Chapter 5
A\N Guys help me, I haven't updated for more then a month and now I'm updating like 2 times a day. HALP MEEE
Sorry, the video at the top I made it- yehhhh. If you wanna see more go and check out meh YouTube channel xD
its also like winding outside so hard rite now. ((it is too a word))
Guys I also wanted to say I do try to reply to every single comment, so please comment!
((Seriously. It took me more than 10 minutes to reply to everyone this morning xD))
Parker's Residence
Living Room
9:01 A.M. (A\N Who even cares about the time but me?)
There was a pause. There was static in the Captain's ear, indicating that the two on the roof were also stunned.
"I'm afraid I don't understand-," Steve started, but was soon cut off.
"I don't believe you. To be honest, I'm having a hard time believing anything," Peter hissed.
"Peter," Steve started, putting his hands up in a peaceful manner, "We're going to need you to come with us." he set down his cup of tea.
"And, if I may, to where?" Peter snarled at them, glaring at them. Tony and Steve looked uncomfortable under the teen's unfaltering glare.
"We're going to have to take you to S.H.E.I.L.D.- Strategic Homeland-,"
"Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division? Yes, I know a whole lot about them. Nick Fury, I presume, is wanting me?" Tony and Steve looked dumbfounded, staring at the teen who simply sipped tea.
"What?" the comm exclaimed.
"How do you know about them? Nobody knows about them!" Tony exclaimed. "The only place that has information about S.H.E.I.L.D. is-,"
"Your database. Which I hacked a while back," Peter sheepishly finished. With the confused look Tony gave him, Peter reasoned, "what? I was bored." Peter shrugged.
"One more question, Mr. Rogers." Steve looked at the teen with a questioning gaze.
"Yes?" Steve sighed, looking at the teen.
"What would happen if I were to refuse?" Peter looked at the two of the most powerful people in New York straight in the eye with no regret.
"Then we would have to use force on you, Mr. Parker. Please don't make us do this." Steve said, a sad look on his and Tony's eyes. Peter sighed. He put his tea cup back on the table. He stood up.
"I hope you have your fighting shoes on, Captain."
Tony sighed, pushing a button on his suitcase. The suitcase then shifted, placing itself on Tony's hand, crawling up his wrist, then his whole arm. In a blink of an eye, Tony's body was encased in his glowing neon blue, red and yellow Iron Man suit. Mother Hugger. Peter's Spider-sense was quiet. For now.
"I have mine on."
Only Tony's head was not cased in red and yellow armor. Steve didn't bring his shield, believing that the boy would come with them willingly.
"Careful, try not to hurt him." Peter snorted. He wasn't going to be dragged off somewhere without putting off a fight.
Before Steve could stand up, Peter bolted up his stairway, missing most of the steps. He heard a small, "hey, wait!" behind him, but like hell he was going to stop and chat. While he was running, he took of his shirt, revealing a familiar red and blue spandex covering his body. He basically fell over his pants. His shoes flew off his feet as he jumped into his room. He grabbed his mask, and hit the button to lock his door. He heard footsteps gravitate towards him, and a hard knock on the door.
"He's in his room, he's gonna run!" Steve yelled into his comm. Peter felt like swearing colorfully, but reminded himself that both Captain and his Aunt would scowl at him and yell: "Language"
"I've got a visual on him. Target locked." Peter now really close to swearing. Like, ant close to the floor swearing.
The worst kind of swearing.
"C'mon kid, we don't want to hurt you!" Tony reasoned. Peter snickered.
"Yea, and I didn't want a play-date with a broken toy car. Guess we're both outta luck." Peter snickered. He heard a laugh on the comm with a small:
"He owned you Stark!" Before he could hear what the Captain said, the launched himself out of his window, hearing a muffled,
"Oh damn! He flew out the window!" and then he heard the sound of Iron Man flying his direction. His Spidey senses tingled in the back of his head. He let go of his web, making an award-winning back flip, missing an arrow that was shot at his direction. He heard a quick:
"Woah! He dodged it!" it was the same man on the comm- but wait, Captain was so far away. His attackers were close. He looked down just in time to see a blur of blue behind him to see a man looking at him.
"I'm sorry but I have to do this." he spoke with a weird accent that Peter's never heard before. Before the man could actually start running, Peter quipped,
"Sorry, man. But can I recheck? I got to be somewhere. See you in a flash." The guy looked shocked yet amused at the pun. He gave him a small smile before zipping past Peter, making him spin around.
"Oh that's how you wanna play it? Very well; Let's go, Zoomie," Peter quipped. The man looked amused at the challenge, yet outraged at the nickname.
"It's Quicksilver."
"More like Nesquik," Peter snarked. Quicksilver then whizzed towards him. But Peter was ready. Time slowed down. When the speedster was about a foot from hitting him, Peter step-sided, and webbed the side of a building. He lowered the web, and Quicky tripped on it. He flew passed Peter, rolling on the ground. Quickly, Peter webbed together his legs, knowing that the webbing takes forever to get off, and that the man wouldn't be able to break it. The force it would take to break his webbing was well over five tons. He was pretty sure the guy was secure when he webbed around his legs about 10 times.
A\N Okay, so I did some research- and the website said that Spider-Man's webs have the strength of at least 39,200 Newtons. Now let's just recap on other stronger things that relate to his webbing:
Steel cable: 6,503 NewtonsNylon rope: 235 NewtonsSpider silk: 3,142 NewtonsCarbon nanotube rope: 1.98 x 105 Newtons
Now if we compare those to Spidey's webbing - 39,200 Newtons. Like whattt. His webbing is stronger than anything. And being the science geek he is, he probably is trying to make his webbing stronger as we speak-err as you read this.
How bout in pounds because I'm too lazy to search that?
If Spidey's webbing has 39,200 Newtons, that would equal to at least 8,812.5106 Pound Force.
((not to mention if the webbing is layered, is air tight. Surprisingly, Spider-Man is able to suffocate anybody he wants to. BUT WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY so he doesn't do that.))
So have fun trying to break free of that, Pietro.
FUNFACT - All of my chapters, (Including the ones from Find Him Yet) are at LEAST 1,000 words because I want you all to be able to be excited when I update, I hate those fanfics when people don't update for like years, and when they do, the chapters are like 300 words long. It's like I've waited for more than a year for 300 words?
So that's my gift to you. Be happy. (This one is currently 1256 words)
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