Chapter 17
holy living hell
I was gone for like 8 days.
Sorry I was just having some problems and issues with my plot, and I was trying to understand it. xD
<Still trying to figure it out>
Stark Tower
Peter's Bedroom
9:24 A.M.
Peter fell out of his bed with a thump. It had been a week since he had moved in, and each and every morning he woke up with a start. Either it be a nightmare or just realizing he wasn't at Aunt May's, Peter was not having the best of luck getting out of bed.
Especially with Spider-Man calling his name 24\7.
He literally crawled to the closet, threw something on, and followed the faint smell of bacon to the kitchen and living area.
He slumped on a random chair, fighting sleep.
"Hey Steve, when did we get two Tonys?" Natasha asked teasingly. Peter just noticed that next to him sat a very tired Tony, head slumped against the counter with coffee in hand. He snored gently. Peter rolled his eyes.
"Psshh, I am not nearly as close to death as he is,"
"That was terrible."
"It's early, Clint!" The archer just laughed.
"I was thinking after we eat, we can go and train," Steve suggested. Everyone who was conscious groaned.
"Tony, get up," Steve said, pointing to the half-dead billionaire. He just hissed in response. Peter dragged his feet over to the man. He kicked him in the gut, with not too much but enough for the man to shriek and jump up. Peter turned to Cap and gave him a tired smile with a thumbs up.
"Tony you and Bruce will spar, Natasha and Clint, Peter and Sam, Pietro and Wanda, and Rhodes you will spar with me."
"You're going to annihilate me!"
Steve just gave him a small smile and a shrug.
"I'll go easy on you,"
"I hope I am not interrupting anything," a man in a suit talked slowly into the room of battling heros.
Natasha took her heel off of Clint's head, Peter jumped off of Sam's back, Tony and Bruce brought their hands down, Pietro stopped spinning Wanda, and Steve helped Rhodey off the mat. They crowed the man.
"No certainly not," Steve said, smiling at the man, "what can we help you with, Phil?"
"Does everyone call him Phil?"
"Taskmaster and H.Y.D.R.A. are planning something. Big," Phil said, ignoring Tony's comment. Steve folded his arms, listening intensely.
"All that we know is that they have a new base, and that we have the cordinates. We need you go to in and take the information from the computers and swipe the information. Think you can handle it?"
Everyone glanced at each other, giving small nods to each other.
"When do we start?" Steve asked. Phil smiled at him.
"We have a jet ready for you."
"So what's the plan?" Peter asked, making sure his webshooters where on correctly. Everyone was preparing.
"Were going to try to go in stealthily, and if that backfires then you and Natasha go in, get the file, and erase it. You two are the most stealthy and least likely to get caught. While you two do that, the rest of us will be fighting off people. Here take this," Steve handed Peter a comm. Peter took it and put it in his ears.
"You just press a small button on the side if you need to contact us. It will connect to all of us. Unless you're Tony and you block one of us."
Peter nodded, smiling a bit.
"We're approaching our land site," Clint cautioned. Everyone braced themselves. The jet landed slowly and smoothly, and Peter felt a wave of adrenaline rush through his veins.
"Follow me, closely and quietly," Steve said, heading out of the jet. Everyone followed except Bruce, who waited quietly.
They waved through the bushes and trails, trying to stay hidden from the H.Y.D.R.A. agents. The two guards were knocked out easily with one punch from Captain America.
As soon as his hand touched the door handle, an alarm set off, loud and blaring. Steve's hand jumped off the handle, now only realizing there is a hand print on the handle. He was not authorized to open the door, therefore a alarm set. Soon enough, a load of H.Y.D.R.A. agents flowed out of the door. Natasha and Peter nodded at each other, rushing forward. Peter climbed on the ceiling, easily dodging the bullets and rays sent his way. Natasha mostly just dodged and kicked. Peter pulled Natasha behind a corner.
"What's the plan?" Peter asked, looking around, Spidey-Sense tingling every now and then. He could hear his friends fighting behind him. Small grunts and groans, and every now and then he heard the thump of a body falling to the ground unconscious.
"We split up," Natasha said. "I will head North, you head South," she said. Peter started at her, waiting for her to say, "I'm just joking, I'm going to lead the way, and you follow me and not get in the way of my sweet karate moves, okay?" but no. It never came. She looked at him expectantly.
"If you get lost, or hurt, comm in okay?" Peter just stared. He turned around, rambling.
"Are you joking? Have you ever seen any horror movies? The people who split up are the only people who die, Nat! And guess what? We're the ones that are splitting up- you're gone, aren't you?" Peter turned around to Natasha jetting down the hallway.
"Mother Hugger," Peter growled, turning heel. He launched himself the other way.
"Well if she is going to do the "splitting up" cliche, I am going to "climbing in the air vents" cliche." Peter said, ripping apart the vent and easily climbing inside.
"Spider-Man," he heard Natasha say on the other end. She was out of breath, and there was regret and fear dripping on her words. Peter was alarmed instantly.
"I've been compromised. I'm in a secure room, and I will be fine, but I need you to find the computer system. Stay hidden, and we'll regroup as soon as possible."
A\N I think that im dun
Who does thy ship?
<Jus curious>
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