Peter Goes to OSCORP
Just a quick disclaimer this is the MCU Peter Parker, but the story will have references to the other spiderman movies. Also, the edit isn't mine, but I think its the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
Peter had been practically buzzing with excitement all week ever since Monday when his teacher had announced that they were going on a field trip to OSCORP that Friday. Tony was a little hurt his son was so excited to be going on a field trip to another science lab when he owned the best one, but he quickly got over it when he saw how happy Peter was.
When Friday finally rolled around Peter was ecstatic. He jumped out of bed as soon as FRIDAY woke him up and quickly got ready. He ran into the kitchen where his mom and dad were sitting down to eat breakfast.
"Good morning Pete" Tony greeted his son.
"Good morning!" Peter chirped as he sat down to join his parents at the table.
"Someones a happy camper today" Pepper chuckled as she set the waffles on the table alongside the bacon and fruit.
"I mean I don't get what all the excitement is about," Tony exclaimed. "You already live in the best science lab in the world."
"Yeah I know, but OSCORP is like the second best which is still pretty cool," Peter raved "Plus Norman Osborn himself is giving us the tour."
"Oh really?" Tony was surprised, "Doesn't he have anything better to do than give a group of middle schoolers a tour?"
"I think it has something to do with his son being part of the tour group. Harry is his name, I think. He's new this year." Peter responded while shoveling a mouthful of waffles into his mouth.
"Hmmm..." Tony said, "maybe I could talk to your teacher about giving your class a tour of Stark Tower. I could even give the tour myself. What do you say, Pete? It could be fun."
"As fun as that sounds dad, I know you'd try to embarrass me in front of my entire class the whole time."
"Whaaa...." Tony gasped, holding a hand to his chest pretending to be hurt, "I would never! I'm hurt you'd even think I'd do something like that to my little Petey." Tony teased Peter while ruffling his hair.
"Well if you want to be on time you better leave now Peter, Happy is waiting whenever you're ready," Pepper told Peter.
Peter quickly shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth and ran to his room to grab his backpack.
"Bye mom and dad, I'll see you when I get home. I love you guys" Peter said hugging his parents before he left.
"I love you too Kiddo, have fun," Pepper said planting a kiss on her son's forehead.
"But not too much fun," Tony remarked sarcastically, "be careful Pete, I love you."
Peter pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to reach the main level. He quickly exited the elevator and made his way out of Stark Tower and into the car where Happy was waiting for him.
Peter began chattering about his field trip the second he opened the door to the black Audi. He didn't stop talking until the car stopped outside of Peter's school. Happy was ready for today to be over so Peter would stop talking his ear off about his field trip.
Peter opened the door, quickly said goodbye to Happy, and bounded off towards the bus they'd be taking for the field trip.
When Peter's bus finally arrived at OSCORP, Peter could barely contain himself. The group of students gathered in the main lobby and was greeted by none other than Norman Osborne himself. Students were chattering amongst each other but instantly stopped when Norman began his introduction.
"Hello students of Midtown High, I am Norman Osborn, the founder of OSCORP. I will be your tour guide today and feel free to ask me any questions as we go along. We will begin the tour with the robotics lab department where you can see how our advanced technology can accomplish many tasks with ease and precision. Our next stop will be the BioLab where we will showcase our breakthrough serum that can replicate and regrow DNA. We will stop in the food court for lunch, and then our final destination will be the cross-species facilities where we have been experimenting with different kinds of specimen such as guinea pigs, parrots, monkeys, and spiders."
Peter shuddered at the mention of spiders as he wasn't particularly fond of them.
It was time to head to the food court for lunch and so far the day had been everything Peter had hoped for and more. He had even made friends with Harry Osborn after Harry had overheard Ned and Peter discussing the science behind one of Normans' latest projects and had joined in on the conversation.
Now there was one more stop on their tour before they had to leave. As Norman was showing the group of students some type of hybrid animal in a display case, Harry grabbed Peter by the arm and dragged him to another display case.
"This is my favorite project in the whole lab" Harry pointed out an odd red and blue spider out to Peter. "It got caught in a radiation test that completely altered its DNA. They keep it under close observation as they believe it to be hazardous."
Woah," Peter exclaimed. Although Peter usually got chills at even the mention of a spider, this one intrigued him for some unknown reason. The spider's unusually bright red and blue hue was mesmerizing and the longer Peter looked at it, the more infatuated he became.
As Peter and Harry were about to return to the tour group, the power went out. The screams of frightened students and the hustle of employees trying to find the source of the outage were the only sounds Peter could hear. Peter felt an odd, tingly feeling, almost as something was crawling on him, but he dismissed it as his mind playing tricks on him.
After a couple of minutes, the power finally returned and soon after the scream of an employee followed.
"Subject 585 is missing!" a brown-haired woman wearing a lab coat announced with panic evident in her voice.
"I'm sorry, but it looks like we'll have to cut out tour short today," Norman informed the group of middle schoolers.
The students were rushed out of the lab and soon returned to the bus. Peter had just sat down in his seat when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his hand. He looked down to see the missing spider. And to make things worse, it had just bit him!
"Nonononono!" Peter muttered under his breath in a panic.
He smacked the spider off his hand and squished it under his shoe. Looking back on this, it probably wasn't the smartest move to kill the spider, but Peter wasn't thinking clearly as he was trying to keep calm and avoid any and all attention.
Petter immediately began to feel nauseous and had to focus on keeping his lunch inside his stomach the whole ride home.
When the bus finally returned to the school, Peter scoured the parking lot for Happy and stumbled as fast as he could to the car.
When Peter entered the car without immediately going off rambling about his field trip, Happy knew something was wrong.
"How was your trip kid?" Happy asked hoping to find out why Peter was unusually quiet.
"Mmmhhh...." was the only response Peter had the energy to give.
Peter felt as though his blood was burning and there was still a very imminent threat of vomiting. Not to mention the excruciating headache he had and the sharp pain radiating from the bite that was now twice the size it had been ten minutes ago.
Happy was now deeply concerned. He drove faster trying to reach the tower as quickly as possible. Happy told himself it was because he wasn't in the mood to clean vomit out of his car, but deep down he knew he cared for the kid.
When they arrived at Stark Tower, Happy practically had to carry the young teen inside.
Tony heard the elevator ding that signaled the arrival of his son. He went to greet his son but was met with the sight of Happy carrying a barely conscious Peter.
"Peter!" Tony gasped. "What's wrong with him!"
"I don't know. He hasn't said a word since I picked him up from his field trip," Happy informed the distraught father.
"Help me get him to his room" Tony demanded.
Once the two older men got Peter into his room and on his bed, Tony dismissed Happy and assured him that he could handle it.
"Hey Pete," Tony cooed in a soft voice. "How are you feeling?"
"Uhgggggg..." Peter groaned in pain. "I don't feel good Dad."
"Where does it hurt kiddo?" Tony asked his son.
"Everywhere!" Peter cried. "Dad, please make it go away."
Tony's heart broke at the sight of his son in so much pain, he wanted to take it all away, but right now there was nothing Tony could do to help the sick teen.
The billionaire put the back of his hand on Peter's forehead to feel his temperature and flinched when he felt how warm he was.
"Your burning up Pete!" Tony exclaimed softly. "We need to get your fever down."
Tony left to find a thermometer, a cold washcloth, and some other things that might help his son.
When Tony returned to his son's room, Peter was no longer there. Tony panicked for a second until he heard the unmistakable sound of his son vomiting.
"Oh, Peter..." Tony whispered under his breath when he entered the bathroom to find Peter hunched over the toilet bowl.
"Let it all out kiddo," Tony soothed as he rubbed circles on Peter's back while he heaved the contents of his stomach into the porcelain bowl.
Just when Tony was sure it was over, he began to vomit again. Except for this time, Peter had nothing to throw up anymore. This went on for another twenty minutes before Peter was done. Tony helped him rinse his mouth out and get cleaned up.
When Peter settled back down into his bed, he was more exhausted and miserable than before if that was even possible. Tony quickly made Peter swallow some medicine before he could fall asleep. The worried father then stuck the thermometer under his son's tongue and was shocked when he read how high the temp was.
"106.2" Tony announced to no one in particular. "This is really bad kiddo."
Peter only gave a small whimper in response. The teen attempted to wipe the beads of sweat off his forehead. That's when Tony saw it. The bite.
"Pete, what is this?" Tony asked grabbing Peter's hand and examining the large, red welt that looked extremely painful. "Oh my god... Peter what happened!"
"Spider.... bit.... me..." Peter managed to explain. "Hurts... Oh god, it hurts!"
"Shhhhh... Its okay kiddo; it's going to be alright." Tony reassured Peter.
Tony combed his hands through Peter's curls and whispered soothing words until Peter finally drifted off.
Tony slowly and silently left Peter's room to call the only person he could think of to help Peter. Bruce Banner. He filled Bruce in on what had happened to Peter and urged him to come as fast as he could.
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