The two Peters(gonna call them Parker and Romanoff to tell the difference) had landed near a warehouse and looked at eachother."You ready for this Parker?". Parker had nodded at Romanoff's question."Ready as i'll ever be Romanoff". Romanoff then looked at the building as he activated his spider drone and had it go into stealth mode as Romanoff did the same."Karen activate stealth mode"."Activating Stealth mode" the A.I. had responded to Romanoff's command."Activating stealth mode. I recomend that both of you stay from a distantce and do not engage in battle". The two Peter's nodded at this as Romanoff became invisibale and swung to the entrence while Parker had swung to the roof of the warehouse and climbed in through the sky light. Romanoff had entered the building and saw team superior gathered around a tabel and looked to see Parker watching them from the shadows. Romanoff crept closer only to have his spider sense go off. He quickly dodged an attack from Death Spider.
The rest of team Superior turned to see this as Death Spider pointed up to Parker's location causing Sea Spider to use his speed and advanced fighting skills to jump to Parker's location and kick him down hard to the ground. Parker groaned in pain as Sea Spider placed his foot on Parker's chest to keep him down. Parker growled as this as Romanoff reapeared and kicked Sea Spider off of Parker. The two Peters were then surrounded by team Superior who each attack the two teen brutally. Parker and Romanoff had been thrown into a wall as Death Spider put his claws to their faces and slashes Parker across the chest and punching him across the face hard. Romanoff growled at this as he tried his best to break free. He then got an idea and shot off a smokescreen web causeing black smoke to fill the room. Romanoff quickly kicked Death Spider off of him and Parker and grabbed his injured friend amd swung away back to their base.
To be continued .......
//Sorry if this chapter was short
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