Spider Man Home coming in a Nutshell Vol 1
I've seen this movie so many times I watch it while I'm sleeping in my dreams. Lol. Please send help.
*Random drawing flies into an ugly middle aged man's face.
Old dude, "wtf is this?!"
His chubby sidekick that is a lovably character, "I believe it is a drawing sir."
Old dude, "huh, back when I was a kid we used to draw space bois and lava diapers."
Chubby sidekick "you mean Cowboys and Indians?"
Old guy, *ignores chubby's comment, "I gotta say, this kid sucks at drawing."
Chubby side kick, "... Ok let's go raid these alien space ships like Area 51 opened up for a Black Friday sale!"
-a millisecond later-
Old guy, "alright my des it's time to do some Sloan clean up but we are actually bad guys so this is technically stealing but since we have wives and family it makes it ok for us to do this."
Random worker, "sounds legit."
White lady with to much make up on, *appaers, "ha! That is not correct. Because according to the encyclopedia of *rabdom slurping noises"
Old guy, "but that's not fair! We got here first!"
White lady, "well I have authority to say, ah no."
Old guy, "then imma punch some one!" *punches own coworker, "oops, I meant," *punches one of the white lady's workers.
White lady, "*le gasp!"
Old guy, "dang now muh knuckles hurt."
-cue le scene change-
Peter, "New York, Queens. It's a trash can andihavenopoteintialofsurvivinghereoranywhereonearthafterthatendscenefromfarfromhome but hey, it's home."
Happy, "tf you talkin about kid?"
Peter, *magically floats out of screen, "fOr ShAdOwInG"
-le scene change-
*on airplane
Peter, "so uh,, happy? Are we just gonna land at the airport we are battling at? Because like, if this plane gets damaged I say it's not my fault. I mean, with the avengers, anything that they can some how destroy or blow up, they will, which garuntees us to be possibly trapped in Germany which would really really suck."
Happy, "uh.."
Peter, "I mean they also closed the airport and all so no civilians would get hurt which means no one is on duty so landing is already hard. Plus we don't have a gate we can legally park this thing at."
Happy, "are you stupid kid?"
Peter, "Yeah, why?"
Happy, "we're gonna obviously tour through Germany first! We are driving to the air port."
Peter, "uber?"
Happy, "no."
-le time skip-
Peter, "ok so I'm at the movie America Civil War, and I'm in that scene where the teams are just.. Awkwardly staring at each other until I come in, so wish me luck!"
Tony, "UnDeRoOs!"
Peter, "oh that's me! I gotta go!" *flips over Captain America and steals his shield. "Sup guys. I said the line wrong lol."
Tony, "what you mean kid? This is serious."
Peter, "Well in the trailer I say Sup Guys, but in the movie I say Hey every one. Betcha didn't notice that!"
Everyone, *awkwardly confused
Peter, "any ways I stole caps sheild, which, oh by the way, I'm a huge fan of you Steve Rodgers. I'm so sorry you got old."
Steve, "ok how do you know my name, and are you saying I look old?!"
Peter, "well I heard your name once and I can always remember you as Steve from Minecraft. And also, FoR ShAdoWiNg"
Happy, "that's the second time he's said that today and I still don't get it!"
-cue le time skip-
Random bad guy 1, "oh yeeeeaaaah we are the bad guys and we are in our bad guuuuyyy layer."
Bad guy 2, "so legitness."
Bad guy 1, "and i finally finished my massive 10 story card house I've been working on for hours, now for the finishing touch..."
Vulture aka old guy, *flies in with massive helicopter metal freaky bird wings.
Bad guy 1, *card house is blown away, "you son of a bi-"
-le time skip-
Peter, *in a subway heading to school, "ok it's time to spam Happy." *pulls out phone, "shoot I ran out of phone coverage."
*verison guy pops up
Verison guy, "well that's why I switched to Verison's coverage plan."
Peter, *is surprised and scared at the same time and wants to run away.
Verison guy, "you can get free cell service any where you go! And send as many text as you-"
Peter, "oh it was just Happy telling my to F off."
Verison guy, *tries to process this, "ok bye." *disappears.
*bus gets hit by a car
Car driver, "dang I just got this and I don't have insurance!"
*GIECO guy appears
GIECO guy, "GIECO, could save you 50% or more on car insurance."
Peter, "isn't it 15%?"
GIECO, "GIECO, will run away from you or duds appear." *vanishes.
Peter, "any one else like to randomly appear from a commercial?"
Random civilian, "Fabreeze, smell amazing."
Peter, "thank you but I still have a phobia of that."
That's all for now folks!
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