Tom vs Andrew vs Tobey
Tobey Maguire is the first and only TRUE spider man! He is the original! All the remakes mean nothing and even if Tom Holland gets to be in the avengers side, doesn't make him any better. Tobey is just better simply and is the image of spider man!
Andrew Garfield was younger though! As Spider Man should be! He's the better one if you ask me. He is more athletic, and looks like an average high school kid. He is better because his image of Peter Parker is much better than Tobey or Tom's! Andrew really sold the character.
Tom Holland is better! He is young and acts like Peter Parker! He even looks like s dorky kid unlike Andrew, who looks like a popular school kid! Tom even has his own fan base! He is gonna her even more movies than both Andrew and Tobey so eat that! He is funnier too! Defiantly the best and-
Oh shut it.
The heck? I'm just debating with my three imaginary personalities that are basically different people over-
Seriously. Shut it.
Who are you?
The spirit of Spider Man
No your not. Now please leave me alone I'm trying to convince myself that Andrew is better than Tom.
No need to. Cause I am all of them.
Shut it.
Seriously? I am like... a mysterious voice in your head that could belong to god and YOUR telling me to sh-
Shut it.
Oh for the love of Stan fine. What?!
I just can make anything beat Tom. He is just the best I mean, quakson.
What about pizza time?
Aw frick ya got me.
He he He.
Ok but seriously leave me be I have homework.
Over what?
I have to write an essay over which is the best spider man.
For which class might I ask?
The deep studies of spidermantology. Aka DSS.
Wait that's a class?
If your spider man why didn't you know it was a thing?
Well like... who would even create that?
Me. I am an omnipresent being who has control over everything.
Are you god?
No I'm spider man.
But I'm spider man.
You must be the Tobey-a-Maguire Rex.
And you are..?
The TomHolland-a-dactyle.
So where's Andrew?
Right here. I'm a Andrew suarus.
Great I can't remember all these names.
Yeah. And I'm really stressing about this home work.
I though I was the one with the homework?
We must have swapped minds.
Sounds legit but confusing.
Andrew suarus you have no authority of being here!
Yeah you gotta take the drug test! No drugs in the spider room!
What drug test?
Gotta pee in a cup.
Just pee in the cup man!
Dude I'm not even here! I'm just weird thoughts!
Pee in the stupid cup already or we are kicking you out!
I don't have a place to pee from! I do t even have a body!
That's it! Get outa here!
Wait what?!
You've been kicked man.
No!!! I'm Andrew! I qualify as a good spider man!!
But you failed the Peter Parker part!
Andrewsyarus.exe.has stopped responding.
Alright one down! One to go!
I'm sorry little Tom but I wouldn't want to publicly embarrass you.
That would be impossible.
How? Every one knows I'm the better on-
I already broke your legs.
You omnipresent legs are broken.
The deep study of spidermantology. Aka DSS.
That doesn't even make sense.
Your legs have been broken. Now go have pizza time in the corner while I finish my essay.
*continues writing* in conclusion, Tom Holland is the best-
Shut it!
A/n Ok that was a legit dream I had. I was the normal font character for a while but switched to the this font occasionally. Lol this proves how weird my brain was. Sorry for not updating! And thank you for 1k reads!!
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