Get Informed
Here at my one shot, we have discussed a variety of dark subjects that I have forced out small bean Peter Parker to go through. And looking at it, I thought that maybe I should shed some light on the different topics, showing how they are all bad problems that I hope none of you experience in your life.
Lucid nightmares - a lucid nightmares is characterized by having an emotionally heart wrenching dream which you are aware is just dream, but you cannot control what happens in you dream. This is bad because the person knows that they are stuck in a nightmare, meaning there is no sleepy haze. It's like a haunted house that can get very dark and grim. They aren't necessarily bad, more like your subconscious showing you how bad your anxiety is, getting you to face your fear, telling you life can be worse, etc. But it's a vivid three dimensional plane of existence where you are not in control.
Teen pregnancy - though the rates have been dropping, teen pregnancy is still there. Teen pregnancy isn't usually planned, sometimes parents will kick out that child, most times the male will leave the situation (8 out of ten males don't marry the mother), and the baby and mother will have higher risks for some diseases because most teen's bodies aren't ready just yet. Teenagers will even drop out of school because of their child, which will not guarantee good jobs to care for the child. 25% of teen moms will have a second child in 24 months of the first child. Guys, please don't do all this until you have a stable job or a plan of action that can't be changed by a baby. I want you guys to have happy lives with a family (if that's what you want) but don't do this stuff of your own free will. Please.
Hallucinations - hallucinations are sensations that appear real but are created by your mind, messing with one of all of your five core senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch). Some people will fail to talk to doctors about it in fear of being called "crazy". A larger percent finds hallucinations unpleasant than those who find it pleasant. Hallucinations do not discriminate between ethics and genders.
Mental\physical abuse- this is characterized by one person harming another person, whether it was by words, actions, or emotions. This does lead to mental disorders like social anxiety, separation anxiety, in some cases Stockholm Syndrome. People in these situations are threatened by the abuser in some form, whether by blackmail, love, manipulation, money, power, etc.
Those are four disorders I have put into some of my one shots. I'm sorry, I watched Jaiden Animations face reveal video and it got me thinking about how little you people may know about these disorders. This is not every thing I put in my stories, but this is all I can do without breaking down into some sad, depressing state. Anyways, see ya later!
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