Hang On Kid
It was supposed to be another routine mission, no tricks, just in and out. That's why Tony had thought it would be a good idea to bring sixteen-year-old Peter Parker along for the ride. Oh boy, what a mistake that would be, one Tony would come to regret.
Now, Tony was cradling the young boy tightly in his arms, pressing his hands against the hole in Peter's abdomen, desperately trying to stop the kid from bleeding out.
Dark crimson blood dripped from the corner of Peter's mouth. Peter tried to speak but instead began to cough up more blood.
"Shhhh... hang on kid, I've got you," Tony soothed, trying to hide the panic in his voice.
"I- I love you, Tony," Peter chokes out as a new bout of wet coughs begins. Peter could vaguely hear the faint sound of Tony muttering something to him, but as much as Peter tried, he couldn't seem to understand what the man was trying to say. Peter could no longer fight the darkness and soon slipped into oblivion.
2 Hours Earlier...
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mister Stark! I promise I won't let you down!" Peter bounced with excitement as he gave the billionaire a salute.
"Yeah sure kid, now go suit up. We leave in ten."
As they boarded the Quinjet, Tony hesitated a moment, thinking over his decision to bring the kid on a mission. Was he ready yet? What was he talking about, the kid had taken down that Vulture guy no problem, this was a piece of cake compared to that. The mission was to get into a not so secret anymore Hydra base and steal the coordinance of their other bases. Peter was perfect for stealth missions; not only does he have his Peter Tingle, but he can also crawl on the ceilings where nobody would even bother to look.
1 Hour Earlier...
"Not so fast there, freak."
"Look, we can work this out like civilized human beings, you don't have to shoot me, and I'll just be on my merry way." Peter tried to smooth talk his way out of this mess.
The man scoffed and fired his gun at Peter. Peter quickly jumped out of the way of the mass bullets that came whizzing past him.
"You really need to work on your aim there, buddy; you shoot like a stormtrooper." Peter quipped.
"Everything okay in there, Kid? I heard gunshots," Tony's voice flooded through Peter's earpiece.
"Yup, everything's just peachy."
"Enough with the sarcasm Spidey, I'm on my way for back up."
"Pfft, I don't need back up for one agent who can't aim to save his life." But as if on cue, Peter's famous Parker Luck just had to make an appearance. Two more men, both carrying assault rifles, entered the room unnoticed by the teen in the red and blue suit. Another round of bullets sounded throughout the base.
"Kid, you okay?"
"Peter?" Tony asked again, this time, his voice more urgent.
Still nothing.
"Come on, kid, answer me!" Tony was trying hard not to panic, instead focusing on finding Peter as fast as he could.
Tony flew down the dimly lit corridor, taking a quick glance into every room he passed. He was in such a panic he nearly missed it. The mass of red and blue lying in a puddle of dark red blood.
"Peter! NO!" Tony cried as he fell to his knees beside the injured hero.
"Peter. Pete! Nonono, come on, kid. You can't fall asleep." Tony pleaded.
"Help! Somebody help me," Tony cried into the comns.
"Were on our way Tones," Cap answered.
"Please don't die, kid. You can't do this to me. I need you. I love you so much, Peter, please don't leave me." Tony cried into his kid's neck as he cradled his still body. Painful sobs shook Tony's body as the man realized that Peter's chest was no longer moving; there was no heartbeat. Tony let out a gut-wrenching scream that broke the other Avenger's hearts as they finally arrived to help.
"Well, don't just stand there! Do something!" Tony screamed as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks.
1 Hour Later...
Tony watched as Peter's body jolted from the electric paddles trying to restart his heart for the third time since they've boarded the ship. Bruce, along with Helen Cho, were doing everything within their power to save the dying teen's life, but with every shock, Tony's hope grew smaller and smaller.
5 Hours Later...
Peter woke up feeling like death warmed over. He grunted as he miserably failed to sit up, sending waves of pain throughout his body.
"Ughh... Mr. Stark? W-what happened?"
"You got shot, that's what happened," Tony hissed angrily as he handed Peter a glass of water.
Peter graciously accepted the water and gulped down the entire glass in an attempt to soothe his dry and scratchy throat. "Umm... Sorry?" Peter tried to apologize, sensing the hostility in his mentor's voice.
"Sorry? You're sorry! Do you have any idea how scared I was? I thought you died, Peter! Hell, you did die, at least three times! I can't lose you, Pete, I just can't." Tony felt hot tears prick his eyes and quickly tried to blink them away.
Peter guiltily looked down, desperate not to have to face Tony's disappointment. "I'm sorry I screwed up the mission."
"I could care less about the mission, Peter! What if you had died? Huh? I don't think I could live with myself if that happened. I'm sorry for yelling, kid. I was just so scared of losing you. You're like a son to me."
Peter looked into Tony's deep brown eyes, trying to tell if Tony had just meant what he had said. "You think I'm your son?"
"I mean unless you think that weird, then in that case-" Tony was cut off by Peter, wrapping him in the most awkward hug he'd ever had in his life due to the fact Peter still couldn't sit up because of the bullet wound.
"I love you, Dad," Peter whispered in Tony's ear.
"I love you too. Now get some rest kiddo, you look like you've been shot."
Hey guys, sorry for not updating in forever, schools been stressful, to say the least. Anyways I know this chapter isn't the best, but I really wanted to get something out there for you guys. As an apology gift, I shall give you guys a face reveal! I really only wanted to do this because I ordered a pair of EDITH glasses, and I am IN LOVE with them (but not as much as I LOVE all of you). 💕
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