Chapter 12
A\N Sorry.
I have an explanation!
Seriously, I had like 4 hours of homework. ._.
S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier
Gym - Training Area
12:16 A.M.
There was silence once Peter had helped Natasha from the floor. A light smile was planted on her face, her gaze flickering with acceptance. When Peter glanced at the others, these were the faces that met him:
Clint looked like he was slapped in the face by a two year old.
Steve looked like what he must of when he figured out that we won World War II.
Pietro looked like he ate a bug whilst he was running.
Wanda looked the least surprised, but still had some on her features.
Tony looked like somebody took all of his money and was slapping him with it.
Fury... didn't hold his mouth shut when it dropped.
Natasha shrugged. "What?" she questioned at the men. Clint gaped at her.
"We-Wh-What? That's all you have to say? Nobody's ever beaten you alone before!" Clint nearly scream in the air. Peter internally flinched at that.
Great, Parker.
Just show off your skills, why don't cha?
"I've got to hand it to you, kid," Fury started, arms folded behind him, striding forwards. "You've got talent." Peter tried to keep his excitement down, but.. really couldn't. He let a smile slip.
"I-What-How?" Tony spoke, having shut up for his five minutes for the day. He kept his gaze on Natasha, then Peter then kept switching.
"How even?" Tony spoke. Peter simply shrugged.
"Don't mess with a spider."
S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier
12:29 A.M.
Peter sat in a chair. It was hard, cold, and uncomfortable. He shifted his gaze to the people in front of him.
"Mr. Parker," Fury started, holding a folder of documents in his hand. "We have discussed this issue, and we would like to introduce you to the Avengers Initiative." he stated slowly and hastily. Peter was silent for a moment. He knew what this meant. But what would he have to sacrifice?
"What are the requirements?" Peter asked slowly, keeping his gaze locked with Fury's. Fury sighed a bit, realizing that there was no way around this.
"Your identity will not be shared to the public, unless it is by your own hand. The requirement is that Stark here will provide you a room at start tower. You don't have to live there, but it will be there. The only other one is before we get this settled, we will ask you a series of questions. You must answer them all." Peter shifted in his seat.
Well they already knew his identity. If they didn't want him out there they could literally get the hulk on him. He didn't want that. Plus, he would be able to live in Stark tower, and have a team.
"Alright," Peter said slowly, "ask away. I want to get this over with, please?" he asked kindly. Fury's steel face lifted up a small bit.
"Of course. Alright, question one. What are your real powers? From what you told me and what I saw, you were holding back," Fury assumed. Peter sighed.
"Yes," Peter admitted, sighing. "I was holding back." Everyone was at least a bit shocked at this. Peter started rambling about his powers and how they truly worked.
"Alright, next question-,"
"Where does your webbing come from?" Tony interrupted. Fury gave a death glare at the billionaire, but didn't say anything.
"Oh," Peter said, looking down at his wrists. They were still on.
Silly S.H.E.I.L.D.
"I have these, uh, web-shooters." Peter said, showing his wrists to the billionaire. Tony gasped and squealed, lunging forward and grabbing Peter's wrist. He pulled Peter forward along with the web-shooter. Peter ended up with a face full of table. Peter didn't move whilst he lifted his hand up, unattached his web-shoot from his wrist and slumped on the table. After about 30 seconds, Peter lifted up, giving a small glare at Tony, who was in heaven apparently.
"Amazing. Who manufactured these?" Tony asked in a bliss. Peter rubbed his wrists where Tony had grabbed him.
"I made them," Peter said as if he was insulted. Tony instantly stopped poking the technology. He glanced up at Peter.
"You know what this means?" Tony asked. Peter shrugged, sitting in his chair again.
"You are going to be the third Science Bro!" Tony exclaimed excitedly. Peter cocked his head, confused.
"Third...?" he stated, puzzled.
"You me, and Brucie!"
Peter's life just got a little better.
"Next question: Why'd you leave for over five months?"
Peter's life just got a little worse.
He was silent for a long amount of time. The room was tense, everyone realizing how touchy the subject was.
"I had some personal issues to.. deal with." Peter finally pushed out. Everyone decided not to push the teen any further.
"How old where you when you first became Spider-Man?" Steve asked, intrigued.
"15," Peter stated without hesitance. Realization hit them all with full force. Clint stood up, pointing at the teen.
"Peter, you're 16?" Clint exclaimed. Peter shrugged and nodded. There was a tense silence.
"Alright. If Mr. Parker is going to live at Stark Tower, he should gather his belongings." Peter instantly tensed.
"My.. uh... Aunt.. she uh..," Peter stammered. Fury stopped him.
"You're Aunt has been informed that you have just earned an internship at Stark Industries and must live there to be Tony's assistant. You'll be there for the whole summer," Fury informed. Peter breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Alright, Kiddo," Tony said, standing up. "Let's go and get your stuff."
This currently has 954 words.
Ima dunn.
XOXO Nightmare
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