instead of going into the shop, jog across the street. The easily told male figure, backs away, hiding as I get closer. Until finally there is no further because of the dead end in the alley way, except for a fire escape. We're far enough now that the public won't see us and no ones crazy enough to venture in here.
I'm dressed in my normal clothes, my face is showing, this is why Deadpool already knew what I looked like, this is why he already knew me... Knew my name...
"It's you... I know it's you..." I slowly advance, he backs up until he hits the wall. His hood is up, so I can only see what I've seen before... A smile breaks across my face when I recognized those lips... Those scars...
"Deadpool I know it's you, please let me see you... Please..." I step closer, my hands reaching up but an almost snapping noise is heard when Deadpool grabs my wrists so quick I stop breathing for a moment!
"Y-you aren't going to like what you see... Trust me..." It's the first time I've heard his voice so... Insecure... So demolished in tarnished sadness... So unlike the Deadpool that I know, the one that is always so bubbly and obnoxious and hilarious and always so out there...
Could it really be that bad?
"I don't care what you look like on the outside... I already know you're beyond beautiful on the inside." My smile warms and slowly, very, very slowly, he lets me cup his cheek in my hands, ready to take off his hood.
"Th-then you d-don't need to s-see what I look like..." He stutters a counter, although he knows there's no way he's getting out of this...
"I'm curious, and I want to... I want to cherish your beauty on the outside like I know you have, just as much as I adore your true beauty on the inside." I peck his lips with a passion of understanding that he can't resist from. We both need it, it loosens both of us up. I hadn't realized how quite tense I've been without him until now that I'm with him again... Feeling that warmth his mouth radiates against mine...
When I pull back, his chest heaves ever so slightly, making the corners of my mouth pull up even more. He is so amazing in every way possible, I can't imagine him without a handsome face. Scarred or not.
My hands guide the hood back, his head is still down... He flinches when a gasp escapes my moan... It isn't a gasp that is violently wrenched ferociously from my very throat. No... It is a soft gasp of admiration... Of treasure.
His eyes flicker up to mine... It's the first time I've ever seen them, and I don't want to stop looking at them... There muddy almost golden brown... But with a dark shading tint... They mesmerize me beyond anything I can ever possibly come to compare them to...
My fingertips run over the lines of his face, outlining every scar, outlining every part of his flawless face... So flawless to me...
And if I'm not mistaken, from the way I so intensely observe every detail of his face, a blush creeps along his cheeks and even more so do to the absent of mask that can no longer hide it. Without further words I lock our lips together, no words needing to explain the way I feel, my lips speak a different language when they press against Deadpools... Deadpool, I still didn't know his real name yet.
"Thank you..." He whispersbellow his breath as we part, a little breathless from the heat of it. Always so hot.😉😜;) ;P
"Thank you too..." I still have his face in my hands as I peck him on his cute nose... My eyes find his again, in a more serious tone, one of my eyebrows cock up for further effect, "I think I deserve a name now."
"ANTIANFLAMITORIVAGINITIS!" The first response, his randomly unrealistic name, makes a bubbly laugh explode from my throat.
"No your name you dork!" I play hit him on the chest and he makes a hissing noise as he grabs where my fist made contact, mocking hurt, only making my eyes illuminate even more with the intuitive smile lightening my face.
"Oh..." He smiles a half goofy smirk, he knows what I meant and wanted to make me laugh... It worked, "Wade. My name is Wade Winston Wilson. Just call me Wade." He adds a wink at the end as his arms snake around my waist and pull my body against his 6'2 strong one.
"Peter." I say with a giggle because he is just so amazing and he already knows my name, "Peter Parker."
There's almost a pausing sensation where Wade looks out as if an invisible audience is here and says, "Looks like the people who named us really liked alliterations." He winks and then turns back to me as if nothing's happened.
"Who were you talking to?" I ask with a light laugh, he's adorable... In the weirdest best ways I never thought possible until now, until I met him.
He looks back at me with a goofy grin, only making me giggle further, "Well I would explain, but it'd take way too long, and I don't want to waist my precious time with you." His lips peck mine in a kiss that says, 'I don't want to loose you' or, 'I don't want you to go'.
A course of happiness files through me, I suddenly realize that I'm not just in love with him, I'm in love with everything about him and ever part of him. Everything he says, the way his voice reaches octaves so deep there seems to be no ends, and how he can make his voice so high it sounds like a little school girl, but that normally only happens when he squeals. There's his humour side where he can make anyone laugh no matter what the circumstance, and sometimes I suppose it could be a bad thing, but I see the beauty in it. And then there's his complete other side, the sentiment so alive in his eyes beside the humour... It's amazing. All of this, and more, like his physicality, make me love him with every growing moment, and making the smile on my face travel further to my eyes with every second.
"Took you long enough." Wade smiles and chuckles a little but with a sigh of half relief.
I laugh and joke along, "Well it would have been easier had you just showed me your face when we spent a week together." His forehead lightly presses to mine in an understanding of passion.
"I'm sorry... It's just..." He glances away before continuing, "When... This happened... Everyone..." I can almost see the tears hiding behind his eyes as he takes a distant trip into the past.
"It's okay Wade." I pinch in before he can continue, "You can tell me when you're ready, I understand, we don't even have to talk about it if you don't want, I'm sorry..."
He smiles again, only making me smile, "Don't be sorry Peter, you're the only thing to me that no one should be sorry about..." His arms hug me tight and forever happiness continues to fuel me through Wade.
"I love you Wade Wilson..." My words preach from the very most sincere part of my heart, Wade is my heart...
"I love you too Peter Parker..." And suddenly, I've developed a new respecting love for alliterations.
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