📝Fun fact: Peter has abilities to command and talk to spiders in comics, but comic writers decided to take those powers away. Also, William Fitzpatrick is Peter's grandpa from his mother's side. In this case, Peter's web is organic, so the other spider heroes.
And Hello Jan 20 happy birthday to this owner of this account - W&B (us) and thanks for 6k reads📝
Peter was already in his spider suit before the vampires found him. He was still running when he stopped, and he put down his index and middle fingers from both his right and left arms as his organic web. From both his wrists, he shot webs into the four vampires who had already found him. He kept shooting his web, but nothing worked because the vampires kept dodging his webs. He was getting exhausted. He took a deep breath. He saw the vampires staring at him. They flew to him. Peter jumped and webbed himself into the ceiling. The vampires looked at him. They flew to him again, but Peter quickly jumped off of the ceiling and landed perfectly on the ground.
He is having a heavy breath inside of his spider mask. He then suddenly hears random noises, and those voices aren't any from MJ, Morgan, or Gwen, nor from the Avengers, but he then suddenly remembers he can communicate with spiders and make demands. He remembered that this was his special ability. He closed his eyes while he was still wearing the mask. "I need your help."
He said he knew spiders could hear him, and with a blink of an eye, he opened his eyes and saw lots of spiders around the bodies of four vampires.
So many spiders are biting some vampires, including the eyes. The spiders are such a distraction to the vampires, especially since they are covered by countless spiders around them. Peter can hear the vampires screaming.
The spiders are protecting Peter, and Peter didn't expect that he could build an army of spiders to help him. He used to demand and communicate with spiders before, but this time, it was different. For the first time, he sees some different spiders attacking the vampires to save Peter's life.
Peter looked around and released a strong and sticky web from both of his wrists and pinned the vampires by his web since the windows were large and open because of having broken mirrors. Peter made a stronger and sticky web to trap the bloodsuckers who kept screaming from painful spider bites.
Peter would look at the wall clock and would run to look for others if they needed help. Peter just kept running until he arrived at the memorial wall room.
There are a lot of pictures hanging, including Howard Stark's picture frame, Emily Osborn's picture frame, and so much more soon Peter turned around five times before turning around and saw one former agent's closeness to him. His name is William Fitzpatrick, his grandfather.
The father of his mom, Mary Parker
"Hi Grandpa, is me," Peter said as he could sense there was no one in the room, so he removed his mask. He had a big, smiling face while looking at his grandfather's picture frame hanging on the wall.
He comes closer to the picture frame on the wall and gently touches it. He smiles and there's a tear, and he can't help but let it out of his right side eye as he cries.
September 13, 2007
In the American Bungalow style that's colored hunter green, there's a window where the neighborhood can see a five-year-old Peter having fun with his grandfather named William. They kept playing tag; they kept tagging each other, and running around Peter was giggling some joy. He kept running from his grandfather. The old man William is having a hard time catching Peter since he's old and not good at running, but he kept running for Peter to have fun.
William took a break, and then after two seconds, he saw Peter was already hiding, and he chuckled.
"Peter, dear, you are a cheater! We are playing tag, not the hide and seek game. I'm pretty sure you can't hide at tag game!" The old man laughed, realizing that his grandson wouldn't come out from his hiding spot.
He went to find him in the bathroom but failed. He also looked for him in certain places but failed. He looked for places where his little grandson could be hiding. He won't stop searching for him.
Peter is nowhere to be found, but he won't panic because he knows Peter is a good boy who won't leave his house without Peter letting him know. Peter is a trained kid who doesn't go anywhere without a guardian and doesn't open doors for strangers. He knew Peter wouldn't break any rules about what not to do at a young age.
He huffed little Peter loved to change the tag game rules, and he felt it was not fair, but he couldn't stay mad at his grandson from his only child.
"You just like your mom, Peter, but let me remind you, I used to be an agent, so you can't hide from me. I tracked many people before, so ready or not, Peter, I'm going to find you!" He laughed.
Little did he know Peter was behind him all this time. Peter is doing a tip-toe, and Peter is good at keeping his walk quiet like he's just a wind. Peter had a grinning face. Once his grandfather turned around, he slowly made a circle to hide from his grandpa again. Peter can't help but laugh quietly because his grandpa still can't see him, even though he's right behind him.
Peter is also thankful that he can walk without making a loud noise. He let his grandpa look for him, chuckling, and that his big mistake was that one second his grandpa turned around and found him. Peter did jump and laugh before he could run to hide again. His grandpa caught him, held him to his hip, and carried him as his grandpa tickled him. Peter can't stop laughing.
Peter is trying to escape from his grandpa to escape the tickle, but his grandpa doesn't let him, and William notices it is 7 at night. He remembered his daughter and his son-in-law's rules about babysitting Peter. He smiled and kissed Peter's forehead before going to a room that he designed for Peter to sleep in when Peter had time to visit him.
Peter yawned tiredly, and his grandpa William slowly put him in bed and put a blanket on him. "Peter, I heard you want to be a hero. Saving people like just an agent, just like me, just like your dad, just like your mom? I'm correct?" Peter smiled and nodded.
Peter admires his parents; both of his parents work for shields. He also admires his grandpa William and his late grandma, having a family who will do anything to save people, and he wants to be like his family. William smiles at Peter before taking a deep breath.
"Alright, Peter, can you promise me something?" William asked. Peter is confused as a young child, still learning about the world. He slowly nodded and came closer to his grandson.
He started stroking his hair like he was petting him before saying what he wanted Peter to learn; he wanted Peter to learn, and he knew Peter was a good listener, so he was sure Peter would listen to him and he's sure Peter won't forget what he will say to him.
He slowly let out a word that he wished Peter would follow: "Peter, no matter how strong or powerful you are, remember this. In battle, you need to use your heart."
Peter is confused. William continues, "You might not understand it, but someday you will."
Present day
Peter smiled as he opened his eyes after remembering his late grandpa. Now he understood why his grandpa said he needed to use his heart during the battle.
When he was a child, he always didn't know what his grandpa was talking about, until he became Spider-Man. He had powers and an opportunity to save people, just like his dream.
He didn't know someone was already behind him; he was busy looking at his grandpa's picture frame, and, Peter was in his world as he talked to his own grandfather's picture frame. "Now I know why you want me to use my heart in the battle because our loved ones are the reason we are stronger and our inspiration to fight for our rights, and I will never forget about you said Grandpa."
When Peter turned around, he froze because he saw Vision, and Vision was also frozen in the air, giving each eye to eye contact. Peter's secret has been exposed to vision. Right now, Vision is speechless. First, he sees vampires webbed in walls while spiders bite the crap out of vampires in vain, and now he sees Spider-Man's secret identity. He was just searching for Anne, but he found Peter and His secret.
First, he secretly sees Peter and MJ kiss after the clone battle and now he finally finds out Peter is Spider-Man. Vision didn't have a second thought as he remembered MJ got bitten by a radioactive spider, and he wouldn't be surprised if MJ also had powers from a radioactive spider.
"Your powers came from a radioactive spider; I bit you before MJ," he figured it out by himself. Peter is still speechless and doesn't know what to say, but he can't fool Vision. No one can fool Vision. He's an AI Stark.
Peter tried to lie about faking he was just a cosplayer, but before he could talk, Vision didn't let him because there was no way that Peter could cover a lie on this stage.
Vision shook his head, telling Peter he couldn't lie to him right now, and he already figured it out, so it was hopeless to lie in front of him when Vision already had a lot of strong proof before seeing his identity.
Peter cleared his throat; it looked like his secret was busted. He knew somehow, or some way, some people would find out his secret. Vision looked around, trying to find Anne in the room, but no one was there, only him and Peter. Peter also looked out and worried about MJ, and the rest, of course, prayed that the vampires would chase him. He also prayed that Morgan and Miles were safe.
They heard a blast, so they jumped a little, but they also thought it was Tony, so they left the memorial wall room, and they ran to find the rest to help. Once they leave, there's a snake turned into a human and it's Anne.
"What's happening to me?" she asked herself. While looking at her arms, she sees a snake-skin texture. Her snake eyes slowly turned normal as her snake skin disappeared like nothing happened. Anne was also speechless and clueless.
Anne felt like she turned into an animal and defended herself from the vampires, but she didn't know if this was true or if she just hit her head so hard and imagined something.
Tony, Gwen, and MJ kept running away from the vampires. Tony was blasting some vampires, but the vampires were smart enough to dodge the blast from iron gloves. The father and his two daughters quickly jumped and hid beside the computer desk table. Once they finally reached the computer room after running and making sure the vampires wouldn't catch them, they looked around and saw the vampires hadn't found them yet.
Tony is using his Edith glasses to send commands to his suits to attack some baffling vampires who are trespassing on the peaceful tower. He is also trying to contact Pepper. Tony knows Pepper is somewhere else, wearing her purple iron suit. Gwen and MJ looked at each other. MJ remembered what Peter did when he released his web. They all flinched once they heard a loud noise from the doors, knowing it was the vampires.
MJ knew eventually that she had confessed something Gwen held to her twin before looking at Tony. "Dad, I have to confess something important." Tony stopped himself and looked at his two daughters before taking off these glasses to make sure that his daughters knew he was looking at them right through the eyes. Tony has a strong feeling that MJ and Gwen might confess that MJ is dating Peter and Gwen is dating Miles.
Before MJ could talk, Tony quickly talked by saying,
"I know you are dating Peter, and Gwen is dating Miles. I saw you two four eating each other's faces; you can't hide anything from me." MJ and Gwen froze. They realized the tower had CCTVs. They faced the palm themselves. Of course, Tony could access the CCTVs everywhere whenever he wanted.
MJ shook her head because that's not what she wanted to confess, but now that Tony knew about her and Peter, she had to say something. Gwen looked at her twin sister MJ in the eyes before MJ stood up.
The door finally broke, and the vampires were looking at them. The vampires took a breath for a while and slowly flew to them to save their energy.
Tony was trying to grab MJ back to the hiding face, but MJ already put her index and middle fingers down before saying, "Dad, there's something else I want to confess." MJ released webs from her arm that came out of her wrist. Tony froze as Gwen smiled as the vampires webbed in the walls one by one, and the good thing was the vampires can't escape easily. Gwen saw that the sun was already up, so she quickly ran to some fire extinguisher cabinet set. She quickly used the key to unlock the cabinet before grabbing the axe and running and breaking the windows. Soon, the sunlight touched the bloodsuckers and turned them into ashes.
Tony is still speechless, and someone arrives, and Peter is in his spider suit. Gwen froze, seeing Peter in his Spider-Man suit. Morgan and Miles also arrived at the same location and saw Peter, the one vampire, escape from MJ's web. MJ and Peter quickly released their spider web to the vampire in the wall together, and finally, the vampire turned into ashes.
3 hours later
In the Metro-General Hospital, Stephen and some workers are busy. Yelena is in the canteen eating with Beck. They have been watching Kate for a while now, and Kate is still unconscious, but Stephen said there was a possibility Kate would wake up soon.
An unknown lady pretending to be a nurse slowly went inside Kate's room. The lady slowly walked beside her as the lady removed her mask and it was Susan, Kate's older sister. Susan had a worried face before going to her sister and touching her right hand and playing with her fingers. She smiled a little after hearing the news that Kate was fine but also worried for Kate's safety because she knew their parents were coming to kill Kate again and she couldn't imagine Kate being hurt again.
She kissed Kate's right hand before tears dropped from both of her eyes.
"If I have to kill Mom and Dad to keep you safe away from them, I will do it. I will let no one hurt you, Katy." Susan promises if she has to kill her parents to save her own sister's life.
She will do it.
Kate's dog Lucky just woke up and saw her, and the dog jumped and licked her. Lucky remembered his first owner, Susan, and smiled because Lucky remembered her after years.
Susan soon told the dog to take a step away from her as Susan pulled out of her phone and contacted Fury. The dog is just behaving and not barking.
When Fury answered, Susan didn't hesitate to speak first. "Fury tells me when is the right time to tell everyone about the truth. I'm ready any time." She looked at the unconscious Kate.
She waited for Fury's answer, and soon she heard his voice in a low voice. She could tell Fury was surrounded by people who didn't know she was still alive.
"I will tell you, but for a while, you need to hide yourself," she heard him say on the phone.
In an unknown hideout, Farley Stillwell is looking at some pictures of his radioactive spider pets and smiles. He was listening to a song from a retro wood radio when he came closer to a box and hid the pictures in the box before packing.
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