The One Where Hes Been Kicked Out.
Hey! Just a quick trigger warning. I'm not sure what trigger warnings but it does have a reference to suicidal thoughts (kind of?) so here's a TW!
Safe reading!
Peter isn't sure how it happened.
One minute he was at home in his apartment with May, trying on his new Spidey suit in his bedroom and the next he was stood out in the rain with most of his belongings in a bag.
He remembers shouting. A lot of shouting, he's pretty sure he was shouting too but he remembers May shouting most of all.
Peter doesn't think he's ever heard her that mad.
She was alway calm and collected and never, never angry. Especially towards him.
He doesn't remember a lot of what she said and she said a lot. She said too much.
If he's being completely honest he isn't sure how he ever got outside or what he packed in the duffel bag that was just sat on the ground, getting soaked in the rain.
I should call someone. He thinks.
He doesn't.
There's no one to call.
It's not like he has a long line of family members to take him in and he knows without a doubt Ned would but this is his burden to carry, so he doesn't call him.
His thoughts are... fuzzy.
No, not fuzzy. Blurry.
Like they are going to fast for him to catch and he's too tired to even try. It's too much, everything is numb.
He's pretty sure that he's going to get hypothermia, he can't bring himself to care.
It's not like he can remember where he is after he left his -no not his- Mays apartment in such a rush, he didn't bother to focus on where he was going.
To busy focusing on how May hates him.
He had stopped crying long ago but that thought alone made him want to start all over again.
He should probably feel something other then numb, he should feel sad or angry or anything.
He doesn't though.
Still just numb.
The thought of calling someone crosses his mind again, it's the closet to a coherent thought he can get.
The rest of his brain is on a constant loop of: She knows. May knows and she hates me. She hates me.
Mays been his only family for so long he isn't sure how to live without her.
The rain is heavier then when he first left. It's pouring and all his clothes are soaked, he's most definitely going to get hypothermia.
Or maybe he'll start to hibernate and then he won't have to worry about being kicked out.
Although if he passes out Karen would probably alert Mr Stark and he really can't handle getting yelled at right now.
Maybe she's already told him and he just doesn't care.
It'll be one less problem for Tony to have to deal with right?
He shuts that thought down just as quickly as it came. Tony likes spending time with him other they wouldn't have weekly lab sessions.
'Ben would be disappointed in you, Peter! You kill people!'
Peter shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts.
It didn't work.
He thinks he might be crying again.
He can't tell.
His face was already wet from the rain and from him crying earlier so it was hard to know for sure.
Knowing he couldn't stand in the rain any longer, he decided that he should in fact call someone. He wasn't sure who yet.
Maybe Happy?
Although there relationship had a rocky start, he thinks that the man is starting to like him.
He no longer flat out ignores the boy when he picks him up from school and takes him to the tower for lab night once a week.
He even asks questions about whatever it is the Peters rambling about.
He should call happy.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket with one hand and using the other to block the screen from the rain, he scrolls through his contacts until he finds the one he's looking for.
Hesitating slightly, he clicks on the contact and put it to his ear.
It rings a couple times before he picks up.
"Peter? It's nearly one in the morning shouldn't you be in bed. You have school in the morning." Happys concerned voice comes through the phone.
"I-" He cut himself off. He's not sure why.
"Pete?" Happy still sounds concerned. "Are you okay?"
He's definitely crying again now.
"No." He lets out a quiet sob. "No, can-"
He is cut off by his own crying. He takes a deep breath before trying again.
"Can you come get me please?" He can hear Happy getting up and moving around on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah. Of course." He says softly. "Do you want me to bring Tony?"
Peter nods.
"Uh, yes please." He says after a moment, once he remembered that Happy can't see him.
"Okay." Happy says softly, Peter hears him tell Friday to get Tony to meet him at the car before addressing Peter again. "Where are you? Are you at home?"
"No." Peter looks at his surroundings but it's dark and it's raining so he can't tell where he is.
How the hell does he not know where he is.
"I... I don't know. It's dark and... and it's raining. I don't know where I am, Happy." Peters panicky crying is making it hard for him to breath.
"Take a deep breath. It's okay, I'll get Tony to track your phone." Happy says firmly but somehow softly at the same time. "In and out, okay?"
"In and out." Peter nods before following the instructions. He's still panicking a bit but at least breathing is easier now.
"We are on our way, okay Pete?" Happy says, it sound like he's just gotten in the car and he hears Tony ask what's happening.
"Please don't hang up." Peter whispers. It's so quiet that he's afraid that happy won't hear it.
He does hear it.
"I won't hang up kid but I'm going to give the phone to Tony so that I can drive."
Peter just nods even if he knows they can't see him.
It takes a couple of seconds before anyone says anything, if he had to guess he would assume that Happy was explaining to Tony what little he knew before passing over the phone.
"Underoos?" Tony says as soon as he has the phone.
The worry and the kindness and the pure love in his voice makes Peter start crying all over again.
"I'm sorry." Peter stuttered out between sobs.
"It's okay kid. We are on our way. It's okay." Tony kept whispering words of reassurance to the teen.
It took another ten minutes before Tony and Happy had arrived to where Friday had said Peter was.
It was still raining and it was closer to two now, so it was hard to see Peter at first, Tony was worried they were in the wrong place.
Tony had seen him first and was out of the car before Happy even had time to stop it, phone still pressed against his ear.
"I see you kid, I'm going to hang up now okay?" He said as he ran across the park that Peter had found himself in.
He didn't wait for a reply before he hung up the phone, he was at Peter now and instantly pulled him into a hug.
"I'm here." He whispered into Peters hair. "I got you."
Peter clutched onto Tony's top as he sobbed into the mans chest. His heart broke for the crying teen.
"I'm sorry." Peter muttered as he pulled away from the hug a couple of minutes later.
"It's okay." Tony replied instantly.
Because it was okay.
He had realised on the way here that there wasn't nothing he wouldn't do for his kid.
His kid?
That was new.
He was shocked that the thought of Peter being his kid didn't scare him as much as he thought it would.
It felt right calling Peter his kid.
He was pulled out of his thoughts once he noticed that Peter was shivering.
Probably because it been raining for hours and Peter has been out here god knows long. His brain helpfully supplied.
"God, you must be freezing." Tony shrugged his jacket off of his shoulders and wrapped it around Peters. "Let's get you to the car, okay."
Peter nodded mutely.
Tony hadn't noticed the bag on the ground nor the backpack he had been wearing until Peter had bent down to pick up the duffle.
He took the bag out of his hand and wrapped an arm around his shoulder as he lead him to the car that Happy was waiting in.
They didn't say anything as Tony helped him into the back seat, they didn't say anything as Peter curled into Tony side and started crying softly again and Tony didn't say anything as he saw Happy watching them through mirror with a confused look.
He just shook his head as if to say 'I'll tell you later'.
All the reasons of why Peter could be out here kept running through this mind and- Oh.
He got it now.
The bags, the crying, the fact that he was stood in the rain at two in the morning.
"Oh Pete." He whispered as he ran a hand through the Spiderlings hair.
"Take us to the compound Happy." Tony asked gently his attention never leaving Peter. Happy nodded and started to drive.
"Didn't know who else to call." Peter muttered.
"You should always call me when you're in trouble bambino." Tony kept his voice soft. "Always."
"May found out." Tony didn't say anything in return, he just kept running his hand through Peters hair to show he was listening. "She got mad."
"She got so mad, I don't think I've ever seen her that mad." He buried himself further into Tony's side as if he was hiding.
Maybe he was.
"She said that-" Peter cut himself off and Tony knew that it was so he wouldn't cry again. "She said a lot."
He pulled Peter even closer to his side and Peter didn't speak for a while.
"She kicked me out." He whispered finally.
"I'm so sorry Pete." Tony whispered back. Peter shrugged in return as if he wasn't bothered.
Tony knew he was. He knew that this was eating him up inside.
"You can stay at the compound for as long as you want, the room I had made for you is still there, okay?" Peter nodded.
They sat in silence for the rest of the journey, Peter didn't leave Tony side the entire time.
When they finally arrived at the compound it was nearing three in morning so Tony showed Peter to his room, opposite his own of course, and the kid had almost immediately passed out after getting into some dry clothes.
Tony had stayed by Peters request but he quietly slipped out of the room about seven.
He wasn't sure how he would explain this to the other Avengers. All the rogues had been cleared of their crimes and they were all allowed home.
It had been a rocky journey but they were almost back to how they were before.
They all knew they would never quite get back to that point though.
None of them knew about Peter, all they knew is once a week Tony would sneak off to the tower and sometimes wouldn't come back till the next day.
They also hadn't met Spider-Man since the fight, they knew the room opposite Tony's was his but none of them had ever seen anyone use it.
When asked about him Tony wouldn't answer.
Tony sighed as he poured himself some coffee in the communal kitchen. He was the first one up, not that he had gone to sleep he was too busy worrying about his kid.
"Better get this over with." He muttered to himself, he took a sip of coffee before dialling Mays number.
It rang for a while before she picked up.
"You kicked him out?" Tony yelled as soon as she spoke. He hadn't realised how angry he was at the women until now. "He is a fifteen year old kid and you kicked him out!"
"He is a liar and a murderer!" She was very quick to defend herself. "This is your fault Stark! I know you have something to do with it!"
Tony started pacing back and forward.
"He was Spider-Man long before I ever met him! He is not a liar and he damn sure isn't a murderer!" At this point he was quickly forgetting his reason for the call.
He didn't call to yell at her it just came out.
"He's the reason people have died! That makes him a murderer!" She argued back.
"He saves people May!" Tony was so busy yelling that he hadn't noticed his team walk into the kitchen. All his yelling woke them up. "He is a good person, better then you and you are lucky to be able to call him your kid!"
He was glad he sound proofed Peters room. He didn't need to hear this.
"He is not my kid. Not anymore." May didn't yell this but that doesn't mean that there want venom in her voice.
"Fuck you!" Tony's voice was dangerously calm. "My lawyers will be in contact."
He hung up the phone.
"Fuck!" He yelled as he threw his phone at the wall, he had his back to the rest of the kitchen so he didn't have to throw it that far.
"Tony?" Steve spoke gently as to not scare the man, Tony jumped anyway.
When he turned around he notice that not only was Steve Behind him but so was Sam, Nat, Clint, Bucky, Vision and Wanda.
"Are you okay?" Steve asked after a moment.
Tony nodded and ran a hand through his hair.
"Does this have something to do with the kid sleeping in Spider-Mans room?" Nat asked, when Tony gave her a confused look, she elaborated. "I was awake when you guys got back, I saw you go in there."
Tony opened his mouth to reply but a voice from the doorway interrupted him.
"Mr Stark?" Peter asked, he was wearing an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. The sleeves cover his hands and made him look adorable.
Everyone in the room turned to look at him as he awkwardly shuffled over to where his farther figure was standing.
"Hey kid. How you feeling?" Tony asked softly, pushing the hair out of Peters eyes.
Peter shrugged in return, he quickly glance at the other superheroes in the room before looking back at Tony.
" 'm okay." He mumbled. Tony knew he was lying.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Tony asked instead of pushing. When Peter nodded he continued. "Pancakes?"
Peter nodded again.
"Okay why don't you sit down." Tony nodded over to the kitchen island that the rest were sat near as he began getting out the ingredients.
"Do they know? About me I mean?" Peter mumble instead of moving.
"Who you are?" Peter nodded. "No. Do you want me to tell them?"
Peter nodded again, then finally went and sat down.
"Tell us what?" Sam asked.
"You guys sit down too and I'll explain." Tony poured the pancake mix into the pan.
They all sat down, Clint next to Peter (who was sat on the end) then Nat, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda and finally Vision.
"This is Peter." He flipped the pancake. "He's going to be staying here a while."
"Why?" Clint asked. "I mean obviously you don't have to tell us but why?"
"My aunt kicked me out." Peter answered before Tony could.
"Okay? So why here?" Steve was the one to ask this time.
Tony put the now done pancake on the plate before passing it to Peter. He started another one before talking.
"He's Spider-Man and he basically my kid so where else would he go?" Tony shrugged nonchalantly but his heart was beating harder then ever in his chest at the fact he had just told Peter that he saw him as a son.
Tony flipped the pancake before looking at all the shocked faces.
"You see me as your kid?" Peter was the first one to break the silence.
"Of course underoos." Tony smiled. Peter jumped up and ran round the counter to hug him.
"I love" Peter whispered in to Tony's chest. Tony squeezed him tightly before letting him go. No one mentioned if Tony had tears in his eyes
"He's Spider-Man?!" Steve yelled after Peter had sat down. Tony added the pancake to Peters plate. "He's like twelve!"
"Hey! I'm fifteen!" Peter exclaimed. "Plus I could still kick your ass!"
Everyone looked at Peter in shock, he did just threatened Captain America after all.
It was silent for a couple minutes before Tony snorted and started laughing, soon everyone was laughing.
Yea, Tony thought. He's going to be okay.
Surprise! I'm not dead!
I hope you like this chapter (I wasn't sure how to end it but I think I did okay) and I'm sorry it's been so long!
I have been working on a part 2 for the One Where He Has Scars so look forward to that!
It could be a while since finding any motivations to write has been hard but I'm trying I promise!
Also 115k reads???? That's insane I love you all so much!!!
I do read all your comments btw and the amount of love y'all give this book is incredible!!
Anyway this is long enough so bye!!
Stay safe my dudes!
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