The One Where They Both Get Kidnapped.
After the whole accords thing and the so called civil war and the mess that was Peters homecoming dance, Tony and Peter got close.
They were practically father and son.
This of course meant that May and Tony got close as well. They would meet once or twice a week to discuss Peter and whatever was going on in his life.
They both wanted to be apart of his life, they both loved him more then anything.
So when Tony suggested shared custody, May had said yes.
Tony had always assumed May and Peter would move in with him and Pepper.
May apparently didn't get the memo and to say Tony was confused when she asked if they would take it in turns to have him would be the understatement of the year.
"What?" Tony asked. "I thought you would both move in?"
"What?" It was Mays turn to be confused.
"Yea." Tony took a sip of his drink. "I would never just take Pete away from you."
May was relieved. She knew that they practically shared custody anyway. Peter spent half his time in the tower as it was.
Yet it still felt different.
"So it's settled. If Pete says yes, you'll both move in?" Tony double checked.
After moving in May and Tony got closer then ever. They were brother and sister in everything but blood.
Peter was Tony's son which meant May still got to be his aunt.
And although Tony wouldn't admit it, May and Pepper together were a force to be reckoned with.
Eventually Tony legally adopted Peter and somehow manage to make May his legal sister and everything was good and happy and perfect.
May had even been trained as an agent.
And then...
Then the rouges came back and everything went to shit.
May was home alone on the common room floor cooking dinner for when everyone got home.
She had spent all day at work, training to be the best but the rule was first one home has too cook.
Since Pepper was away on business and Peter and Tony were on a mission for the next hour or so that left her too cook.
She didn't mind it, it reminded her of life before with Ben. She wouldn't change how anything was, except maybe for Ben to still be alive, but it was nice to reminisce.
When the elevator dinged and people came out she pretended she didn't notice.
She surveyed the room without looking up, mainly using the reflection of the knife as well as her other senses.
The other people seemed alert, she counted six of them but still didn't look up.
She knew exactly who it was.
"I have to warn you." She said as she continued chopping the vegetables in front of her. "If you throw that knife anywhere near me I will throw the one in my hand and it will hit."
Looking up May smirked at all the shocked faces.
"Who are you." Steve said in his Captain America voice.
"May Parker." She poured the chopped vegetables into a pot. "I know who you are and I know you're not supposed to be here."
"Neither are you." Natasha had a blank look on her face.
"Says who." May raised an eyebrow.
"This is an avengers only floor and we got a list of the new Avengers. You weren't on it." Natasha crossed her arms a smug look on her face.
Clint, Steve and Wanda all nodded in agreement. Bucky and Sam looked more interested in each other then whatever was happening.
"They couldn't get me to be an Avenger if they wanted me and trust me they tried." She poured some water into the pot. "My guess is mio fratello finally got you pardoned." My brother.
"Mio fratello?" Clint asked.
"Tony." May rolled her eyes as she stirred the pot which was now cooking on the hob. "That stupid idiot forgot to tell me that you were coming."
"Do you know where he is? I'm tired but we have to have a meeting first." Sam asked from the back of the group.
"He should be home soon." May shrugged. "At least he better be because it's a school night."
"I'm sorry but why does it matter that it's a school night?" Steve questioned.
"Because there are people in this house that have to be up for school tomorrow." She replied as if it was obvious.
"I'm still confused on who this is." It was Wanda who spoke this time.
"Sorry to interrupt but you are receiving a video call from Tony." Fridays voice came through the speakers.
"Put it through." May turned down the heat on the stove and moved into the living room area so the call could come through the tv.
She frowned when the face that popped up was neither Tony nor Peter.
"Who are you?" The others were shocked at how scary her voice had gotten.
"It does not matter." The strange man replied in a Russian accent. "What does matter is that I need the access codes to the Stark Industries or I will hurt these two more then you can imagine."
The man step aside, behind him both Tony and Peter were strapped to a chair each.
"What the fuck did you do to them." Her voice was dangerously calm. "Are you guys okay."
"Don't give them the codes May." Peter lifted his face, it was covered in bruises and cuts. His mask was long gone. "He's gunna tell you to do it but I'm okay I can take it."
"May. I can't tell them but if you want to, to help Peter then you can." Tony looked just as bad but he was covered head to toe in guilt. "It's okay. You can do it."
"Mio fratello, do you trust me?" May asked.
"Of course." Tony replied with nothing but trust in his voice.
"Peter do you trust me."
"More then anything." Peter smiled slightly.
"Good." May turned her attention to the guy who was slightly to the left of the screen. "Now I'm going to give you one chance. Let. Them. Go."
The man laughed.
"No. You do not scare me." The man laughed again.
"You better hope someone finds you before I do. You know why?" May reached down and pulled a knife out of her boot.
"Because." She twiddle the knife in her hand. "You hurt my family and you will pay for that."
She threw the knife at the screen, cutting off the call. She turned and disappeared down some hallway.
She reappeared a couple minutes later in a black suit similar to Natasha and combat boots.
"Ma'am I don't think you should go alone." Steve tried to reason.
May quickly turned and pointed a knife, she had pulled out of seemingly nowhere, directly at his throat.
"No." Her voice was full of hate. "You do not get to tell me what to do."
Steve took a step back, she took a step too.
"You hurt my brother, so you have no right to try and tell me what I should or shouldn't do!" She yelled. "Now I am going to go get him and my nephew and if anyone tries to stop me, you'll be dead before you hit the floor!"
"Fri, you tracked the call right?" She asked knife still pointed at Steve.
"Yes Ma'am." Friday replied.
No one had a chance to say anything before she was out of the door and in a quinjet.
"Tony has a sister?" Clint was the first to speak after she left.
"He didn't last time I checked." Nat was still looking at the door May had left through.
It was an hour later when May returned. Peter and Tony at her side.
There was a suspicious amount of blood on May but no one wanted to mention it.
"Are you guys sure you are okay?" May asked for the hundredth time.
"Are you being serious May!" Peter rolled his eyes. "You just fought like 50 hydra agents and won and you are asking if we are okay!"
They walked into the living room and stopped at the sight of the Rouges awkwardly sat around.
"Oh. I forgot you guys were here." May quickly turned her attention away from the team and pushed Tony and Peter onto the sofa. "Stay here."
She wandered off and came back with a first aid kit.
"I'm still confused on who everyone is." Clint spoke after a couple minutes of silence. "I mean you called Tony your brother and last I checked Tony was an only child."
"He adopted my nephew. That make him my brother." She stated as she cleaned up the cuts on said brothers face as he cleaned the cuts on Peters.
"Nephew?" Sam asked.
"Son?" Wanda asked at the same time.
"That would be me." Peter waved slightly. "So you guys are the Avengers huh?"
They all nodded.
"Hm, I thought you guys would be cooler." He shrugged. "I mean we've met before, I'm Spider-Man incase you couldn't tell, but after seeing what May just did, ya boring."
The three laughed at the offended faces they got in return.
After May had finished cleaning up Tony, and re-cleaning up Peter since she wanted to make sure Tony did it right, she turned to the team with an angry look on her face.
"You left him to die!" She yelled as she gestured to Tony. "You lie to him and then leave him to die!"
"I-" Steve tried to defend him self but was cut off.
"You broke the law and had the audacity to tell Tony he was wrong!" The others didn't know how to react to the sudden change in emotion.
"I get that he was brain washed and that wasn't his fault." She pointed to Bucky. "But if you had listened to Tony for one second you would have known he was going to adjust the accords so everyone was happy!"
"But no." She dragged out the 'o'. "You has to go against one hundred and seventeen countries! One hundred! And seventeen!"
"You could have talked it out like adults! But of course good old Captain America knows best!" She was still yelling. "And all of you don't seem capable of forming your own thoughts and followed him!"
"I get that Bucky was brainwashed and none of its his fault but seriously?!" She took a deep breath.
"I'm assuming dinners ruined so we are ordering. What does everyone want." She asked as if she hadn't just yelled at the earths mightiest hero's.
"Can we have pizza." Peter asked from where he was snuggled up to Tony, both enjoying the show.
"Of course underoos." Tony replied softly.
"Hey Aunt May, do you know when mum gets home cause I want to be here when she yells at them." He pointed at the team who were still sat in shock.
Before she had a chance to reply the elevator dinged and Pepper stepped out.
"Uh oh." Steve whispered.
I finally updated! It feels like its been ages and I'm sorry about that, I just haven't had the motivation to write ya'know?
This was a request so shout out to them!!
I am working on the other request that people left so don't worry!
Also for a while we were number one in the stony tag??? Wth I love you guys sm!!
I mean we aren't anymore cause I took so long to update but it was good while it lasted lmao.
Anyways I love you guys n hope you are all looking after yourselves!
If I find out you aren't I will ground you. Don't test me!
Stay safe my dudes!
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