Picture writing challenge: dreams
A/N basically this is a challenge where you write a story about a simple picture/piece of art. I will provide some for y'all if you want to join.
He took one final breath before plummeting into the ocean. Minutes passed and he started to feel light headed, he saw bubbles rising around him as the carbon left his mouth leaving him breathless. He continued to sink and sink till he hit the bottom of the ocean with great pressure on his ears making all noise blocked out by ringing. His field of vision slowly narrowed down till it was like trying to look through a thin straw, then all was black.
Peter suddenly woke up in his bed... except it was t his bed. He was in a hospital and every thing was dark. He heard groaning of zombies outside, clawing at the boarded up bloody windows and door. He felt something kick his bed and a hand grabbed his ankle. He quickly looked and saw MJ, but she was dead. "No!" Peter screamed as her lifeless body stared at him hungrily, tears filling his eyes.
He woke up again but he was falling off a cliff, the vulture chasing after him. He was in his spider suit but his We shooters weren't working. He tried pushing the buttons over and over again as the vulture grew near. The vulture's green glowing eyes filled the darkness, illuminating the shape of his broken down metallic wings which clanked together threatening to fall apart. The vultures claws grabbed at his face ripping of the mask and some of his skin. The vulture grabbed again right as he hit the ground and everything flicked off like a light.
Peter woke up again in a aquarium. His heart was pounding as he looked at his surroundings. MJ. There she was. Looking beautiful like always, her brown frizzy hair in a bun, her Hamilton shirt barely visible under her sweatshirt, her chocolate eyes smiling fondly at him. Her fingers were interlocked with his as the heals hands under the room of fish. The long hallway glowed blue with the walls and ceiling of glass containing sharks and exotic fish. "You look beautiful." Peter said. MJ smiled even more with blush spreading on her cheeks, "I do?" She asked and leaned forward for a kiss. Peter leaned in when suddenly he heard a loud crack and the wall caved in, flooding the hallway with water, killing MJ.
"No!" Peter screamed as he woke up again, for real this time though. He was in his bed, and it was only midnight. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, his heart throbbing. He tried to fall back asleep but it carried no use.
Eventually Peter got out of bed thought it wasn't even morning yet, and got on his spider suit. He listened to see if aunt May was still awake, but she wasn't making a peep.
So Peter quietly opened the window to his room and jumped out, spinning his fully working web shooters away from his home. He went from building to building across Queens, till her house came into view. Well.. apartment.
He landed on her ledge, her window half way open. He looked inside but MJ wasn't in bed, nor in her room. Peter felt exhausted, so he got on his knees telling himself he wouldn't fall asleep, and he would wait till she got their. Though where could she be at midnight?
MJ opened the door to her room after having just gone to the bathroom. She was having nightmares of Peter and all her loved ones dying that she had to leave. She couldn't trust her brain and it's dreams anymore.
But when she opened the door, she pondered whether she were still asleep or not. For there before her was Peter, in his spider suit without the mask on; asleep on the window sill with baggy eyes.
She walked over to him and kissed his forehead gently without his notice. She wished he loved her, but they were only friends.
MJ grabbed a yellow warm blanket and threw it over Peter to make sure he was warm. Then she sat on her bed next to the window to see if he would wake up.
Peter's eyes slowly opened as he remembered where he was, MJ's house. He looked to the side to see her laying awake on her bed. Their eyes locked together, both hearts yearning for each other's warmth of heart.
"You woke up. Finally." MJ sneered.
"Hey MJ, I was.. I was uh... I was just... you know.. I..." Peter felt embarrassed suddenly.
"Nightmares?" She asked. Peter nodded. "Come in." She smiled gingerly. Hesitantly, Peter climbed through the window and sat next to MJ. "You wanna talk about it?"
Peter sniffed silently as a single tear trickled down his cheek.
"MJ" Peter pulled her into a tight hug. "I watched you die! I just... I just had to make sure you were alright!" Peter said, pulling her body to his. She buried her face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm alive, still." She soothed him.
"I- I-" he started crying heavily. "Oh this is so embarrassing! I'm Spider-Man, I don't.. c-cry." He said as they pulled out of the hug.
"Well your also Peter Parker, and I'm flattered your crying over me." She smirked. Peter rubbed his eyes and forehead.
"I'm so foolish, they aren't real... the dreams." Peter finally spoke. "I should go, let you sleep and all."
"I'd- is sleep better with you here." She admitted shyly.
"I can't.." Peter was pulled into yet another hug.
"Please..?" She begged as Peter hug her back, secretly smelling her hair.
"Ok." Peter replied as she pulled away and fell onto her pillow. Peter shifted himself besides her, but far enough away for no discomfort.
"Peter?" MJ said after a long while of silence. She was t even sure if he was awake still, as he didn't respond. "I love you." She said, sure that he was asleep.
It stayed quiet for a while more.
"I love you you too." He finally responded as he pulled her closer to his body and held her close through the rest of the night.
A/n hope y'all enjoyed that! I like doing these so I have a couple more photos for you to vote for. L'île ave a voté on each photo and winner gets the next chapter!
Let the voting begin! (Only vote for at most two)
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