The One Where They Are Late Home.
Okay I know this is a Spider-Man oneshot book but this is another one without him. I promise I'll write a spidey one soon!
This is a oneshot for Steve x Sam x Bucky x Rhodey x Tony so if you don't like this ship feel free to skip!
Also there are mentions of panic attacks so be safe while reading!
Three days.
They were supposed to be back three fucking days ago.
It sucked when one of them had to go off on a mission, Tony would worry beyond belief but when all four of them were gone?
It was agony.
It was fine at first, he would just lock himself in his lab and eat whatever food someone else in the tower would bring him, counting down the days until they would be back.
Occasionally he would try to sleep but without his soldier boys with him, the nightmares would be too much to handle and he'd end up back in the lab so by the fourth day of them being gone he gave up on trying to sleep.
On the sixth day was normally when he would start taking better care of himself, he still wouldn't sleep but he would eat properly and shower.
They were coming back the next day and he wouldn't want them to be disappointed that he didn't at least pretend to look after himself.
After showering he would check on the rest of the team, the ones that were home anyway, see if they needed anything and check to see who was actually staying here at the moment.
Some were on missions and some had other places they would occasionally stay.
By the time he'd made his way back to the lab he'd already forgotten who was in the tower and who wasn't.
It didn't particularly matter though because the people he wanted weren't in the tower and that was all he could focus on.
He would try and sleep that night, especially since he didn't know what time they were supposed to come home, if it was early in the morning and he wasn't in bed they would worry.
He hated worrying them.
He slept in one of Sams T-shirts with Rhodey's MIT jumper over the top and a pair of either Bucky's or Steve's jogging bottoms, he couldn't remember who's they were at this point since they both had worn them at some point or another.
Sleeping in their clothes helped dull the nightmares enough for him to sleep through the night.
Then came the seventh day of them being gone and Tony was excited. They were supposed to come home, they promised they would.
They didn't.
They still weren't home on the eighth day.
And now Tony was worried, he called Fury probably a thousand times before noon but he wouldn't tell him anything.
So of course Tony hacked Shield to find out where they were, he didn't care if Fury had told him a hundred time that it was 'classified' he needed to know they were okay.
He missed them and he didn't know what he would do without them so 'goddammit Jarvis I don't care how many laws you have to break find them!'
He didn't find them, Fury must have know he would go snooping and never put the mission in the data base, Tony had never hated him more then he did in that moment.
Day nine was worse then day eight, day eight you can argue that maybe it was too late for them to come home or that they were just finishing up but day nine mean that somethings gone wrong.
Day nine means they could be hurt or kidnapped or dead.
Tony had ran to the bathroom to throw up at the thought of being dead. They couldn't be dead, they promised they'd be back and they never broke their promises.
They would be back soon and they would all cuddle in bed while watching Disney movie, occasionally exchanging sleepy kisses until they all drifted to sleep with Tony in the middle.
Some nights one of them would have a nightmare and the others would comfort them.
The next morning Tony would wake up to only Bucky, Sam and Steve would have gone on their run and Rhodey would make breakfast for when everyone would wake up and gotten back from their run.
Tony would sleepily make his way to the kitchen with Bucky close behind. They would eat in mostly silence, a couple sentences about what the plans for the day were would be spoken but for the most part it would be silent.
Then Sam and Steve would go shower after their run, sometimes together sometimes not, and everyone else would get dressed and ready for the day.
More sleepy kisses would be shared.
Then they would go about their days, Tony would normally go to the lab Steve would sometime follow him down, sit on the sofa in the corner and draw while Tony would work.
Bucky and Sam would normally work out or hang in the common room or some days they would hang out in the corner of the lab too.
Rhodey would go to work, he was a lieutenant colonel after all. Although on days he wasn't at work he would spend the day with one of his boys.
It wasn't always like this, some days someone would be on a mission and on those days things just felt off for Tony so he wouldn't go to the lab and he would follow whoever wasn't on a mission.
They would appreciate it since being around Tony took their mind off of danger one of their boyfriends could be in.
Except it wasn't like this and it was day nine and they still weren't home.
The nightmares were worse that night.
Worse then they had been since they had all gotten together after Tony had drunkenly confessed that he was in love with all of them and he didn't want to chose just one.
They had told him they loved him too.
It was weird at first because they didn't know where they stood with each other, they all loved Tony yes but they didn't know how they felt about each other.
Until one night Sam shyly confessed that he had sort of maybe fallen in love with the rest of them as well.
He said that he understood if they just loved Tony, he was ecstatic when Bucky had said that he felt the same.
It was less weird now. They all had fallen in love with each other and they wouldn't change it for the world.
Although none of them said it, they all knew that they loved Tony a little bit more then they loved each other and that was okay. Tony loved them all equally with his entire heart.
Tony didn't get out of bed day ten.
He was exhausted because of the nightmares and the panic attacks the nightmare caused and because they were supposed to be back three fucking days ago.
"Jarvis?" Tony asked quietly, voice rough from crying. He was curled up in the middle of there massive bed still wrapped up in the others clothes. "Please tell me you found them."
Jarvis didn't reply for a moment, if he wasn't an AI Tony would have thought he was thinking.
"I'm sorry sir." He sounded sympathetic but he was a robot and couldn't feel emotions. "I have been unable to locate them. However a Shield aircraft has recently taken off. That could be a good sign sir."
Jarvis was grasping at straws, Tony knew that but he appreciated the effort.
"Would you like me to try and call one of them?" Jarvis asked after a moment of silence.
Tony doubted they would pick up but it was worth a shot.
"Yea, call Sam he's the most likely to pick up." It was true, Steve and Bucky still weren't up to date with technology and Rhodey always kept his phone on silent so he rarely heard it go off.
"Of course sir."
Tony didn't reply as he listening to the sound of him calling Sam, it rang a couple times before it went to voicemail.
'Hey this is Sam, leave a message or don't.'
Tony chuckled at the message.
"Would you like to leave a message sir?" Jarvis voice cut through the silence that had fallen over the room.
"Uhh no." Tiny whispered, tears began falling before he was full out sobbing.
He curled up into a ball, hugging a pillow to his chest as he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.
They had to be okay, they had to be.
Because Tony wasn't sure what he would do if they weren't.
Because if they weren't okay he would never be able to recover, people would try to understand and they would try to help but they wouldn't understand.
They can't understand.
So Tony cries. What else could he do, he had Jarvis working on finding them and he was sure Nat and Clint were asking Fury where they were, he had asked them too on day nine.
But it was day ten and they hadn't said anything about it. Maybe they knew and they didn't want to upset him anymore.
Anyone who knows Tony however, knows that he can't stand not knowing something.
Maybe it had something to do with his mind always going a thousand miles per hour or maybe it his deep need to learn and understand everything.
He's not sure.
What he is sure of though, is that he can't stand not knowing if they are okay, he needs to know.
Yet here he is, still crying, and not knowing.
Tony assumes that he fell asleep at some point between all the crying, it wasn't nightmares that woke him this time however.
It was Rhodey.
It was Rhodey!
Tony sat up quicker then he has ever moved before and flung his arms around his boyfriends neck. He was already crying again.
But that was okay.
"You're back!" He pulled back and looked around the room to see the others. They weren't there. This of course caused Tony to panic. "Where are the others? Are they okay? Please tell me their okay."
"Tony! Calm down, everyone's okay." Rhodey spoke calmly, like he always does. Tony doesn't think he's ever met anyone as calm as Rhodey and in moments like this he's thankful for it.
And still Tony started crying again.
"Tones what's wrong?" Rhodey reached a hand out and wiped away some of the tears that were falling. "Talk to me baby."
"Where are they? I need to make sure they're okay!" Tony was starting to panic again but Rhodey was still calm. He had dealt with a panicking Tony a hundred times, he knew how to help.
"They are just getting dressed in the bathroom." Rhodey spoke softly. "You were asleep when we got home so we all decided to shower and get dressed before waking you. They're okay."
"I- I need to see them. Will- Can you get them for me." Tony was looking around desperately, his voice filled with worry and panic.
"Yea I'll get them." Rhodey went to stand up but Tony grabbed his hand before he could leave. Rhodey nodded in understanding. "Hey guys?"
He heard a 'Yea' from the bathroom.
"Can you come in here?" He called out again, he moved so that he was sat next to Tony and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, Tony immediately relaxed in his touch.
Bucky walked into the room while towel drying his hair, Steve and Sam were close behind him.
"What's up-" Bucky cut himself of as soon as he saw Tony. "Tony, Baby what's wrong?"
He quickly dropped the towel in his hands and crossed the room to sit opposite Tony in the bed.
"Are you okay?" Bucky gently touch Tony's cheek with his none metal hand which Tony immediately cupped his own hand around.
Tony nodded, tears still running down his face.
Steve at some point during the exchange had sat on Tony's other side while Sam had sat next to Bucky.
"You guys are okay!" Tony sobbed, head rested on Rhodey shoulder. "You were supposed to be back three days ago and you weren't and I-"
He was cut off by his own crying.
Steve rubbed circles on his back to sooth him, Bucky kept wiping the tears that were falling.
"I'm sorry doll." Steve mumble as he pressed a kiss to his temple. "We got caught up and they wouldn't let us call you but we're okay."
"We're all okay." Sam confirmed.
They sat there while Tony calmed down, occasionally reminding Tony that they're all okay.
"I love you all so much." Tony whispered after a while.
"We all love you too." Bucky confirmed, lifting one of Tony's hands to his lips and placing a soft kiss on his knuckles. "How about we run you a bath and get you all cleaned up before we go to bed."
Tony nodded, he was still cover in sweat from his nightmares the night before and had been wearing the same clothes for the last four day's.
Bucky left to go start the bath as Steve lifted Tony into his arms, Rhodey and Sam stayed behind to change the sweat covered sheets and to find him some new clothes to wear.
Steve gently place him so he was sat on the toilet seat and only now did Tony realise how tired he truly was.
He let Steve gently undress him as he watched Bucky add some bubble bath to the water.
Sam and Rhodey walked into the room just as the bath finished filling up, Sam places the new clothes on the side.
He let himself be helped up and into the warm water of the bath.
"Thank you." Tony whispered as Bucky and Rhodey gently began to wash his hair. Steve and Sam worked on washing the rest of his body.
"I'm glad you guys are okay." He mumbled sleepily when no one replied. "I don't know what I'd do with out you guys."
His words were slurring as he relaxed, he felt safe with the hands of the people he loved gently touching him with care as they washed him.
"I was so worried." He wasn't sure why he was still talking but he didn't stop. He wasn't sure if they were even listening.
They were.
They will always listen.
"We're sorry for worrying you." Sam replied as he gently cleaned his face.
After he was all clean they helped him out of the bath, he was more awake now but he let them help anyway.
They dressed him in boxers and one of Steve's jumpers since Steve was bigger then him, the jumper went down to his knees.
They lead him to their bed and laid him under the covers, right in the middle.
Sam and Steve laid on his right and Rhodey and Bucky on his left.
They were all huddle close together just enjoying each other company when Steve spoke.
"Back in the war." He began softly. "Some of the guys used to swap dog tag. They believed that you couldn't die unless you were wearing yours."
"I guess it was for luck or maybe they genuinely believe it. I don't know." He continued. "But I was thinking that maybe. If you guys wanted too we could give ours to Tony."
No one replied for a moment, probably thinking over the answer.
"That's a good idea Stevie." Bucky mumble, he had his face buried in Rhodey's neck from where they were spooning. Rhodey was holding Tony's hand at the same time.
Sam was laying on his front, head on Tony's chest and arm wrapped around his waist, with Steve laying next to him on his other side, they were also holding hands.
Although it wasn't the comfiest position none of them wanted to move because they were happy being together.
"Yea we should do that." Rhodey squeezed Tony's hand. Sam just nodded against Tony chest to tired to actually speak.
"I would like that a lot." Tony whispered.
Steve sat up and took of his dog tags, he held out his hand, Bucky hand him his and so did Rhodey.
Sam mumbled something that Steve could apparently understand as he undid Sams and gently pulled it off.
He then took the tags and put them all on one chain before leaning over Sam to put them on Tony.
He sat up as much as he could with Sam laying on him to make it easier for Steve, once they were on he laid back down.
"Thank you." Tony whispered, he held them in the hand that wasn't holding Rhodey's as they sat right over his arc reactor.
And if Tony had a lovesick smile on his face for the next couple of days no one mentioned it.
This was a long one! I wasn't sure how to end it so sorry for the shitty ending!
This was a request so I hope you enjoyed it!
It was inspired by the the group chat and this picture:
So shout out to y'all!
Lemme know if you enjoyed it n I promise I'll upload a spidey oneshot soon as the last couple haven't been!
Stay safe my dudes!
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