Chapter 4
My heart was racing, and not just from meeting Bruce banner. The anxiety I felt right after myfight with iron man is back, it is thanfuly dissipated by the movie though.
"You guys want to go to my house" Ned asked us.
"Sorry man, gotta get back, make sure everything is ok" I tell him
"Its cool, see you at school tomorrow" Mj responds.
I wave them goodbye and run to an alley to change, for the orphanage is 6 miles away, and I don't want to walk.
Once in my costume, I swing to the orphanidge, slipping through the window I always leave unlocked.
After changing back into my regular clothes I walk down the hall to the kitchen.
Daisy, the next oldest, was sitting at the island, homework papers strewn everywhere. She looked up at me, "hey peter, you good, you don't look so great"
I shook my head to clear it, I considered what to say, ".... Yeah, shit has happened"
The 13 year old girl rose an eyebrow at this but didn't press the question, instead she tiredly asked me to check her work on the equations she had for homework.
"It's all correct except for number 5, you forgot to flip the inequality sign when you divided by a negative"
Daisy nodded and fixed the problem. I move to grab myself a glass of water and put my leftover food in the refrigerator for school the next morning, but got a glimpse of the sink, there are 10 used bowls inside, not 11. I grab the glass but bring the half eaten sandwich back. I fill the glass and slide the Styrofoam box and glass of water to Daisy, "you need to eat just as much as they do."
Daisy is a lot like me, She doesn't like to be a bother, so she often times makes food for everyone but then, gives up her own food because the other children are still hungry.
She sighed, "I know.. I just... I just got wrapped up with homework and.... Forgot?" She tried
"Nice try" I laugh "tomorrow I will be back early so I know you are eating, you don't deserve to carry all the responsibility"
"Neither do you!" She through her hands up in exasperation.
"Yes, but I'm older" I didn't really mean that, we always tease each other and she is only 1 1/2 years younger than me, I know she hates it when I point that out.
"Yeah so don't get so cocky mr. I'm-18-months-older-than-you." She laughed but then shook her head, "stop trying to distract me. The point is, is that you don't have to do everything around here, I can perfectly handle doing more than just occasionally making dinner."
I just shrugged, not wanting to talk about this, she is always trying to get me to let her do more, I always refuse. I know that I can't fight crime as peter parker, but maybe I could do just as much good by fighting injustice, "no, I don't need help, I'm managing just fine"
She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "it seems all your doing is managing"
"I promise, I can handle it" I told her in a reassuring tone.
She sighed, "ok, just... If you ever need help, don't over exert yourself, we are all here for you" we meaning the kids of the orphanidge of course.
I smile at her, "deal" I crossed my fingers behind my back.
She nods and picks up the sandwich, staring at it in horror, "did you really order it smushed"
"Yes. I. did" I said in a matter of fact tone.
She stared at me like I'm insane, but takes a bite, "you're insane"
"I take that as a compliment" I smile
She rolls her eyes at me but returns to her book while eating.
A man in a gray suit with a science pun t-shirt underneath, and gray pants, walked into the room. "Glad you could finally join us stark" the blond haired man stated.
"Just be glad I here at all steve, frankly I want nothing to do with that freaky little bug" the man -tony stark- told Steve rogers, also known as captain America.
"Spiders are arachnids" a red headed woman, Natasha rommanof, interjected.
"Awww is someone's pride hurt" Clint goaded a few chairs away.
Tony grumbled something but didn't say anything else.
"As I was saying" Steve continued, "fury is getting impatient, he wants to know why we don't have spiderman yet"
"Cause he's as slippery as a stick of butter, that's why" iron man burst out.
The team looked at him, "did you at least find any useful information when you talked to him" Nat asked.
"He likes talking. That's about it. OH, and he seems to know what your going to do before you do it, He blocked all my attacks"
Natasha nodded, "ok, that's not much to go off."
the rest of the room agreed.
"How about we come up with a plan, then at least we will be prepared when he shows his face again"
They then began their planning.
Peters pov
After waiting till Daisy went to bed, I snuck quietly to my room to grab my suit, trying to not wake up Mrs. Virli in the process.
I went though the window and leapt too the pavement. Running to an alley I got changed quickly.
The night had been nice, I had stopped 6 muggings, 5 attempted rapes, and 4 robberies.
While swinging along sirens began to blare near the harbor, upon arriving I saw nothing, there are no people, there werent even buildings to swing from. Despite what I saw, my spidey senses were telling me something was off. There was a riddle behind me, but when I looked back, there was nothing.
I then hear soft walking, a sound most wouldn't be able to hear, but thanks to my super hearing I did. I turn around to find captain America standing on top of a shipping container, "hi!" I wave "what brings you to a fineplace like this" I ask sarcastically.
"Spiderman, you need to come with me, I understand that you are weary of SHEILD, but I promise you that none of your information will get out" he told me
"Mmmmhmmmm, your buddy guild me that already, my answer is the same, no"
"I don't think you understand-"
"I understand perfectly well, my answer is no"
From captains ear piece I hear a sniper of conversation
In position one voice says
Also ready a second one speaks
So he brought back up, this is going to be difficult I thought.
"Spiderman, this is your last chance, come with me now freely, or we will force you to"
I really didn't want to fight the avengers, but what choice did I have, if I went willingly, I would have to give up my identity, and would be in more trouble than I originally was, because I tried to run away from iron man. If I fought them, I could possibly escape them and have neither happen, or I could lose and both would happen anyway.
My best chance was to try to escape, "sorry man, but I'm afraid that's kidnapping" I quip.
"Not if your wanted" he replies.
What!? I'm wanted. Ahh shit this is not good. I feel myself blank for a second, "it seems your heartbeat has increased, activating 'controlled heartrate' protocol" karen said through his mask
"Who was that" the super soldier asked, as he had super hearing as well.
My suit began heating and cooling, changing temperature to change my body temperature which had sky rocketed in my fear. With in seconds I was able to clear my head, I shook it and thought rationally. If I go with them, I would have to do whatever they wanted, I would go to prison or whatever Sheild had, if I fight, I still get in more trouble but might get away from them. Fighting Bevan evenmire crucial, "wouldn't you like to know" I sanded him.
He shook his head, "spiderman I will give you onemore chance, come with me" he says more demandingly.
The fear in me leaves, I only focus on the fight that is about to come. "No"
He nods, with the snap of his wrist, his sheild flys at me, I easily side step it though, "is that the best you got old ma-" my retort gets cut off when something hits my back and sends me stumbling forward.
Looking back, I see Natasha rommanof, with a gun pointed at me, "stay down" she commands with a emotionless face.
I roll out of the way, Then again over my shoulder to my feet, jumping before a shot landed right were I was before. I then entered hand to hand combat with black widow, while trying to dodge captain America's sheild.
After 10 minutes of this I stood up panting, I had just been hit by the shield in the back and was now struggling to get up, this was starting to get tiring, "Karen, activate micro bots" I hope this works, otherwise I might be in big trouble.
"What was that" Black widow asks, her gun trained on me, She hasn't gotten a chance to use it during the fight, because I had knocked out out of her hand.
"Nothing" I staggered to my feet, I could feel the bots moving underneath the cloth of my suit.
"Its over spiderman, come with us now, we have you cornered" the captains authoritative voice boomed.
I chuckled a bit, "sorry, still not happening".
But what did he mean by cornered. Captain threw his shelf again, I jumped to the right, away from the widow, only then did I realise what he meant. My spidey senses didn't warn me in time, there was suddenly a arrow protruding from my arm. I found the third person.
I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. I screwed my face up in pain, I heard captain America coming towards me. "It seems you have been shot, I must warn you, the enemy is coming near" Karen's voice flooded through.
"No shit Sherlock"
"Please get away quickly" karens voice sounded... Worried?
I grunted in pain as I was forced into a sitting position, my hands being forced behind my back then bound with some type of metal, "sorry about that spiderman, but we have to take you in now"
"Karen merge" I hissed out
"Already done sir"
I briefly wondered why she had made the micro bots Merge my mask and costume without me telling her, but that slipped from my head when he was hoisted up by strong arms, I tried not to groan in pain. "Come on spiderman, you can do this" Karen's voice cut through again, why did her voice have so much emotion?
I shook my head to clear out the pain. I needed to somehow get out of captain America's grip. I heard the engine of a jet coming closer, I had to escape before they got here. With all my might I heaved myself to the side, Steve wasn't expecting my sudden strength and didn't catch the restraints in time. I quickly broke the handcuffs and stood in a fighting stance, using one arm to reach over, grab the shaft of the arrow and break it, I began to feel the micro bots move into place. Captain america got into a fighting stance as well, beside black widow. The archer who I assumed to be Hawkeye began assaulting me with arrows, I managed to jump out of the way of each one, all while fending off captain and widow, all with one hand plus web shooters.
"Shall I use web grenade" karen asks seriously.
"No" I grunt through my pain and. Fighting, I know I'm running on pure adrenalin at the moment.
The web grenades were only prototypes, and frankly I didn't accidently want to destroy a whole harbor.
"Using web grenades" came Karen's voice.
"What!? No, Karen don't use web grenades" but a big clump of web shot out of his already low web canisters.
After hitting the ground it exploded onto everything on the dock, covering from the edge of the dock to the farthest shipping container, tapping everything it touched. I thankfully had the dissolvant, and after 5 minutes got my self out, just as the jet touched down.
Out stepped iron man, Bruce banner and falcon. My adrenaline was wearing off and the pain in my arm. Made me want to cry. I began to stumble away from them, thankfully the micro bots had fixed the suit so my wound was not visible. Iron man saw me and tried to run at me but I lifted my god arm and shot his face place, I began running towards the closest building, with was all the way across the dock. I saw falcon pulling up beside me with his guns aimed at me, I dodged most of them, but a few hit me and bounced off.
I used as much strength as I posessed and raised my bad arm to shoot a web, it hit falcons wing and made him fall to the ground, I continued running and jumped too the side of the building. As I climbed the building, trying to get enough height to swing away, iron man got the web's off his face and was now hovering behind me, repulsed trained on me.
My arm screamed in protest as I forced out to carry me higher. "Spiderman, stop, its over, come with me now, you are injured and outnumbered"
"Was outnumbered" I supplied, still trying to get good height, though my chances of escape were getting lower and lower, my arm was feeling like a dead weight leaving my good arm to do all the lifting. Iron man just stayed where he was, probably not wanting to break the glass of the building. "I've told you already, going with you would do more bad than good".
"Oh really" he said, I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
I began panting from over exertion, I knew something big had to happen if I was going to escape them, "your vitals are low, engaging tazer webs"
"Karen, no!? What is up with you" I stopped climbing my arm refusing to hold my weight anymore. My other arm held myself to the building, and behind me iron man still hovered, his repulsers blue light aimed at me.
"Tazer webs engaged"
"Karen! I said no" never the less, I forced my injured arm to work for Just a little longer.
My arm complied, lifting ever so slightly, I aimed for iron mans armor, then let loose a string of webbing. It collided but did nothing except for stick there. "I'm a billionaire genius, you really think I would allow my suit to conduct electricity"
I let loose a small cry as my arm dropped. Iron man flew slowly in, as he got closer I took a step of faith, I webbed my chest to the building then turned around as best as I could, using my good arm, I aimed at him again, but this time for a chink in his armor. I let the web fly, it hit its target, hopefully hitting something worth while, it seems it did because seconds later the suit was falling 5 floors towards the ground. In fright of accidently killing someone, I stupidly reached out with my bad arm and caught the falling man with a web, I screamed in pain, after attatching it to a building I webbed away, which was difficult with only one arm. "You are severely injured Peter, I suggest getting medical help right away" Karen's voice was full of worry, what was happening to her.
He noticed how she had skillfully avoided saying the name peter during the whole exchange. "Y-yeah, w-where's Mj" I stuttered quickly depleting on adrenaline.
"She and Ned are at Neds house, would you like me to tell them you are on the way?" She asked
"Y-yes please, thanks Karen"
"Your welcome peter"
By the time I swing to Neds house I barely made it to the window. I was shaking violently when I opened the window to Neds room. I saw Mj and Ned hunched over a screen, when they heard the window open, their heads shot up. Apprised I even got myself here i collapsed onto the floor. "OH MY GOD PETER" I heard them both shout.
"K-Karen shut off all protocols."
Karen took a second, probably scanning the area for threats, "sure thing peter"
I felt the microbial retract, allowing my mask to be pulled off by Mj, I must have looked pretty bad, because her face went white. "Do you have a first side kit or something" She asked Ned who was on my other side.
"U-uhh yeah" he stuttered in fear.
He came back a minute later with the box, Mj started rifling through it, combing the necessary supplies, disinfecting wipes, tweezers, thread, sowing needless. "Get me some towels" she ordered Ned.
He once again came back only a minute later with them, I stood up and managed to get out of the suit despite Mj and Ned telling me to lie back down, when I finally did Mj was ready "ok, you need to bite down on this." She put a rolled up towel in my mouth.
As she began cleaning the area, I bit down in pain, but didn't make a sounded. She moved to stitching and I managed to only whimper once. When she finished, I felt even more drained than before. "Ok, you are not going back to the orphanidge like that" Ned said seriously.
"N-no, I-I'm good, I promise" thats when my completely drained energy finally gave out. I passed out
A/N OH MY GOD over 3000 words without the A/N which is the longest o have ever done. I hope I'm getting better at the fight scenes, if you have any suggestions for that, please tell me.
Quote of the day:
"It's not Christmas till the kids are in the cage" spoken by my aunt (I swear, in context it makes so much more sense and does not make you want to call CPS, but it is way more funny or of context)
heres your new spider
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