the lonely spider
Peter Parker was no average teen. He, as you already know, has spider powers. But when his parents died, he was moved to live with his aunt and uncle. Uncle Ben, died as you know. And months later, Aunt May died of grief and loss, her heart ache becoming over whelming. Not wanting to go into foster care, or sent to an orphanage, Peter ran away and lived on the streets. His enhanced abilities and powers helped him a lot, and he got money for taking pictures os spider man for the news paper. But it wasn't enough, he had to find food most of the time, and he smelled terrible.
Peter currently was hunched over a piece of paper. He had a blue crayon which he scribbled a message on it with. When he finished, he placed it on a card board box with a smirk. Then he stood up and pulled on his spider suite, the only thing he had left. He heard police men and knew it was time to leave. he jumped onto a wall and scrambled up till he made it to the roof. He pushed himself onto his stomach and peered over the ledge, remaining hidden.
"He's not here." A police man noted. The three of them seemed mad.
"He's gotta come out some day, he can run forever." Said another.
"The boy left a note." One said as he picked up the paper.
"Whats it say?" Said the first officer, looking around still to see if Peter was hiding.
"Hold on... It says... *gasp! That little turd!" He handed it to the other men.
Dear scary police men that keep chasing me and are super annoying, I do not want to leave, I am perfectly fine. You might swell give up because I'm not living with any one else, they always die and I'm done with it. You guys better get better at your jobs because my family keeps getting murdered! Yours truly, -The boy you can't catch cause your dumb and slow named Peter
"Oh he'll pay for that one." An officer said and handed the paper to an agent who took it away. Peter chuckled to himself. He wasn't done yet. His plan had only just begun. He backed away from the ledge and grabbed a fabreeze bottle from a wooden crate he had left there last night. He tied a rubber band around the nozzle and threw it into the alley way. He heard the fabreeze hiss as the aroma was let out with out stop. Then he heard the screams of the officers as they smelled the fabreeze. "AH! Get it out! Turn it off!" One said throughout the panic. Peter looked over the edge and saw the thick cloud of fabreeze mist and knew that the police men could no longer see. He smiled from under his mask.
Shooting a web at a lamp post, Peter swung down, able to see through the fog with his enhanced senses. He saw the police men groping around to find their way out of his trap, and Peter took the opportunity to pull their shirts over their eyes, so they were blinded even more.
"What was that?!"
"Who's there?!"
Peter snickered as he dashed for the police car which was still unlocked. He jumped inside and saw the cup of coffee in the cup holder. He grabbed it eagerly and downed the whole thing. Once it was all gone he looked out at the men in the alley. The fog was beginning to lessen so he had to be quick. He grabbed a lunch sack from one seat and grabbed the keys. He decided to be nice and not steal the car or keys, but instead he hid them. Taking the keys, he tossed them into the fabreeze mist. To wrap up his mission, he grabbed a donut.
Content with what he just stole, he made a break for it. The mist had cleared, and the police men would never know it was spider man who had tricked them, and stole their lunch.
Peter swung himself to a building that had a good view of the STARK tower. It was his favorite view, the tower. He always wanted to be an avenger, but who was he to talk, he was stealing police men's coffee. He dreamed of meeting Tony Stark himself, his idol, he was so inspired by the man he had forged his own web slingers and suit. He always tinkered with things, hoping to live up to Tony Stark.
He looked in the bag and pulled out a bagel sandwich. He took a large bite from it and swallowed eagerly. He was so hungry. He hadn't had breakfast and his dinner last night was a couple French fries. He took another bite and ended up devouring the whole thing. He saw a chip bag inside as well and took hand full after handful of potato chips and crammed them into his already full mouth.
His spidey sense alerted him of a threat behind him and he turned immediately. It was a team of cops, and Peter realized he had taken off his suit from the heat. He cursed to himself and just stared at them still eating chips as if they were nothing to him.
"Gotcha Peter." One of them smirked.
"Good for you." Peter returned and kept eating.
"Those are mine, please stop eating them." One of them wined.
"Ok, they're too salty any ways." He threw the bag at the police officer letting chips fly every where. Peter grabbed the donut and took a bite out of it to tease the cops.
"Get your butt over here! Trust me its for your own good, and-... how did you eat that so fast?" The police man was amazed by the fact that Peter had eaten to whole donut in seconds.
"No! I'm fine living on my own!" Peter said and the police stepped forward. One grabbed his wrist but Peter wriggled free.
"No your not! You need to have a home! Many people will want you Peter."
"Well every one I love gets hurt, and I don't want to risk it." Peter felt his eyes water up.
"Peter, just try." Before the boy could respond, he was handcuffed. He made no effort to break out though he could have done so easily. He was walked down through the building and taken to a police car. He let himself cry, but what did any of this matter? He would just break out tonight.
He was then taken to an orphanage where he was ordered to sit in a lonely room while they sorted his papers out. Peter felt so tired. He never had normal sleep, it was always interrupted and uncomfortable on the cement dirt floor. He felt his eyes grow heavy and he drifted to sleep on the soft plush couch. He did not wake up till morning where he found himself on a bed surrounded by other beds with kids in them.
Weeks had past and Peter didn't even try to escape. He was fine here. He was fed, he could sleep, and he made friends. Of course he would sneak out to be Spiderman but that was his only exception. Today he was going to school for the first time in months. Well, actually he was headed back already.
And then he was ran over by a car.
The end.
Actually he was fine. He ended up apologizing to the man and woman in the car and walked away perfectly un harmed. Except he had a broken rib but hey, he was spider man! nothing could stop him! Plus he heals fast so....
He sat in the play room sitting in a chair, reading to a bunch of kids. They loved him, like a brother. The orphanage nanny, Ms. Kelling, walked in and Peter stopped reading. All eyes on her.
"We have a couple interested in seeing you guys." She said, and the couple walked in. Peter basically almost died he was so shocked. It was Mr. Stark and Mrs. Potts. Thee Mr. And Mrs. Stark and Potts! He basically fell out of his chair.
"Hello, I am Tony, and this is Pepper." Mr. Stark introduced themselves. Peter went wide eyed. They all introduced themselves and then the couple went to each group of kids to get to know them. For once Peter wanted to be adopted. But he stood no chance, he was a teen, who wanted a teen? He was the lasted to be pulled aside.
"Hi there, what's your name?" Pepper said, both seemed uninterested. They came here for a kid, but why not give this one a chance.
"P-peter. OMG I'm a huge huge fan! I always wanted to meet you guys! Holy cow! I Neve thought I would! I mean-" And Peter started to ramble on, amusing the couple. "I mean I've read all your books, and I was so inspired that I made this!" Peter showed them a contraption he had made. Basically a metal hand that could write for him as he spoke to it. He could put it on and shoot lasers just like Iron man too!
"W-wow kid... you made that?" Tony was absolutely shocked. How smart was this guy? How old was he? "How old are you again?"
"FIFTEEN!?" Both of them gasped. "Wow your very smart for your age. We'll keep in touch I promise, but we have to go. Thats very interesting." Tony began rambling to himself as his girlfriend led him outside.
Weeks came and went. The famous couple kept returning to meet the kids and today was their decision day. Peter sighed, he wanted to go, but he also wanted to stay. He also knew they would probably pick Morgan, a 5 year old girl they had grown attached to.
And he was right. The chose her. Little Morgan. But then they told Ms. Kelling they wanted another. She obliged and they came in to tell who the lucky one was coming with them.
"Peter. You want a family?" Tony asked Peter dropped the book he was reading and his eyes went wide.
"R-really?!" He gawked and failed to get up he was so shocked.
"Yes really. Is it a yes or no?"
"I want to live you!" Peter exclaimed and ran to them in a hug. He noticed his actions and pulled away quickly. "S-sorry. I'm just excited."
"It's ok kid. Come on, we have to take the grand tour." Tony said as they walked out.
Their car was super fancy, and Peter kept staring around it in amazement. And then he realized where they were going. STARK tower, yeah, that place he had always wanted to go to. That was his home now.
"Oh my..." He spun in circles as they led him inside.
"Welcome home, your one of us now." Pepper said cheerfully. Then a surprise came in. All of the avengers poured out of the elevator with flags and banners saying welcome home, and welcome to the family. Some through confetti, others had the signs. Peter felt a huge smile form on his cheeks.
"Thank you."
A/N hello out there. This was my first real one shot. Hope it was good! Please keep read cause there's more to come!
A/N that is very important so you better read it: For all of you out there wondering what fabreeze is, I shall tell you. Its like Free breeze except fabulous, hence the name. It makes a thick fog because it is colored instead of clear. And it is annoying and dangerous to spiders. And I made it up. stay fabulous! Use fabreeze.
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