Peter Gets his Powers
Part 2 of Peter Goes to OSCORP
Bruce had rushed to Stark Tower as soon as he had ended the call with Tony. He knew Tony would only call if it was an emergency and by the sound of Tony's voice, Bruce could tell something was seriously wrong.
When Bruce reached the top floor of the tower, he heard FRIDAY announce his arrival and Tony appeared moments later with a look of genuine concern and worry on his face.
"It's the kid. He's really sick. I don't know what to do, and I'm freaking out." Tony stammered in a panic.
"Woah slow down Tones... what happened? And why do you need my help?" Bruce asked Tony trying to figure out what had his friend in such a panic.
"Peter came home from his field trip to OSCORP with a dangerously high fever among other things, and when I asked him what happened he told me he got bit by a spider from one of Osborn's experiments," Tony explained to Bruce.
"Bring him to the med-bay. I'll see what I can do for him." Bruce offered a worried Tony.
Tony gently carried the sleeping teen down to the tower's med-bay and carefully set him down onto the medical bed where Bruce hooked him up to an IV. Bruce examined the bite, drew some blood, and ran numerous tests to try and find out how the bite affected Peter.
Peter woke up an hour later with a pounding headache. Although he felt better than he had earlier, he still felt awful. The blinding fluorescent lights above him and the high pitched beeping from the heart monitor made it feel like his skull was splitting open.
"Hey kiddo, how do you feel?" Tony asked in a hushed voice that still sent bolts of pain through Peter's head.
Peter winced in pain and cradled his head in his hands. "My head... it hurts... everything is so loud... and too bright." Peter whimpered.
Tony dimmed the lights and gave Peter a pair of earplugs to help ease his headache.
"Is that better?"
"Yeah, a little..." Peter responded still being able to hear his dad through the earplugs. "But I still feel really weird. My whole body is on edge, and it feels like my senses have been dialed up to eleven."
"I had Bruce run some tests to see what the spider did to you. Do you know what kind of spider bit you?" Tony questioned.
"When I was talking to Harry he said something about it being radioactive," Peter mumbled.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN RADIOACTIVE!!" Tony roared in concern.
"Well... uhh.. it..." Peter stuttered.
"Oh, Pete... this is bad," Tony whispered under his breath on the verge of a panic attack.
"Hey, Dad... Dad look at me! I'm fine. It's going to be okay," Peter tried to comfort Tony noticing his panic.
Tony had calmed down slightly, but Peter knew he was still shaken up. Peter unhooked the IV that was embedded inside his arm and made his way over to his dad to give him a comforting hug. After the much-needed hug for both of them, Tony took a deep breath and thanked Peter for calming him down.
Peter glanced down at his hand to see how ugly the spider bite looked and was shocked to find it was no longer there. He double checked both of his hands to make sure he wasn't going crazy, surely a bite that bad would have left a lasting mark.
"Umm... Dad?" Peter said with confusion and worry in his voice. "The bite is gone."
"What do you mean gone?" Tony questioned just as confused as Peter.
And sure enough, there was nothing even to hint that an extremely dangerous radioactive spider had bitten Peter.
"What the..." Tony muttered. "I'll have Bruce run some more tests. This is getting weird."
Bruce ran many tests on Peter all for them to turn up normal. Other than Peter being unnaturally healthy for someone who had been barfing his guts out only hours ago, there was nothing wrong with him that Bruce could see. Peter assured his dad that he felt fine and that it must have been a different spider that bit him. After some hesitation, Tony finally agreed to let Peter leave.
Peter ran up to his room to get cleaned up. After his shower, Peter went into the kitchen to get something to eat. He grabbed the milk from the fridge, about to enjoy a bowl of cereal, when Peter went to put the milk back in the refrigerator, he couldn't let go of it. He tried to pry it off of his hand with no luck. Peter just assumed it was some practical joke by one of the Avengers who were free to come and go throughout the tower as they pleased.
"Haha very funny," Peter laughed in annoyance. Whatever they had used to glue his hand to the milk was really hard to get off. Peter waited for one of the team members to come around the corner and start laughing, but nobody came.
Peter repeatedly tried to get the milk unstuck from his hand to no avail. He just wanted some cereal! Peter decided he needed help.
"FRIDAY, can you tell Dad I need help in the kitchen?"
"Of course Peter, Tony is on his way," the AI responded.
Tony strolled into the kitchen moments later.
"Hey, kiddo what's up?" Tony asked.
"Ummm this is going to sound very strange, themilkisstucktomyhandanditwontcomeoff," Peter said in one quick breath.
"What was that, Pete? I couldn't understand a word you just said." Tony
"The milk is stuck to my hand, and it won't come off."
Tony tried to pry the milk out of his son's hand to no avail.
"It's really stuck on there Pete," Tony remarked.
"I know Dad!"
Peter had given up all hope on getting the milk unstuck from his hand. Seeing no other option, Peter poured the milk onto his cereal and began eating with his left hand. When Peter was finished, he went to but his bowl and spoon in the sink when he realized the spoon was now stuck to his other hand.
"OH COME ON!" Peter yelled frustrated. "Dad, now the spoon is stuck to my hand."
"You're joking, right?"
"What the hell is going on!"
After a couple of hours, the spoon and milk finally came loose from Peter's grip, and Peter's hands were free. Peter was exhausted from the whole ordeal and just wanted to lie down for a moment. Peter reached for his door handle and wasn't too shocked when he couldn't let go.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Peter screamed.
"What's wrong, kid?" Bruce appeared after hearing Peter's outburst.
"Things keep getting stuck to my hand, and no matter what I do, they don't come off for at least a couple hours." Peter sighed exasperatedly.
"Let me take a look."
"Thanks, Uncle Bruce"
"Don't mention it, kid."
Many frustrating hours later, and still no answer as to why Peter was suddenly sticking to everything. Bruce had run every test possible, and nothing could provide solutions to Peter's unique abilities.
Bruce had given Peter a special pair of gloves to wear, so his hands didn't stick to everything he touched until he could find out what was causing this to happen.
Peter was now ready to go to sleep. It had been a long and very strange day. Peter hoped that in the morning, everything would go back to normal. But he doubted he would be that lucky, he rarely ever was.
The next morning brought no change. Bruce was still looking for answers, and Peter was getting tired of wearing the gloves. Peter decided he needed to make a call.
"Hi, Harry, its Peter. I have a slight problem. Can we meet up at the library?"
"Sure, I'll see you in twenty."
"So Peter, what is this slight problem you have?" Harry asked, jumping straight to the point.
Peter explained the whole spider catastrophy and how he had this weird feeling and how his hands keep sticking to everything, hence the gloves.
Peter then removed his gloves to demonstrate his newfound abilities. He grabbed the nearest book and asked Harry to try to pry it from his hand. Peter also explained how he was sensitive to light and that he could hear everything around him extraordinarily well. He proved how well he could hear the other people in the library by narrating their conversations word for word. The librarian was currently on the phone with what Peter assumed was her significant other; they were presently discussing their dinner plans for later that evening. The little girl by the children's' section was currently begging her mother to get ice cream on their way home. The two boys on the computers were chatting about their favorite game.
"Woah..." Harry muttered under his breath.
Peter and Harry left the library and began walking back to the tower. They were about halfway to the tower when Peter got a weird feeling. The hair on his arm was standing up, and his senses were at an all-time high. Peter looked around to see if there was a reason that his body was so alert and turned his head just in time to see two men come up behind them and drag the two teens into the alley.
Peter and Harry struggled to escape the grasp of the two large men that had grabbed them. The men held their hands over Peter and Harry's mouths to stop them from alerting bypassers of their situation. Seeing no other way out, Peter opened his mouth and bit his attacker. The man let go and screamed in pain.
"The fucker bit me!" The man exclaimed.
"Grab him! Don't let him get away!" the man who was still holding Harry commanded.
Peter pressed the distress button on his watch that Tony had made for him in case of situations just like this. He then realized he needed to survive until his dad came to his rescue.
The large man came charging at Peter at full speed. Peter was sure he was done for, but at the last second his body reacted and entirely dodged the two-hundred-pound man. This only seemed to make the man angrier.
"That's it you little shit," the man growled.
He balled his hand into a fist and swung a punch aimed directly for Peter's face. Peter's senses flared, and Peter successfully dodged another attack. Soon the two were engaged in a fight that consisted of the large man swinging at the teen, and Peter dodging every punch.
The other man who was still holding onto Harry decided that his partner needed help and tried to distract Peter.
"If you don't stop your friend is going to get it," the man threatened.
The man's plan had worked and distracted Peter long enough for the man to finally land a punch on Peter's cheek. Peter stumbled back in shock and tried to shake off the black dots that were swarming in his vision.
With an act of courage, Peter ducked underneath the large man's arms and ran straight for the wall while quickly removing the gloves. Just as Peter had predicted, he stuck to the wall and began to climb. The two men watched in shock as the teen started to scale the side of the building. Peter then suddenly jumped off the wall and straight onto the back of the man who was holding Harry captive.
While Peter struggled with the slightly smaller but just as strong man, Harry took the opportunity and ran to find help.
"Ha looks like its just us against you, freak!" The large man said.
"Bring it on!" Peter said with false confidence. He just needed to last a few more minutes until his dad found him.
Peter held his own for a while against the two men until the shorter one grabbed his knife. Peter knew that he was now in life-threatening danger not only by the blade but because his senses became even more sensitive if that was possible.
Peter tried to dodge the knife as best as he could, but after the large man tackled him while he was busy dodging the blade and pinned Peter to the ground, he could no longer continue to avoid being stabbed. The man with the knife came over to where his partner held Peter down and let out a bitter laugh as he sliced Peter's cheek open with the knife. Peter winced in pain but tried not to show weakness.
Just as Peter began to lose all hope of making it out of this mess, he heard the familiar sound of rocket boosters in the distance. Peter just looked at the men and gave a cocky smile, knowing that they were royally screwed.
"What the hell are you smiling for, kid?" the shorter man asked.
"You guys are in big trouble now," Peter smirked.
"Oh yeah? And why is that?" the larger man snickered.
"Because you just hit my son," Tony thundered.
"Holy shit! It's IronMan!" the men exclaimed in unison.
"Peter get behind me," Tony demanded.
Peter began to make his way over to his dad when the shorter of the two men suddenly grabbed him and held the knife to his throat.
"Don't move or I'll kill him," the man hissed.
Peter began to struggle but instantly stopped when he felt the knife cut his throat and warm blood oozed down his neck.
"STOP!" Tony shouted. "What do you want?"
"One million dollars," the large man said.
Peter being Peter, could not let his dad give up so much money to men who did not deserve it. Peter closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and threw his head back into his captor's head. The man let out a stunned grunt but did not let go. Peter tried again and elbowed the man in the groin, but he still didn't release his grip.
The man was done with the teens game. He took the knife and thrust the blade into the kid's abdomen.
Peter didn't realize what had happened right away. It was like everything was happening in slow motion. His knees buckled, and he fell to the ground clutching his side. He could faintly hear his dad yelling for him, but it sounded although he was underwater.
During all the commotion, the two men took their chance and ran away as fast as they could. Tony wanted to kill them for what they had done to Peter, but he couldn't leave his son to bleed out in the alley.
"Hey, Pete, stay with me." Tony murmured to his son. "Look at me, kiddo. You're going to be just fine, okay?"
Peter tried to answer his dad, but he couldn't find the energy to form words. Tony scooped up the small teen and shot off towards the tower.
Peter woke up in a confused daze. Where was he? Peter tried to sit up, and it all came back to him when he felt the soreness in his side. Peter lifted his shirt to reveal only a scar where a stab wound should have been. What the heck? How long had he been out for?'
"Hey, kiddo," Tony greeted softly. "How are you feeling?"
"Sore, but it doesn't hurt too bad."
"Can I take a look at it?" Tony asked his son.
"Sure," Peter said.
Tony peeled the bandage off and was shocked to reveal that instead of the deep stab wound his son had only hours ago, had been replaced with a fading scar that looked although the injury had happened months ago.
"What the hell?" Tony gasped.
Tony called Bruce down and informed him that Peter was awake. Bruce ran even more tests to find out why Peter was healing so quickly. After many hours of testing later, Bruce concluded that the spider bite was the cause of Peter's advanced healing, heightened senses, and sticky hands.
"Osborn will be hearing from my lawyer," Tony muttered angrily.
"Dad, it's not his fault, please don't make a huge deal about this," Peter pleaded.
"A huge deal! Peter, you were bitten by a radioactive spider!" Tony exclaimed.
"Can we talk about this later dad, I'm getting kinda tired."
"Sure, kiddo. Goodnight, I love you.
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