Spider-Man's Death
Okay, so this is going to be a really short chapter. This is based off Peter Parker's death in Into the Spiderverse. Enjoy!
"-Sir, wake up!" FRIDAY's usually calm voice was now panicking. "Tony you need to turn on the news now! It's Peter!"
That's all it took to get Tony shooting out of bed and wide awake. Tony sprinted to the nearest tv in his living room and ordered FRIDAY to turn it on.
"Sad news tonight," the news reporter began in a somber tone. "The hero known as Spider-Man has died."
"No," Tony whispered under his breath. "No there has to be a mistake! He can't be dead!" Tony yelled as his legs buckled and he fell to his knees.
"Multiple sources are confirming that Peter Parker, a sixteen-year-old student from Midtown High was the man behind the mask."
Oh god no! Not Peter. Please, not Peter! Not his kid!
And just like that, Tony broke. The billionaire let out a cry of unimaginable pain and began to sob uncontrollably.
No! Why Peter?! Why did it have to be Peter? The kid he loved more than life itself. The kid who brightened any room he entered and never failed to make Tony smile. The kid who's laughter was infectious and had a heart of pure gold. The kid Tony couldn't imagine life without.
But yet here he was. Peter was gone and there was nothing Tony could do about it. And what hurt the most, he never got to say goodbye. He would give anything to see Peter one last time. To tell him just how much he loved him. To give him one last hug. But Peter wasn't coming back.
There would be no more goofy voicemails on his phone. No more Star Wars references. No more late nights in the lab. No more 'Mr. Starks'. No more Spider-Man. No more Underoos. No more Peter Parker.
Life would never be the same. The world had just lost its light and Tony had just lost his everything.
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