The Symbiote and SpiderMan
Alright before we get into this one-shot let me just congratulate @MckinnelFamilyTrio for winning third place in my art contest in my Art Book. They chose their prize as a requested fanfiction, which is really a long one-shot. So yeah, they like symbiotes and Spiderman so here we are.
Also, let me just say, I don't know ANYTHING about symbiotes in the Marvel Universe. I haven't read any comics with Venom, Carnage or others in it. I watched the Tobey Maguire movies which featured Venom in the third, so I know that. I've seen some animated series with Venom or other symbiotes appearing so that too. Also, I watched the movie Venom like a thousand times until STARZ "stole" it just cause I loved it so much, but those of you who know symbiotes really well will know that Venom wasn't absolutely accurate. So I apologize if anything I write is wrong. Yeah, I'm kinda making up my own thing in a way...
With that aside let's start! *Cringes cause I know I'm already doing it wrong*
Peter B. Parker. Male. A sophomore attending Midtown High. Height, 5' 10". Weight, 163lbs. A student that goes above and beyond his capabilities. You might call him a nerd, geek, dork, and so on, which is true. But Peter Parker has something else he carries on his back.
At the end of FreshMan year, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider which messed with his very DNA. Heightened his senses, strength, stamina, and so on. Now Peter is SpiderMan, a superhero of sorts. But just because he spends every day and night protecting people and assisting people's lives, doesn't mean he isn't capable of hate.
Venom no last name. Never identifies as Male or Female. A symbiote. Height varies. Weight varies. A symbiote that was "kicked" around like a runt. But on the surface to any human, they look cruel, monstrous, terrifying, creepy, and horrific. Venom, they do their own thing, live by their own rules.
Venom was taken from an asteroid and moved to Earth. On Earth, without the other symbiotes around, they felt powerful and hungry for more. But for them to do well, anything, they needed a host. Eddie Brock went from unwillingly being controlled by this alien to working side by side with it. For five years, they were known as a villain, Venom. That is until SpiderMan accidentally killed Eddie during a plane crash...
Peter was clinging to the tail wing of an invisible jet for dear life. The lights of the plane walls flickered on and off, trying to keep the plane invisible but really just making it more noticeable. Peter had been squinting his eyes shut nearly the entire time, and when he finally opened them, his heart fell out of his chest.
The plane was on a crash course towards New York. His only hope in stopping it would be to somehow maneuver the plane's wings. He slowly pressed his back up against the tail wing, and stood up, leaning against it to not blow right off. He shot a web from both his web-shooters, wrapped around his wrists. Both webs managed to hit the left-wing without getting tossed aside.
He grunted as he pulled the string as hard as he could, muttering "please turn, please turn, please turn." The plane began to roll to one side, making it slowly shift away from the city, almost to late. Peter saw the streets below him, many people looking up in terror as the Plane stooped lower and lower, making its way towards the boat docks. He prayed the plane wouldn't hit a building as it approached the beach.
A frightening shadow figure rose from the nose of the plane. The metallic chard wings and beady green glow of the eyes were all too familiar, but Peter was too exhausted to care. Vulture could do what he wanted, they didn't have much time left anyway.
"Spiderman!" A monstrous voice bellowed that didn't belong to the vulture. Peter jumped back, his spider senses telling him to move. It was like every hair on his body stood on end as a new threat arose. A black figure had jumped from a red watchtower onto the plane.
"Come on guys I'm trying to keep a plane from crashing to New York. Can we schedule a fight later perhaps? Its just... this isn't very good timing." Peter joked but his voice was blown away by the wind. The figure began to screech and shout, twisting its body in gruesome ways. "Yeah Venom that wasn't to smart. planes are LOUD buddy, and you don't like loud things. WHY THE HECK DID YOU JUMP ON THE PLANE IN THE FIRST-"
Waves of sand erupted beside them as the plane imploded upon impact to the beach. Peter was thrown into the air, falling unconscious. Fire blazed up in an instant as packages and boxes that belonged to the Avengers themselves rained from the sky.
Peter's ears were ringing when he woke up only seconds later. The wind had been knocked out of him and he began to choke on air. He quickly tore his mask off to breathe. He let his face fall in the sand, every muscle on his body aching. He felt the earth seeping into his open flesh, which burned and stung like a swarm of wasps. He bit his lip, lifting his head up again. He saw the massive creature once again and knew who it was.
Venom. And he was falling apart. Bits of his slimy goo of skin was searing away amounts the flame, as he struck to be smaller and smaller. It seemed to be talking to itself, crying even. That's when Peter realized there were two voices, the one he recognized and the one that sounded like any normal man, with a dying heart.
Peter got to his knees and looked around. Vulture was recovering as well, lifting himself off the ground with his damaged wings that sputtered, breaking down with every inched he moved. The man got his hands on one of the crates, barely able to lift it off the ground.
"I'm not going back empty-handed!" He yelled, his mask falling off. If anything was scary it was knowing that you failed and let some bad guy get what he wanted, more power. What was even scarier was that it was his girlfriend's dad.
"D-don't!" Peter stammered. He shot a web at the man's wings but he simply cut it with his knifelike wings. It was too late. The man's wings gave up and he fell to the ground causing more fire to spread. The wings had blown up.
Peter was on his feet now, hobbling over to him. He bore an exhausted face but still tried to escape as Peter tied him up, and stuck him to the wall of one of the boxes. Next to him, he wrote a note saying, "Bad guy caught by your friendly neighborhood spiderman"
"Alright man, you stay here. I gotta another guy to deal with." Peter said and limped back the other way as fast as he could. But he looked to wear Venom once was, to see that it had escaped. Or maybe not, Peter thought as he stumbled over to the body in the sand.
It was a man just like any other, but he was dead in the sand. His eyes were open, staring off to the beach which made it look like they were rolling in the back of his head. Blood dripped from his forehead, his limbs spread out in every wrong direction. Peter recognized him as Eddie Brock, the ex-reporter guy.
Peter shuttered, taking a step back. He gathered his courage and knelt down next to the man. "I'm so sorry." He said as he placed his gloved hand over the man's eyes. He gently shut the man's eyelids and slumped back. He felt tears brimming his eyes, pain swelling withing his muscles.
He heard sirens and the wire of car engines draw near, and he knew it was time to go.
"This is all my fault." He shook his head as he stood up. Meanwhile, Venom, the small symbiote with no form or shape, crawled amongst the sand. It fingered Peter's boot slowly climbing up it and latching on to the fabric as the boy began to pull his disappearing act by running from the crowd.
It was morning now, Peter felt like he had hardly gotten any sleep. He sat up in a groggy state, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. He had experienced several nightmares in his slumber that he couldn't explain. Almost like someone was talking to him, inside his brain. Now, he couldn't shake the feeling that the voice was still there.
Peter got out of bed and pulled on some fresh clothes. He slept in his suit last night, he didn't even have time to return to the dance either. He felt so bad leaving Liz like that, and he only wished he could tell her what was really happening. She probably hated him.
Peter had washed away all the dry disgusting blood just before his Aunt May entered the room.
"Oh! Your up already! I thought I was gonna have to drag you out of bed as usual." She smiled and adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses.
"Uh y-yeah. Just um... Felt like.. it." He winced at his own words. What was he doing? He smiled at May.
"Well, that's nice." She didn't seem at all fazed. "I tried to make breakfast but it's your choice to eat it or not. Looks kinda... gross." She wrinkled her nose.
"Smells kinda weird too. Sorry, May." Peter admitted. May chuckled.
"That's what I thought. You can have cereal instead." May said as she walked out of Peters's room with Peter trailing behind. Peter saw the... breakfast... she had made. It looked like someone who hated toast ran it over with a crusty tire that murdered a for-some-reason grey egg. But the thought was nice, but the smell was burnt.
Peter walked over to the cupboards and reached for the cereal. "NO!" A deep voice shouted. Peter almost fell backward.
"W-what?!" He looked around in a start.
"You ok?" May asked from the living room.
"D-did you h-hear that?" Peter got up and went to reach for the box again.
"I said NO!" The voice said again. It was somehow familiar. Perhaps the dream he had last night...
"Uh, May..." Peter looked into the living room where she was poking at the breakfast she'd made for herself in disgust.
"Yeah?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Are you talking to me? Like... In a really deep voice?" He asked though he knew for sure it wasn't her. She narrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"Uh... no?" She returned. "What's up?"
"N-nothing." Peter grabbed the cereal.
"You are a terrible listener!" The voice scolded. Suddenly Peter dropped the box, sending cereal everywhere. Peter realized he wasn't able to control his hand. "Eat real food!"
"Who are you?!" Peter was spinning in circles as if the voice was behind him.
"You cannot see me, but you can hear me!"
"May?" Peter asked again.
"Peter, are you feeling alright? Do you need to stay at home?" May asked.
"She cannot hear me because I am in your head!" The voice exclaimed. "Now eat something else!"
"What do you mean," Peter said in a low voice. He found his hand reaching for the fridge... no the freezer. Peter couldn't control it as he opened the freezer and pulled out a bag of chicken nuggets.
"I love these weird bird chicken things. But Eddie never let me eat them." The voice said as Peter tore open the bag. That's when Peter realized what was happening.
"Venom." The voice finished for him.
"Dude I'm not eating these frozen!" Peter said, tilting his head back as his own hand tried to feed him a from chicken nugget.
"How else do we eat them?!" Venom sounded angry.
"... In a microwave?"Peter said like it was obvious. "And I don't want them! Not for breakfast."
"Well I do, and I will have CHICKEN NUGGETS!" Venom boomed.
"You ok in there Pete?" May got up from the couch.
"Y-yeah. You know what, I think I'm gonna skip breakfast." Peter regained control of his body and started to pack the chicken nuggets into the freezer. He casually stepped out of the kitchen while Venom screamed inside his head for him to go back.
"Oh, alright then. Hey, you never told me about the dance last night, how'd it go?" May asked.
"What dance?! There was no dancing!" Venom flipped out in Peters's head.
"It was fine," Peter said stiffly, trying to ignore the symbiote in his thoughts. "Um... Yeah, gotta go!" Peter grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. "Dude why are you in my head?!"
"Because I am Venom." Venom said proudly.
"No! I-I, ARG! I know your Venom! But why is Venom in my head?!" Peter whisper screamed.
"Because I needed a host." Venom said in the same mocking tone Peter gave him about the microwave. Peter scrunched up his face in frustration.
"I'm not gonna be your host, I'm trying to get rid of you. But you can't be anyone else's parasite."
"Do you like me? We can be friends..? Yes, that's what Eddie called us. Friends." Peter imaged that Venom was smiling.
"No, I don't like you! You tried to kill me all last summer!" Peter gritted his teeth.
"You killed Eddie."
"No, I didn't! You guys jumped on the plane on your own free will!" Peter said. He got a few weird glances from the people around him. He pulled out his phone to pretend he was making a call.
"Jumped on the plane. Eddie didn't want to." Venom snarled.
"Oh, so it was you who killed him then? See, not me."
"NO!" Venom was frustrated.
"Yes, and you could have protected him. I know very well from the several fights we've been in head to head that you, in fact, act as a shield. Like your actual body is a shield." Peter felt like he was talking to a toddler, even though this thing was probably older than him.
"The sound was too intense." Venom said.
"Yeah, and you jumped on the plane. I can't believe your so-... never mind."
"It doesn't matter now. Eddie is dead, and I would die without a host. So I chose you. Luckily for us, you're the perfect one. Just like Eddie." Venom sneered. It's words sunk into Peter's mind, like hot iron to a cow flank.
"I don't want to be your host," Peter said as he got on a subway.
"You have no choice." Venom interrupted. "Besides, together we could make a great team. We will eat several people!"
"I don't wanna eat anybody!" Peter exclaimed as if Karen had just suggested an instant kill. Peter began to think of ways to get rid of the symbiote, for the rest of the train ride, meanwhile, Venom was oohing and aahing at every train stop in amazement.
When Peter got to school he went straight to look for Liz. He needed to apologize, and hopefully, she could forgive him and keep their relationship.
Unfortunately, things did not go that way. Liz was on the verge of tears with a swarm of friends around her, bawling because she was moving to Oregon. And their relationship? Almost like it never existed.
Didn't help that Venom was pestering Peter the rest of the school day. But on the plus side, Peter got a message from Happy saying he would pick him up after school and take him to the Avengers facility. Tony Stark wanted to talk to him.
Come lunchtime, Venom refused to sit with Ned. He wanted to go beat up Flash Thompson. Why? Because Flash poked fun at Peter which Venom to a threat towards... well, Venom. Despite Peter's protests, Venom managed to start a fight in the halls with Flash, which was very unusual for both of them. Also Flash had an Asma attack midway, giving Venom the perfect opportunity to beat on him. It took five students to pull Peter off of Flash.
"Let's finish him!" Venom snarled.
"NO!" Peter shrieked which made the students around him run, thinking they would be next. "Oh my gosh, what's happening. Peter fell to his knees clutching his head in agony. Flash managed to get up with several bruises and possibly a broken jaw. "Flash you gotta help me!" Peter pleaded desperately.
"Just take my money I'm sorry I called you a fagot!" Peter threw a whole two dollars at Peter and sprinted down the halls. Peter friend his teeth.
"Look, man, leave me alone. Stay out of my personal life!" Peter tried not to scream.
"NO!" Venom roared. "We are stronger, especially since you have super strength and healing abilities. Imagine what we could do! We could be the best superheroes of all time!"
"Superheroes don't beat up innocent people." Peter groaned. Black slimy stuff started spreading across his body.
"We only get rid of the people who stand in our way. Beating up that kid felt good, right? I will bring you more!" Venom taunted, and Peter didn't want to admit it but part of him did enjoy finally beating up Flash. "I know you did. No one can beat us, we are unstoppable! WE ARE VENOM!"
Peter was covered in a black replica of his spider suit. A mask covered his eyes. He wasn't as tall, muscular, and horrific as the Venom he'd fought in the past. But even as he looked different he knew that he, in fact, was now, Venom.
Happy had parked his car in from of the school, with blacked-out windows so no one could see inside. Happy didn't know Venom had taken Peter from school all day and had just shown back up. Peter was... well, Peter again. But his heart was racing from fear of what Venom had just done. Venom was trying to prove to Peter that they were the good guys by beating up and even killing random sinners of Queens. These people were the people Spiderman would stop, and usually get them arrested, and stuff. Never, did he try and hurt them, let alone kill anyone. But strangely he hardly remembered any of what Venom had done just now.
Happy unlocked the car and Peter hesitantly got inside the back. Happy pulled out from the school and made his way through the traffic of Queens. He looked in the review mirror and saw Peter, who looked terrified.
"You alright kid? You know, Tony isn't gonna hurt ya. He has something special for you. I thought I said that in the text?" Happy looked slightly concerned.
"I..." They were now in downtown NewYork, full of billboards and advertisements left and right. But it was a hectic mess. Happy was focused on the main screen, which was currently showing the daily Bugal.
"Is that you kid?!" Happy exclaimed. Peter leaned forward to look out the window and saw the black-suited Spiderman. The spider man that just murdered 3 guilty people.
"Answer the damn question will ya?" Happy asked, as they finally escaped downtown.
"You gotta help me, Happy." Peter breathed.
"Tell him, and we get rid of him." Venom warned. Peter felt his breathing quicken.
"What's going on kid? You kill people now?" Happy narrowed his eyebrows, hardening his expression.
"I didn't mean to," Peter said finally.
"What do you mean?! Those videos don't look like an accident." Happy swore.
"I don't like him. Why are we in a car?" Venom growled. Peter tried to ignore Venom but the alien was reading his thoughts. "Your angry too. Let's get out of here. DON'T IGNORE ME! I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING!... I'm not a wimp. STOP CALLING ME A WHIMP! ... NO, I NEED THE BODY TO LIVE THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME A WHIMP!"
Peter smirked.
"Hey, kid you've gone quiet answer the question." Happy scowled.
"Sorry Happy," Peter mumbled. "I... I really need to talk to Mr. Stark." Happy took a breath.
"I understand kid. You don't have to talk if you don't want to." Happy relaxed his shoulders.
It didn't take long before they got to the Avengers headquarters just outside the city. Happy let Peter out of the car and lead them inside where Tony Stark himself was waiting for them.
"Glad to see you made it." Tony clapped his hands together. "I've got something special for ya Pete." He put his arm on Peter's shoulder which made Venom made, but Peter didn't care at the moment. Mr. Stark, a father-like figure to Peter, was actually greeting him. It almost made Peter forget what happened today.
"Y-yeah." Peter grinned ear to ear, fiddling with his thumbs. "Erm, what is it."
"Hold up I need to praise you first. Can I just say that I am proud? You took down this guy that was under the Avengers radar, despite Happy telling you no."
"i-I'm sorry I should have listened," Peter mumbled.
"Nah kid your perfectly fine. If it weren't for you, all that stuff would just be gone. You're a hero kid, and you deserve so much more." Tony pulled out a remote and clicked a button. A large wall opened revealing an iron suit, similar to the one of his very own. "Wich is why... I'm making you an Avenger."
"W-wait what?!" Peter chuckled in disbelief. "Are you serious?"
"Sure kid, why wouldn't I be?"
"I... I..."
"I mean it's your choice. I got a room over there full of reporters awaiting the announcement. You could even room here at headquarters, next to Vision. I will warn ya, he's not big on doors... or walls." Tony stood closer to the suit, admiring his own work.
"What is this man blabbering about?" Venom asked. Peter tried to ignore him. "That suit looks really ugly, can we eat it? Oh, wait... it's powerful. You should accept, we'd be even stronger!"
"I can't I'm sorry." Peter finally stated.
"Are you turning me down?" Tony took off his glasses.
"NO!" Venom sneered.
"Uh-huh." Peter nodded.
"For real. Look at that suit." Tony gestured it. "Now look at me. You sure?"
"TAKE IT!" Venom screeched.
"Ok. Wasn't really expecting that. Um, yeah. Anything you'd like to say?" Tony seemed lost for words. Peter was about to confess about Venom when Venom started cursing in his head.
"I have the power to kill him, and your aunt. There is no escape." Venom growled. But Peter knew he should.
"Actually there's this thing-"
"It keeps tormenting me and I seriously..." Peter was on the brim of tears, thinking this may be a mistake.
"What?" Tony urged on.
"I will squeeze him so hard his eyes pop out, and then we will eat him!" Venom threatened.
"It's an alien that is living inside of me and its talking in my head and made me kill a bunch of people today and right now it's trying to kill you and it's taking over everything in my life and I don't know how to get rid of it!" He felt himself getting emotional like his emotions were multiplied. Anger, frustration, hatred...
"Hold on, and Alie-"
Peter tackled Tony Stark, the black goo forming around his body.
"I can't- control it-"Peter gasped as his vision went dark, and Venom finally revealed its face. The white cold eyes and the largemouth filled with thin long teeth, hovered inches away from Tony who was pinned on the floor.
"I think I just peed myself." Happy admitted. Venom picked Tont up by his neck and hung him above its body in the air.
"We weren't going to tell you that, were we?" Venom said to himself. Tony's eyes strained, as he healed out his fist. Nanotech assisted his armor forming around his wrist making a glove of steel.
"My gosh what is this?!" Tony gasped and fired up his blasters hitting Venom straight in the chest. Venom was unfazed.
"You cannot affect me! The boy is still in there, and every move, punch, throw, blast or attack will only be another hit for him. KILL HIM!" Venom snarled. Tony commanded a knife-like sword on his glove and chopped Venoms' handoff. He landed on the floor and the rest of the suit cocooned around him.
"Who are you?" Tony flipped his helmet on, readying his arms for fire.
"We," Venom smiled, bearing his gruesome teeth, "are VENOM!" Venom lunged itself at Tony who easily dodged it.
"FRIDAY, pull the alarms," Tony said calmly. Venom continued to attack as Happy ran for cover. "Peter you in there?"
"We, are very much alive!" Venom cackled, swiping his claws at Tony. Tony blasted at Venom's face, searing the goo to the side revealing half of Peter's face.
"Peter!" Tony exclaimed.
"It.." Peter gasped as Venom started reforming around his face. "It doesn't like sound!" He managed before he disappeared once again.
"He is lying!" Venom barked.
"You see, just saying that makes it sound like he was telling the truth. FRIDAY?" Tony directed his AI assistant.
"Yes, sir?" She asked.
"Play my playlist, full volume please."
"Yes, sir." She said as the music began to play.
"So this is your weakness?" Tony asked smoothly. "ACDC? What about Led Zeplin? How bout Ozzie Ozborn?"
"NO!" Venom looked around as the music continued to blast.
"Yeah this song is called Thunderstruck," Tony smirked. He raised his fist. "Cause you been, Thunderstruck." He blasted Venom once again as the goo dissipated.
Peter crawled out of the shell of Venom as the monster began to shrink down in size. Peter flopped on the floor, throwing any piece of goo let on him away.
"This isn't finished." Venom sneered as he became a puddle of black on the white floor. The puddle began to run for Peter. Tony blasted it several times, again and against making it hiss. Someone suddenly placed a jar over it. Looking up, that special someone was Pepper Potts.
"Are you serious?" She scowled. "We've been waiting with the reporters, and suddenly we hear you playing ACDC way too loud, Peter's a mess, and they are still waiting for the big surprise. Also, congratulations spiderman on becoming an Avenger." She folded.
"Actually.." Peter stood up in embarrassment.
"He's not. He said no." Tony finished.
"What?!" Pepper explained. Tony picked up the jar, examining Venom clawing at his containment.
"Yeah just surprised the heck out of me. It was a very mature decision though, good job kid." Tony complimented. His armor swallowed itself back up to his watch. Peter chuckled nervously.
"That was just a test, right? There aren't actually any reporters in there right?" Peter said as Happy returned.
"Yep. All just a test you can go home now. Oh, and Peter?" Tony addressed.
"Hmm?" Peter hummed.
"No more secrets ok?"
"Yes, Mr. Stark." Peter nodded. Happy lead Peter out of the compound. "Thank you!" He called out.
One month since the incident. SpiderMan still has not returned. Instead, he was replaced by a more, violent black spider. No one knows why Peter doesn't know why. Every night he comes home, hardly harmed as he used to before, be covered in wounds. Every night he wonders why he's doing this until he looks in the mirror and the voice answers. And he reminds himself he is not alone.
"We are Venom." The voice said.
"As you've said." Peter ran his fingers through his hair.
"We want chicken nuggets."
4627 words
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