The One Where They Are Secret Husbands.
Hey! This one isn't Spidey related, it focuses on the ship WinterFalcon so feel free to skip this one as I know this ship isn't everyone's cup of tea!
Bucky and Sam were sat in Buckys room, one of two room in the tower that no one dares enter unless given permission and even then they are still cautious when entering. (The other room being Natasha's.)
Sam was laying on the bed, back against the headboard while playing with Bucky's hair who was happily sat between his legs. They had started dating after what the media had dubbed 'Civil War', at first they argued a lot but when you're on the run and are being hunted by people who want to arrest you, you start to get irritable.
They eventually started getting along, they went from barely being able to be in the same room to rarely ever being apart. Then feelings got involved and things just went from there.
At first they had decided not to tell the others, they didn't think the time was right and they didn't know how long they would last, so they thought it was best to keep it to themselves.
A year after they got together and two after the war the rouge avengers were allowed back and the avengers were reformed. Although tensions were still high, they thought telling everyone would just add to the stress so once again they kept it to themselves.
Even after they had snuck away during a mission in Las Vegas and gotten married they still didn't tell anyone at this point they were just so use to hiding it they didn't even think about telling them.
"Hey Sammy," Bucky began looking up at his husband, his metal hand subconsciously fiddling with the ring hanging from the necklace he was wearing. "You should officially move into my room."
Sam looked at him with nothing but love and kissed his cheek. The couple still had separate rooms so that the others wouldn't be suspicious, most nights though Sam would sneak into Bucky's room since no one else on the team was allowed to enter, not even Steve was allowed.
Sam would then sneak out before him and Steve went on their daily runs, he had to admit that he was getting a bit tired of having to wake up at 5 so that no one would see him leave.
"Don't you think people would notice that my room is empty and wonder where I've been sleeping." Sam replied.
"What if we tell them about us?" Bucky sat up which earned a displeased sound from the other man who was happily running his hands through Bucky's hair. "I'm sick off not being able to wake up to you."
"Jamie, are you sure?" Sam looked into his to make sure there wasn't an ounce of doubt. "You know that I want you to be happy."
"I'm sure." Sam smiled and pulled Bucky back into his lap, leaving a kiss on the back of his neck.
"Okay, how about we mess with them first?" Sam chuckled at the confused face Bucky made, "What I mean is, we don't just straight out tell them."
"You mean we leave hints?" Bucky asked letting out a sigh of content as Sam began to run his hands through his hair again.
"Yea like I'll wear my ring on my hand instead of the necklace stuff like that." Sam kissed Buckys head once he had finished speaking.
"Okay." Bucky smiled. "I love you Sammy."
"I love you too Jamie."
It was the next day at breakfast when someone noticed the ring that Sam was wearing the ring.
Sam had walked into the room last as he decided to skip the run today in favor of cuddling Bucky. He sat in the empty seat next to his husband. Next to Bucky was Steve, then Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor with Tony on the end. On the other end of the table was Stephen who wouldn't stop staring at Tony. Opposite Sam was Wanda, then Vision, Pietro, Loki, Rhodey, Pepper, and finally Peter.
"Good Morning." Sam greeted everyone as he put a couple of pancakes on his plate. He got a range of responses, some said good morning back others just grumbled. He was pretty sure he heard someone whisper 'I wish I was dead' but he didn't know for sure.
They had been eating for a couple of minutes when Pietro asked him to pass the juice, he stood up and passed it over. Wanda started to choke on her food which even a couple of weird looks from everyone.
Once she had finished and had a sip of water, she stared at Sam with wide eyes. "Is that a ring?" She pointed at Sams wedding ring.
"Yeah." Sam shrugged and carried on eating which earned a low chuckle from Bucky, Sam smirk a little when he got Bucky to laugh. Everyone was staring at Sam now.
"Yeah? Is that all you're going to say?" Tony asked voice filled with disbelief.
"It's a ring what move do you want me to say." Bucky chuckled again at his husbands reply.
"Wait does that mean you're engaged its on the wedding finger." Peter said.
"I didn't even know you were dating anyone, why didn't you tell us?" Steve added.
Sam put down his fork and looked around the table at all the faces staring at him. He checked his watch before letting out a sigh.
"I'm not engaged." Everyone let out a sigh of relief that one of their team mates wasn't hiding something so big from them. Sam got up taking his plate to the sink he began to walk towards the door. "I'm married, now if you don't mind I have a date to get ready for."
Everyone stared at the door he had just left through, they were all confused how did they not know someone they lived with, someone they considered family was married. The stunned silence was interrupted when Bucky got out of his seat and left in the same direction Sam did.
"What the fu-"
No one had seen Sam since breakfast that day and they all wanted to know more about his secret wife. Everyone minus Sam had been sitting around the common room watching a movie while waiting for the pizza they had ordered to arrive.
Bucky had came back a couple hour prier after his and Sams date, unfortunately it had been cut slightly short after Fury had called him about an 'urgent' mission.
So Bucky was sat on the love seat by himself watching whatever movie they had playing, his none metal hand messing with the ring that was still hanging around his neck. He really wanted Sam to come home so that they could cuddle.
He was not ashamed to admit that he missed Sam.
"Hey Buck, you okay." Steve asked from his place on the long sofa that most of the team was sat on. Everyone in the room turned their attention to the conversation the two were having. (Apart from Peter who was asleep while laying across Tony and Stephan).
Bucky only nodded and tucked the ring back into his top. "Just missing the person who gave me the ring."
Steve hummed in response assuming it was from someon
e in the 40's. Everyone turned back to the film.
When Sam entered the common room about an hour after Steve and Bucky had spoken, he had a grin on his face he was excited to see Bucky.
Sam had asked where his husband was while in the elevator and already knew that he had gone to bed, so he was planning on heading straight to Buckys room.
"Hey Sam why so happy? Got to see your wife?" Tony asked when he noticed Sam entered the room.
" I don't have a wife." Sam responded as he went into the kitchen, he came back out a minute later with some snacks and a couple of drinks.
"I thought you said you were married?" Clint asked while he worked on plaiting Nat's hair, who was sat on the floor in front of him. Wanda sat next to him pointing out where he was going wrong every now and then.
"I am." Was all Sam said before he had left again.
"I'm confused." Clint said still concentrating on Nat's hair, listening as Wanda told him that he need to pull it tighter.
"It means he has a husband birdbrain." Natasha replied.
"Sams gay? Why didn't he tell us, he knows we would accept him." Tony added trying not to move to much as now not only was Peter was asleep on him but Stephen had fell asleep while leaning on his shoulder.
"he didn't even tell us he was married, how much do we really know about him?" Rhodey stood up as he spoke. "It's getting late I suggest you all go to bed." Rhodey made his way over to Tony lifting Peter out of his lap before leaving, presumably to put Peter in his room.
It was once again breakfast but unlike the day before Sam was one of the first ones there. Since he had skipped out on going running the day before, not that he regrets it, he decided that he had to go today.
Eventually everyone had made their way into the kitchen and were eating apart from Bucky who Sam had left to sleep but after a couple of minutes of everyone eating a very tired Bucky sluggishly walked in.
He waved a good morning before sitting in his normal seat between Sam and Steve. Everyone continued eating after greeting him. Sam picked up some waffles and put them on the plate that someone had set in front of Bucky.
"You gotta eat Jamie." Sam mumbled into Buckys ear so only he could hear, although he wouldn't be surprised if Peter could also hear him with his enhanced hearing.
Bucky yawned before leaning his head on his husbands shoulder, Sam smiled at that before going back to eating his own breakfast.
Bucky slowly picked up his fork and with slow movements began to eat. To tired to care that everyone was looking at the pair.
"Did you sleep alright Bucky you seem tired." Steve asked concerned about his friend.
"Yea although I didn't do much sleeping." Bucky mumbled slightly glancing at Sam. Steve looked confused but accepted the answer.
"Aw Jamie you can't tell me that you didn't have fun." Sam whispered seductively in his ear after Bucky had lifted his head off of his shoulder so that he could eat properly. Sam quickly checked to see if Peter had heard what he had said but from the look of it he hadn't.
It was after lunch and everyone but Peter, Rhodey, Pepper and Bucky where in the training room. Peter, Rhodey and Pepper because they had school or work and Bucky because everyone had decided that he was to tired to train and sent him back to bed.
Nat and Clint where sparing, Steve and Thor were using a special punching bag that wouldn't break as easily while Loki, Vision and Stephen where helping Wanda learn how to control her powers.
Tony and Bruce where sat to the side talking science although the latter seemed more interested in the fact that Thor was shirtless.
Sam was running on a treadmill listening to the playlist Bucky had made him, it was made up of songs that reminded him of Sam. Sams phone started to ring halfway through the song he was listening to.
Everyone turned to look at him, maybe it was his husband and they could learn his name! Sam smiled at the phone before swiping to pick up.
"Hey baby," Sam greeted as he slowed the treadmill down until it was stopped. The rest of the group heard a voice on the other end but couldn't tell what he was saying.
"I'm still training." The voice said something else. "I literally saw you this morning." Sam chuckled. They hear the voice yell something that sounded like 'So I still miss you!'
The team shared confused looks, hadn't Sam been here all morning and who was this guy.
"I miss you too." Sam smiled, the voice then said what sounded like 'Too late I don't miss you anymore' Sam then dramatically gasped. "How dare you, you know what no cuddles for a week."
This confused the team even more, they never took Sam as the cuddling kind. He was always so guarded and had rarely let the other hug him. It had surprised them when he had let Bucky lean on his shoulder at breakfast.
The heard the voice say 'Nonononono I'm sorry I miss you!' This caused Sam to chuckle again.
"Good you better." Sam said in fake seriousness, 'I need a hug come give me cuddles.' Sam glanced back at everyone else in the room and they all pretended that they hadn't stopped to listen, "If you want hugs you have to come to me I'm busy."
The team didn't hear what the other guy had mumble but they guessed it was along the lines of 'Me too' based off of Sams reply. "I know you're not, you were sleeping."
The voice said something before hanging up, Sam laughed as he put his phone back in his pocket. everyone was excited, did this mean they were going to meet Sams husband?
A couple of minutes later of Sam waiting a couple of feet away from the door and everyone else watching to see who was going to walk in, a very grumpy Bucky walked in with his blanket over his shoulders and head looking at the floor.
The avengers all stared as Sam opened his arms and Bucky walked straight into them hands still holding his blanket up. As soon as he felt Buckys head hit his chest he wrapped his arms around his husband as if he was trying to protect him from the world.
"Hey baby." Sam kissed the top of his head. "Feeling any better?"
Bucky looked up at Sam. "No thanks to you." Sam chuckled once again.
"We both know that you had fun last night." Bucky had to slightly lift his heels off of the ground as he planted a soft kiss on Sams lips. Bucky seemed to only now notice everyone else in the room as he blushed and hid his face in Sams chest.
"Wait, so you're telling me that Mr I could kill you in under ten seconds is your husband!" Tony yelled after shaking himself out of shock. "The same husband who you were on the phone too, the one who wanted cuddles!"
"Uhh yea?" Sam replied. "We've been married for like 3 years, we got married during that mission in Vegas."
"2 years 11 months and 23 days." Bucky spoke from where he was still hugging Sam.
"What why didn't you tell us?" Steve asked a bit hurt that two of his best friends kept this from him.
"We first started dating when we were on the run it didn't seem like the time and when we came back everyone was so tense and we didn't want to cause any arguments." Bucky answered truthfully.
"Why didn't you tell us after you got married?" Natasha asked.
"We were just so used to having to hide it that we didn't even think about telling you guys, it had always been out of the question." Sam said as he started to run his hands through Buckys hair. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you we didn't want to upset anyone."
"We decided a couple of nights ago to just stop hiding it rather then tell you, we wanted to see how long it would take for you guys to find out." Bucky leaned further into Sam enjoying the hand in his hair.
"Huh, so that's why I saw you sneaking into Bucky's room at night." Stephen spoke from where he sat on the floor, still practicing his magic.
"What you knew?" Tony looked at his boyfriend in disbelief.
"To be honest I thought they were just having sex, I didn't know they were married plus it was none of my business." Stephen replied with a shrug.
"Wait is no one going to ignore that the reason Bucky is so tired is because they fuc-" Clint began but was interrupted.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed it, I thought I would try something different! Feel free to leave requests, I try and write them as soon as possible. Also sorry about the lack of updating I'm going to try and upload more!
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