In which Peter can't go on a mysterious field trip and he just has to tell Mr. Stark something. It's an important something, Ms. Potts!
Okay, so maybe Peter had to miss a week of school. But it was for the company he would take over one day!
May said it was fine, she called the school saying that Peter was going to be absent. Everything was handled.
Peter was spending the week at Stark Industries because he has to help Mr. Stark- yes, helping the Mr. Stark- with improving the suits.
To say Peter was excited would be an understatement. So, when Monday started and Peter got dropped off at Stark Industries, he was bouncing on and off the walls.
For the first two days, Peter was just trying to survive the whole crash of being there. Peter's head was shot straight through on the first two days.
Any messages sent to him went unread that week, though Peter knew in his gut he should've checked them.
Mr. Stark wanted to make the suits able to shrink down and grow giant. He wanted to basically make them like Antman's suit but better.
Peter sat in Tony's lab, working on plans for the suit. This was his third day there and he was still planning the suit.
Tony had spent the last few days getting supplies, mostly vibranium, for the suits to be made of.
Peter had perfected his plans and gotten ready to build. On the fourth day, Peter started building the suit and by the fifth day, it was done.
Peter was ready to test it out when Tony started getting ready to leave the lab.
"Where are you going, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked him. Tony turned around, tying a tie and putting on fancier shoes.
"Oh, I have a few meetings and then a meeting with a school. Remember to keep me posted on anything that works or doesn't work. Okay, kid?"
Peter nods, putting the finishing touches on the suit. He decides to do something else with his time for a bit, because as exciting as the suit is, he's been working on it all week.
Peter takes a short break by going to the lower floors. He walks around a bit, helping the scientists down there.
He talks to them about how a school just passed through. How the kids kept making fun of each other and one kid, who they didn't know the name of, kept saying a kid was too chicken to go on the trip.
Peter felt his senses tell him it was Flash making fun of him but he ignored it. It wasn't his business right now.
After a while, Peter got tired of walking around and went back up to the lab. It had been a good hour and a half and Peter was ready to try out the suit.
He put it on, hit a few buttons, and told Karen to shrink. Doing as told, Peter saw everything in the lab grow larger than him.
Peter's head hurt for a short bit after getting smaller, something Peter would either have to get used to or fix, but the suit worked!
Peter told Karen to grow again. She did and Peter was back to normal size. He laughed to himself. It worked!
Peter ran out of the room, his suit on but his mask off. He ran into Pepper while running.
"Hello, Ms. Potts! Do you where Mr. Stark is?"
"As I've said, Peter, you can just call me Pepper. Also, Tony is presenting in front of a room of teenagers, they're asking him questions. But don't go there it's-."
Peter yelled a thanks and that was all Peter needed to know where Tony was. Peter knew that whenever Tony had to do something like this, he liked to do it in a specific room.
Left, right, straight. Here!
Peter opens the door quietly. He stands backstage for a second, not paying attention to the voices asking Tony questions.
Peter asked if he could talk to Mr. Stark for a minute. The stagehands nodded at him, letting him go out onto the stage.
"Hey, Mr. Stark! Guess what!" Peter exclaimed, letting his excitement get the better of him. "Look!"
He pulled the mask on and told Karen to have him shrink and shrink he did. He heard Tony gasp and he felt happiness flow through his bones.
He told Karen to have him grow again and he was back to normal height again. Taking off the mask, Peter saw Tony staring at him, a fond smile on his face.
"Good job, kid. I knew you could be able to do it. Wanna hang out here with me?" Tony asked, a smirk on his face.
Peter didn't notice the smirk and responded with a chipper, "sure!"
He sat down next to Tony and then focused on the crowd before him. He recognized a few people and then he recognized a lot of people.
He leaned closer to Tony and whispered, "this is my class, isn't it?"
Tony whispered back, "yup."
"Oh, shit."
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