The One Where Peter Gets Kidnapped.
Peter glanced at the clock for probably the hundredth time this lesson, he was in his final lesson of the day and really wanted to leave as he was excited to work in the lab with his dad. All he had to do was wait for the lesson to end and he would be free.
After what felt like years the bell finally rang, Peter packed away his stuff and left the classroom as fast as humanly possible (to avoid suspicion of being Spider-man). He made his way out of the school, glad he was able to avoid Flash, and began his walk to the tower.
He was about 10 minutes away when his spidey sense started screaming at him, before he had time to react something hard hit the back of his skull and knocked him out.
Tony was having a bad day, not only did he have to go to all of his meetings, since Pepper had insisted that he couldn't miss anymore, he also had to meet with all the avengers and discus the accords so that they'll be allowed back into the country.
He reluctantly made his way to the conference room which held the team, he pushed the door open and made his way to his chair at the end of the table, ignoring all the complaints that he was late.
He look at everyone in the room. Natasha, Steve, Clint, Scott, Wanda and Vision where sat and one side of the table while Bucky, Rhodey, Sam, Bruce and Thor (who had recently returned) sat on the other. King T'Challa was unable to attend since he has a country to run.
"Can we get this over with I have places to be." Tony said, when in reality he just wanted to get to the labs to work with Peter but none of them knew about Peter so he couldn't tell them that.
"We'll take as long as needed." Steve replied while rolling his eyes. "Do you know if the Spider guy is going to be here?"
"No." Tony said bluntly.
The meeting had been going on for awhile and Tony was getting bored, Peter was supposed to be home a little while ago but Tony had not heard anything from him.
"FRI?" Tony asked interrupting Steve who did not look impressed. "Is he home yet?"
"No, Boss." FRIDAY said knowing who he was talking about. "Would you like me to call him?"
"Yes please." Tony was now worried, he didn't look at the confused faces of the team and looked at his hands and tried not to panic.
"He is not answering, Sir. The tracker has also been disabled." FRIDAY sounded concerned which confused the group even more. Who were they talking about?
"Well find him!" Tony was panicking now, he always answered if it was Tony calling. " I don't care how many laws you have to break!"
"Who are you talking about Tony?" Natasha asked, she knew everything about everyone and even she didn't know.
"Sir, you have an incoming call from an unknown number."
"Put it through FRI."
A video popped up on the screen that was at the front of the room, it showed a chair that had a boy strapped to it who seemed to be covered in blood and bruises. A man stepped into view and looked directly into the camera.
"Tony Stark, I seemed to have found something very important to you!" The man made his way over to the figure who looked as though he was crying. "Aw is he crying?"
This made Tony's blood boil who does this man think he is!
"I swear to god I will kill you!" Tony spoke dangerously calm. The figure in the chair, who Tony guessed was Peter began shaking. Peter then threw his head back and to everyone's surprise was laughing. "Peter? Are you okay?"
"Yea, yea. I'm sorry!" Peter kept laughing. "This guy thinks I'm just some intern! He's so stupid! He has no idea who hes kidnapped!"
The man looked confused and slapped Peter in an attempt to make him stop.
"Oh. My. God." Peter laughed again, much to the avengers shock. "You really are stupid!"
Everyone in the conference room turned to Tony who looked furious. He stood up and called his suit.
"FRI? Have you found where he is yet?" Tony asked while his suit formed around him.
"Yes Sir, the coordinates are being displayed now."
"Hey Pete." Tony asked looking directly at his son. "Give em' hell."
"Yes Sir!" Peter quickly broke the rope that was tying his hands behind his back and mocked a salute the smile he had never leaving his face. "Will you pick me up when I'm done?" He asked as he punched the guy who had tied him up in the face.
"Yea, I'm on my way." Tony made him way out of the conference room after he saw Peter move to fight the guys who had just entered his cell.
"Wait, Tony-" Steve began but was soon interrupted once again.
"I'll explain when I get back."
About an hour later Tony had returned to the tower with Peter and made his way to the medical room to check out the few injures he had got.
"Look I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get kidnapped!" Peter argued, unaware of the group of superheros that were watching. He moved so that he was sat up in the bed.
"This is the third time this month!" Tony countered. "Look I'm glad you're okay underoos but you need to be more careful! I was worried!"
"I didn't mean to worry you but you've got to admit that it was funny how stupid that guy was!" Peter smiled at his dad.
Tony rolled his eyes and pulled him into a hug.
"If you get kidnapped again this month, you're grounded!" Tony said as he sat back in the chair next to the bed.
"Dad! Thats not fair, its not my fault." Peter began to say something else but someone else spoke before he could.
"Dad?" Clint asked from the back of the group that were stood in the hallway.
"Kidnapped again?" Sam asked.
"Uh Dad?" Peter slowly pointed his figure at the other people in the room. "Its the avengers."
"Can someone explain whats going on?" Wanda said from the back of the group.
"Oh! Yea...Uh..." Peter looked at his dad who nodded. "I'm Peter," He got up and stuck his hand out so he could shake everyone's hands. "Peter Stark, its nice to meet you all!"
He went to shake Steve's hand last, he pulled him close once they were hand in hand and whispered into his ear in a dangerous tone. "You hurt my Dad again and I'll kill you!"
By the time he pulled away his normal smile was back on his face, he seemed to smile more when he saw how scared Steve looked.
"We were going to have a movie night tonight do you guys wanna join?" Peter looked back towards his dad for approval.
"As long as you do your homework as you still have school tomorrow." Tony said in a fatherly tone which surprised the team as they had never heard him like this.
Peter nodded and rushed out of the room muttering something about Star Wars and popcorn. Tony smiled fondly, moving out of the chair to follow him. "You guys shouldn't keep him waiting he is very serious about Star Wars." Tony chuckled as he left to go to the living room.
"How long was I gone." Bruce muttered from the somewhere in the group as they all followed Tony out of the room.
There wasn't a lot about the kidnapping but I hope you guys enjoyed! Also I suck at fight scenes so I'm trying to avoid them. Feel free to leave requests!
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