The One Where He Meets His Dad.
Peter was currently crouched in an airport waiting for Mr Stark to give him the signal so that he can flip in. he isn't one hundred percent sure why he's here something about Captain America going crazy?
He nervously rubbed his hand over the branding on the left side of his stomach, the branding read 'Property of Hydra - The WinterSpider' . It was a nervous habit he had picked up after he had managed to escape, it helped to remind him that he wasn't there.
Its also what helped inspire him to become Spider-Man, to show everybody that he was not the monster they made him be. Its his way of redeeming himself, although deep down he knows that nothing can ever make what he did better.
He was with Hydra his entire life, he was born there since his mother had been an agent, until he escaped a couple years ago. They thought that since Hydra was all he would ever know that he would make an excellent soldier but all he had ever wanted was to see the ocean, his parents had often told him about it.
He waited until the time was right and then he made his escape. He fought so hard that day, he killed so many Hydra agents that day that-
Peters internal monologue of his entire fucked up life was interrupted.
"Underoos!" Peter or rather Spider-Man jumped from where he was hiding, he flipped over the group stealing the shield straight out of the captains hand. He shot a web and made sure that his hands were tied up.
Once he landed, he subtly scanned the opposition while Tony spoke to them. The falcon, Ant-man, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Captain America and-
The two teams stopped when the heard the sound of the shield hitting the floor, both teams turned to see why that happened.
"Kid?" Tony asked, he turned to see that he was staring at the Winter Soldier. The white of his eyes so wide that the black around it was almost gone.
"You were dead." Peter stated eyes not leaving the man he was told died. "They told me you died." He had jumped off of the van he was standing on, slowly moving towards Bucky.
"I'm sorry?" Bucky said, confused on why the kid sounded so familiar everyone else was confused on who 'they' were. Peter stopped walking when he was in front of the Captain still staring, scared that if he got any closer that he would disappear.
"You can't be here!" Peter stated his voice getting slightly louder as he spoke. "How are you here! I mourned you! They made me kill her as a punishment, they said it was my fault that you died!" Peter was crying, not that anyone could tell his mask still on his face.
"I don't know who you are, how could you mourn me?" Bucky asked, the rest silently watching too shocked to do or say anything.
"I think I'd rather you were dead." Peter whispered, although everyone still heard, as he lifted his hand towards his head. "Because at least if you were dead..." Peter paused, everyone stared as the Spider pulled his mask off to show a tear stained face.
"If you were dead," Peter started again. "Then that would have meant that you didn't leave me there."
"Peter." Bucky whispered finally understanding who this was and who he was talking about. "They made you kill her?"
"Of course they did!" Peter yelled stepping closer with each word. "They said that you had died! I cried for you! I cried and they told me the same thing they told me when I was little!"
Peter took a shaky breath. "Rule seven." He repeated the words that had been forced into his brain before he could even walk. "Soldiers that cry must be punished."
Tony gasped quietly, this kid, the kid that used homework as an excuse was in Hydra. The rest seemed to understand this as well, they all had sad looks on their faces for this kid who couldn't be more then sixteen.
"They made me put a gun to her head," Peter mimicked a gun with his hand and pointed it at his temple. "They made me stand there as she promised that is was okay! That she would always loved me! They made me pull the trigger! They made me kill my own mother!"
"Pete-" Bucky tried.
"And its your fault!" Peter yelled as he began sobbing. "You left me! You left me alone there for three years! You left me there while they tortured me! You didn't come back for me! "
After a couple seconds of silents, the only sound being Peters crying, he spoke.
"Why didn't you come back for me dad." He whispered in a broken voice, the rest were shocked. The Winter Soldier had a kid, probably the most dangerous man in the country- no the world had a fifteen year old kid.
Bucky wasted no time in pulling his son into a very needed hug both crying as they held each other, they slowly sank to the floor as Bucky continued to hold the boy he hadn't seen in five years. He whispered apologies and reassurance into the young boys ear as the rest watched.
After the pair had stopped crying, Steve and Tony both agreed to make accords that everyone could agree on. Steve had also told Tony about his parents and although he was annoyed he understood.
The two teams were all gathered around the common room Peter curled up too Buckys side, refusing to leave. Bucky was running his hand through his sons hair.
"Hey Pete?" Steve began after everyone was seated, they had ordered food and were currently eating. Peter hummed to show he was listening. "Where have you been living so we can talk to them about you living here with you dad."
"An orphanage, it not great but better then Hydra." Peter shrugged, stuffing food into his mouth. Steve nodded.
"So kid, I'm guessing you got your powers from Hydra." Tony said from where he was on the sofa. "Do you mind me asking what they are?"
Peter looked at up at his dad. "Они безопасны?" He asked in Russian so that they wouldn't understand them. Are they safe?
Bucky nodded. "Они в безопасности, мой маленький паук." They're safe my little spider.
"Мы никогда не сделаем тебе больно, паучок." Nat added as she was the only other one who could understand them. We will never hurt you here baby spider.
Although he was shocked that someone else could understand them he nodded.
"I have super strength, all my sense are dialed up to like 11. Steve's and dad's are at like 7 and everyone else's are at like 5." Everyone nodded, Tony typed some notes onto his Stark pad.
"I'm sticky-"
"Sticky?" Wanda asked.
"Yea, I'll show you." Peter got up from where he was sat and walked up the wall and onto the ceiling before dropping back into his seat. "See, sticky."
"Oh my god!" Clint exclaimed. "This is going to be great for pranks! Sam, I'm adding him and Scott to our prank team!"
Sam nodded his head, already planning all the pranks they could pull. Scott pumped his fist into the air with a "Hell yeah!"
The rest chuckled at the three before turning their attention back to the teen.
"I also have organic webbing that comes from my wrist but it hurts if I use it too much so I made artificial webs." He smiled as Bucky began to run his metal hand through his hair again. "I have venom in my teeth that I can bite people with and I have what I call my spidey-sense that warns me of danger before it happens which is cool."
Tony nodded his, writing more notes. Peter leaned further into his dad enjoying being with him.
"Oh! Before I forget, I can also turn invisible but only sometimes." Peter added, the group stared at him.
"Why only sometimes?" Bucky asked.
"I'm not sure, it normally happens when someone jumps out at me and scares me." Peter rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "That was hard to explain to Ne-Oh my god! Ned! I forgot to tell him where I am!"
"Ned?" Bucky question.
"My best friend, well only friend. Unless you count MJ but I don't think she like us she just kind of sits with us at lunch." Peter looked deep in thought. "But then again she always stands up for me with Flash."
"Flash?" Steve asked this time.
"Yea he's this guy at school, hes a dick. I think he's jealous because I'm the smartest kid there, they have to give me college work as the work they teach is too easy." Peter rambled.
Bucky smiled at his son, glad he was starting to trust everyone even if Bucky hadn't know them that long he trusted them too.
"You should come to the lab with me sometime, if that's okay with your dad of course." Peter looked so excited and looked up at Bucky with his best puppy dog eyes.
"Please." Peter asked dragging out the 'e' to add to the puppy dog look. Bucky rolled his eyes with a fond smile.
"Yea of course you can kiddo." Bucky heart melted at the excited look his son gave him as he hugged him even tighter. "But" Bucky turned his attention to Tony, "If anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."
"One of us, One of us." Scott and Clint both chanted since they had, in the very short time they had know each other, formed the dad squad.
Hey I hope you enjoyed! I wasn't sure how to end it, this isn't my best work but I had the idea and wanted to write it so I hope you guys liked it anyway. This is the third update in two days, who even am I. Jk I've had more inspiration lately so I've been writing more!
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