Chapter 11
I'm dying.
Let's talk about that-
Wha- Wait this isn't right? Oh right!
UPDATE - I will only be responding to comments left on the last chapter written. <For example for a short while before I make Chapter 12 I will reply to comments on this one. Any questions? Ask below! <3>
Peter's not in a happy mood. :> Let's get back to that.
S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier
11:43 A.M.
It was a beautiful day outside, the birds were singing- (STOP IT!)- never mind.
After his small ramble, Peter avoided everyone's gazes. Had it not been clear why he did what he did? Wasn't that what they fought for?
Wasn't that why Peter couldn't be normal? Wasn't that why Peter couldn't do anything else but try to make up for all the people he couldn't save?
Shall he name them?
Captain Stacy?
Uncle Ben?
His breath caught at the mere thought of the blond; it had only been five months ago when... it.... happened.
"My choice."
Peter shook his head frantically.
He'd promise to himself that he wouldn't think about her.
Even thought it was his fault.
He glanced out of the window. He saw his own reflection. His worthless reflection. Past it, he saw only sky and cloud. He realized with a start that he was on aboard the Hellicarrier. The clouds floated silently and elegantly together in motion; like a dance.
"-Man," Tony's voice snapped Peter out of his thoughts. He glanced at the billionaire.
"Why do you fight?" Fury asked. Peter sighed, he decided against fighting; there were more people with more power than he could handle at once.
"I-," Peter cut off, not sure how to explain. "I owe someone. I've learned my lesson the hard way." Peter kept it short. There were many surprised faces around him, he decided that he shouldn't comment on them. Just get this over with, and he'll be okay.
Wanda's eyes flashed of red, and something else, but Peter just narrowed his in return.
"How'd you get your powers?" Clint asked excitedly. At the look Steve gave him, Clint shrugged, "What? We're all curious!"
Peter rattled off his powers, strength, agility, flexibility, enhanced hearing, enhanced eyesight, crap, enhanced everything. He only told them that he was above average, which was the understatement of the century. He rattled off his Spider-Senses, though only telling them of the danger part, not the whole "I can sense where you are" feeling that he shouldn't rat out everything.
Whilst he was rattling, Natasha seemed very interested.
"- and-," before Peter could finish, Natasha stood up, pointing at him with her index finger.
"I want to fight," she stated simply but confidently. Peter just sat there looking at her. At the silence, she elaborated. "I want to spar with another spider," everyone looked surprised at her sudden outburst, but nobody dared talking.
Peter shared an uneasy glance at Fury, asking permission or what the hell to do. Fury just glanced at Agent Romanoff and shrugged.
It was up to Peter.
"Don't worry," Natasha was saying. "I'll go easy on your bruises. But not too easy," she added quickly. Peter collected a enough confidence that it was dangerous.
Confidence lead to cockiness.
Cockiness equaled to sloppiness.
Peter was very aware of her abilities. He didn't really want to fight her. Though when he realized that she wasn't going to budge any time soon, he sighed, relenting.
"If that's what you want," Peter said, watching Fury's eye as he hastily stood up, "then we'll spar." Natasha put her hand down, satisfied. He gave her eye contact, giving her unspoken words of "I'm going all in". She seemed to respect his eagerness and ability to shadow his emotions. Whilst still holding eye contact, Peter's Spidey-Senses made him fully aware of Steve's huge intake of breath, Tony's shift, Clint's outright flinch, Pietro's snicker, and Wanda's sigh.
"Then let's go to the gym. This'll be a great way to see what you made of, Spider."
S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier
Training Room - Gym
12:03 A.M.
"Impressive," was all Peter let out of his mouth as they entered the training area. He tried to keep his cool, even though on the inside, he was fangirling like this writer's fans when she gets off her butt when she updates this darn story.
Everybody came. No one wanted to be left out of his experience.
"Hey kid," Clint came up behind Peter, startling him the slightest. Clint didn't noticed. "hint of advice; you're gonna get your butt whipped." Peter rolled his eyes at the archer.
"I 'm calling that child abuse." Peter sarcastically replied. Clint snickered.
"I like you."
"Rules?" Peter turned to Natasha with a questioning glare. "Challenger gets to pick." Natasha smiled at the boy in front of her.
"Hand to hand. No weapons. That means no web-shooters for you, and no guns or knives for me. You can go all out with your powers; and I'll go all out with my training," she smirked, "just seems fair."
Peter just smiled kindly at her. On the inside, he was outright smiling. "If that's your rules, I'll go by them." She nodded at him, walking over to the other side of the gym. Peter was suited with what-was-left-of his Spider-Man costume. He paused.
"Do you have my mask?" He asked, and Fury, apparently expecting this question, grabbed his mask from an I-don't-think-I-wanna-know place. He threw it at the boy, who had turned and caught it, putting it over his head. Ah just felt right.
Natasha smirked, as if saying, "cute".
"3, 2, 1, go!" Clint yelled from the sidelines as soon as everybody was in their respected areas.
Natasha rushed at Peter at full force, ducking forward, shooting her leg out to trip the boy. Peter tripped.
On purpose.
He landed in a handstand, flicking his feet backwards towards the ground, letting gravity take it's toll. He landed hard on Natasha's back, and she let out a grunt as he did. Once he kneed her in the back, he gained his footing, jumped backwards and landed on his feet. She got up by the time Peter was charging at her again. Natasha pointed punches and kicks at his stomach and face. Peter decided with defense, blocking out the punching to his face with his forearms, whilst dodging and kicking. He heard gasps behind him, but he didn't stop, just kept with the fluent flow of his fighting.
At the point that it was getting ridiculous, Natasha had hit him only once in the matter of five minutes.
Most men would be dead in one second.
Timing things perfectly with his calculations in his head, Natasha swung at his head. Peter receded his punch to grab her ankle. She couldn't do anything as Peter ruthlessly flipped her over, slamming her body into the mat. It wouldn't hurt, Peter knew that, but it would surely knock the wind out of her.
Natasha gasped as her back hit the mat. Peter'd gotten quite a few good hits on her that would leave a lot of bruising. He grasped her arms, holding her on the mat.
When she was on her back, Natasha kicked Peter in the face with the heel of her boot, a move that would've knocked men out cold. Peter didn't even let a sound out. He shifted, his face, but he didn't let go. She stayed there, stunned that Peter hadn't let go. She sighed in defeat.
"Fine," she said, her breath coming out in ragged shakes. "you win."
Ha! Natasha's got her butt handed to her. <SRSLY THO, P'S STRONGER THAN N.>
This chapter currently contains 1246 words
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