Who Are You?
Peter and Tony travel through time and meet a twenty-six-year-old Peter Parker in the future. I took some inspiration from Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse.
Time Travel. Previously thought to be impossible, Peter and Tony had just proved that it was indeed possible, on accident. The pair had been experimenting with quantum physics for quite some time when Tony got frustrated and threw a wrench at their current project. Peter flinched at the loud clang of metal when the wrench made contact with the circuit panel of the device. The sound was amplified even louder thanks to Peter's super hearing. Tony noticed Peter wince in pain at the loud noise and began to kick himself for forgetting about the kid.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. I just got a little frustrated."
"It's okay, Mr. Stark. I think maybe we should take a break."
"Good idea, I'll grab some snacks and---" Tony was interrupted by a loud boom and the sound of the machine whirring to life. An alarm began to blare throughout the lab. Peter clutched his head in response to the painfully loud noises.
"What's going on, Fri?" Tony shouted over the sound of the alarm.
"It seems your machine is malfunctioning, sir. I cannot shut it down," FRIDAY responded in a panicked voice.
Tony made his way over to where Peter was kneeled on the ground cradling his head in pain. The older man crouched down to Peter's level and placed a reassuring hand on the kid's back.
"Hey kiddo, it's going to be okay. We need to figure out how to shut this damn thing off."
Peter nodded as he acknowledged what Tony had said and stood up even though his head swam with the effort of completing such a simple task. Peter just wanted the awful scream of the alarm to stop. The sooner he fixed the machine, the faster the alarm would shut off.
Peter examined the damaged control panel, looking for the cause of the malfunction. The impact from the wrench had cracked one of the circuit boards. Peter quickly replaced the damaged part but soon began to regret it when the entire lab erupted in a bright purple beam of light.
Tony turned his head towards Peter just in time to see the giant explosion of fluorescent purple and was knocked unconscious before he could even process what had just happened. The only thing going through Tony's head was Peter, was he okay?
Peter Parker was startled awake by his spider senses going haywire. The hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were standing straight up, and he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Not even a second later, he saw a distant purple glow out of his apartment window that was followed by a supersonic boom that shook the surrounding buildings. The twenty-six-year-old sighed as he stumbled out of bed and slowly put on the iconic red and blue Spider-Man suit.
Peter didn't enjoy being Spider-Man nearly as much as he used to. What used to be the best part of his day now made him miserable. The suit was a constant reminder of all he had lost. His parents, Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and Mr. Stark. They were all dead because of him. And if that wasn't enough, Ned moved away years ago and the love of his life, MJ, left him. Peter had proposed to her shortly after MJ graduated from college, but she called it off five months later and broke up with him saying they wanted different things and that she wasn't happy with him anymore. Peter was broken. He had nobody left.
Peter caught a glance of himself in the mirror and was disgusted. The man he saw in the mirror had scratchy stubble covering his face, greasy brown hair all over the place, the dark and very prominent eye bags made him look like he hadn't slept in weeks, and eyes that stared back with a haunted look in them. Peter didn't even recognize himself anymore.
He gave himself one last look over in the dirty mirror, slipped his mask over his unruly hair, and crawled out the window. The cold, New York air slapped his face as he swung from building to building. Peter used to love swinging across the city, the adrenaline pumping through his veins and the feeling of pure exhilaration as he shot each web, but now he despised it. It gave him time to think, and Peter hated being alone with his thoughts. The only place Peter could escape his dark and disturbing mind was when he was knocked unconscious in a dreamless state of oblivion.
Peter stumbled to ground zero of the explosion that had woken him up from his much-needed slumber and began to investigate the scene. The area surrounding him was charred black and destroyed. Good thing it was in the middle of nowhere. There was no sign to what had caused the catastrophe other than two human-shaped silhouettes in the distance.
The depressed hero slowly made his way towards the shadows, trying his best not to alert them to his presence. Peter could now make the people out better. One was bulkier with an odd shape to him, he almost looked like a robot, and the other had a much more human shape to him. Peter did his best to be stealthy, but somehow, the human figure knew he was there. The smaller silhouette tapped the robot on the shoulder and blew Peter's cover, so much for being sneaky. The robot swiftly turned around to face Peter and raised an open palm at him. There was a high pitched noise followed by the bright glow of light coming from the robot's hand. The glow of the repulsor illuminated the mysterious shadows, and Peter let out a gasp at sight before him.
Tony slowly regained consciousness as he rolled over onto his back and took in his surroundings. The moments leading up to his current predicament were still a little fuzzy and Tony took a deep breath as he tried to recall what had happened to get him here. Flashes of memories played in his head. He had been in the lab with... PETER! Where was Peter?
Tony quickly scrambled to his feet and scanned the charred ruins of what used to be a small forest, searching for the kid. His eyes fell upon a mop of messy brown hair. Tony instantly dropped to his knees beside the still boy.
"Peter, hey kiddo, you need to wake up now, this isn't funny."
Peter came to hearing the sound of Tony calling his name and cracked his eyes open. Tony let out a sigh of relief when he saw Peter's eyelashes begin to flutter.
"Oh thank God, you were really starting to scare me, kid," Tony breathed as he helped Peter up.
"Ughhh what happened Mr. Stark," Peter mumbled as he slowly began to take in his surroundings. "And where are we?"
"I'm not sure, Pete. Put your suit on until we know where we are and what the hell is going on."
Peter nodded his head and took out the small spider from his jean pocket that contained the Iron Spider suit Mr. Stark had made for him. Tony did the same and placed a hand on his arc reactor to release his Iron Man suit. The nano-tech encased them both in their suits and Tony felt a little safer knowing that at least they still had their protective armor in case anything went wrong.
The man of iron and the small spider child searched the area for any clues to where they were when Peter's spider-senses went off. He quickly turned around and made out the shadow of a man sneaking towards them.
"Pssstt, Mr. Stark, there's someone over there watching us," Peter whispered as he repeatedly tapped Tony's arm trying to get his attention.
Tony turned around and raised an arm at the oncoming stranger. He fired up his repulsor, ready to protect Peter from oncoming danger, but what they saw made both Tony and Peter gasp.
Staring back at them was another Spider-Man. He was wearing a red and blue suit, similar to the first suit Tony had given Peter during Civil War. The suit was in rough shape, to say the least, burn marks and rips littered the suit and was topped off with blood stains scattered here and there.
Peter had a feeling, not a normal 'I'm in danger, watch out' kind of feeling. It was more of an 'I think we're connected somehow' feeling. The slightly larger man in the Spider-Man suit gasped as he had the same feeling wash over him.
"Woah, you're like me!" both Spider-Men said at the same time, one with way more enthusiasm.
"Wait a second, who the hell are you?" Tony demanded, stepping in front of Peter. He lowered his repulsor and removed his faceplate, no longer sensing danger, but still ready to spring into action if needed.
"Tony?" the stranger breathed. "No, you're dead! What are you? I swear if this is you Beck, I will kill you this time." he growled.
"Look, I just need to know where we are, we're not here to cause any trouble," Tony said.
"I don't know who the hell you are, or who gave you the right to impersonate Mr. Stark, but I'm not falling for this again," the other Spider-Man seethed as silent tears were absorbed into his mask. "Tony Stark died ten years ago!"
"Ten years ago? What year is it?" Tony asked in shock.
"It's 2033."
Tony turned to look at his kid "Shit kid. I think we accidentally invented time travel."
"Wait, so Mr. Stark is dead? How did he die?"
The stranger stood in shock, was it really Tony in front of him? "He saved us all, he died a hero," the older Spider-Man solemnly said as he removed his mask.
"Woah! Your me!" Peter gasped as he ran up to future him. "That's so cool! What's the future like?"
"Peter?" Tony stared in shock. "Oh kiddo, what happened to you?" The kid who's eyes always shone with excitement and happiness now look devoid of all emotion. His hair was a mess, his face was unshaven, and he looked although he never slept. To put it lightly, he looked like crap.
"Mr. Stark, is that really you?" future Peter cried. Not caring that he was a complete stranger to the man, he ran up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I wasn't strong enough. I'm a failure."
Tony held the sobbing adult in his arms. "Hey, I don't know what happens in the future, but you are not a failure, Peter."
"I couldn't save you, I couldn't save May, and now I have no one. Everyone I love either leaves me or dies."
"My death wasn't your fault. I'm not sure what went down, but I know for a fact that it was. Not. Your. Fault."
"Wait, Aunt May dies too?" Peter cries. "What about MJ?"
The older Peter slips out of Tony's embrace and grabs his younger self by the shoulders. "Listen to me. You have to save them at all costs. Even if that means you die, it beats the alternative of being alone for the rest of your miserable life."
Peter took one look at how lost and depressed he looked in the future and knew that future him was right. He had to protect the ones he loved no matter the risks.
"What! No, Peter do NOT listen to him! You will not, I repeat, WILL NOT, sacrifice yourself for me. I can't lose you kid. I'd rather it be me than you any day." Tony argued.
"Tony, your death destroyed me. I would do anything to trade places with you, and if that means I die, so be it."
"I agree with him, Mr. Stark. I can't lose you." Peter turned to his future self, "I promise I will save him," he nodded with determination.
"I swear to God Peter your going to be the death of me," Tony grumbled. "But seriously, you are not getting yourself killed to save me."
"Would you rather have him turn out like me?"
"If it means he's still alive than yes," Tony hissed.
"Even if he hates being alive? Even if he hates himself with every fiber of his existence? Even if he wishes he was dead every second of every day? Even if he's scared and all alone with nobody to help him?"
Hearing the kid who was always happy and who never failed to make Tony smile, even on bad days, telling him that he hated himself and wished he was dead brought tear to Tony's eyes. His kid was broken. Peter didn't deserve any of this, but that's just how life is, cruel and unfair.
"Peter, listen to me. This city, these people, they need you. They need Spider-Man. I know life is hard but promise me one thing, even when it feels hopeless, always keep going. Never give up, do you hear me? The people in this world need their hero, just like I need you, never forget that Peter."
"I love you, Tony," Peter choked out through tears. "I never got to tell you that."
"I love you too, Peter."
With both Peters and Tony working on a new time machine, they got it done in no time. They had even managed to keep the machine from exploding upon its use. Tony gave Peter from the future one last hug as he fired up the machine. Soon the two time travelers were yet again surrounded by a bright purple light, and then they were gone as soon as they had arrived.
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