Chapter 2: Finding Afterglow
Seeing of Spider-Man webs appears on the rooftop, before being pull by the zip point Spider-Man landed on the rooftop as he released the big heavy sigh.
As he released of the exhausted sigh from having to fight crime against of the criminals, to messed on Tokyo.
Spider-Man: Another day for exhausting time.... Karen can you bring up of my applications for the University?
[Karen: Of course, (Y/N).]
Showing up of the Email belong to (Y/N) pops up from his HUD under his mask. Revealing of the Application of the University.
As you can see, after (Y/N) has finished and graduated from high school. He currently struggled to pick the right choice which of the College he wanted to applied.
Spider-Man: Man.... There is alot of University I can't decide which one is great for me.
[Karen: Incoming call from Big Sis.]
Until he heard the phone call under his mask, he pick up the ID caller who is the person, revealing his older sister.
Spider-Man: It's big sis. Hey, Big sis!
Clara: [Hey, (Y/N) how you doing?]
Spider-Man: Doing, well big sis. Just doing something else like.... Watching of the movie.
He hate to lied to his older sister but he has to keep the secret as Spider-Man, in order to keep his family safe.
Making his older sister to be letting out of the giggles behind of the phone.
Clara: [I see... Good luck for the girls working in the Livehouse. I hope the girls get to known you for something.]
Spider-Man: Wait, big sis! How did you kn....
He didn't get time to be finished and hearing the sound of his older sister has hang up on the phone call.
Making Spider-Man to be slump down sitting on the rooftop.
Spider-Man: Damn, definitely Jax did tell my sister. Karen remind me to webbed on Jax in the toilet.
[Karen: Yes, (Y/N). (Y/N), I have detected there is incoming danger truck there is 1 citizen is close by.]
Spider-Man: Got it!
Spider-Man jumps off the roof, before shooting out of web sling, to swing around the city before webbed again to swing city.
There is young girl who is walking, while taking the selfies of photo on the phone, which she was unfocused while her friends are across on the other side.
But unware seeing of the truck unable to controlled and drive his truck, he tried to hit on the brake but unable to stop his car, while the young girl continue to be unfocused looking at her phone.
As one of her friend noticed, before she let out of the gasped with the open wide looks and worried expression.
???: Aya, looks out!
Making her snap out from looking at her phone, making her turns toward seeing the truck dashes toward at her, as she unable to move knowing that her legs won't move.
Making her friends to be looks away unable to see and watch their friends going get hit by the truck as the girl name Aya.
Suddenly there is the webbed stick behind on Aya's back, before pull up straight up in the air carried by someone in bridal style in midair.
Before the person landed on the ground as, he shoot out with the double webbed sling behind the truck as he pulling using all of his strength to held in tightly pulling the truck back in slowly before the truck stop moving.
???: Yeah, it okay you're safe now.
As the girl name Aya slowly opens her eyes before she open wide with the surprised looks expression on her face, seeing she was save by Spider-Man.
Making her face to be increasingly forming like red tomato on her face.
Aya: Spi-Spi-Spider-Man?!?!
She bursts out with the surprised looks and mixture of the fangirl. In fact she is one of the fan that she admired of Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Yes, that's right. Also that was dangerous shouldn't use your phone in the streets, you're lucky you're not hurt. Just don't do that again, will you?
Aya: Hai! I will!
Spider-Man: Cool! Also just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
Seeing of Spider-Man leap up with the higher height in air, before webbed out with web sling, swing around the city to the another direction.
Seeing the girl name "Aya" with the smiles in admiring and feeling lucky and happy being save by her favourite superhero name Spider-Man, while the others filming Spider-Man save her using their phones until her friends rushes to her.
???: Aya, are you alright?
Aya: Yeah! Did you guys, see that?! Spider-Man save me!
???: Yeah! It was boppin awesome! Spider-Man save you! You were really lucky to be save by your crushed!
Aya: Stop it, Hina chan!
She let out with the embarrassed looks and expression appears on her face, while the others let out of the giggles.
???: Well, let go, we're don't want to be late.
???: Hai! Spider-Man did save Aya, it was Bushido!
???: Yeah, but we did believe Spider-Man always come to us but we're glad he was innocent for that.
Teal hair girl: Yeah, right! Spider-Man is really the good guy tell that to the mean like the fraud who uses the fake monsters hurting other people! And the angry new guy doesn't to see Spider-Man as the hero!
As she huffed her cheeks, making her friends to be let out of the smiles on their faces before they walking away.
Timeskip brought you by meme!
Seeing the homeless lady name Gloria is currently walking in the alleyway of the city, but surrounded by the thugs.
Thug: So you're the snitch?
Gloria: Back off, creep!
Before she could walk away to avoid from the thugs, but they're surrounding on him and they're walks closely around her.
Thug 2: Yep, she's the one.
Gloria: I said, back off! Leave me alone! HELP! HELP! POLICE!
Seeing of Spider-Man landed on the street lamp, spotted on Gloria being harassed by the thugs, before he jumps and webbed on the thug's back, before pull himself toward throwing the kick knock out the thug in cold.
Spider-Man: Get away from her!
Thug: Oh crap it's Spider-Man!
Spider-Man leaped charged at the first grunt throwing the multiple kicks on their bodies, before Spider-Man throw the flip kick sending the grunt flying up in midair.
Spider-Man webbed the sling pull himself up in midair, Spider-Man throws the several punches to knock out the grunts, before Spider-Man webbed on the other grunt before pull down back to the ground, as he throw the punches at the grunts in few times.
Spider-Man senses of incoming danger when his Spider senses has tingling him with incoming danger, Spider-Man quickly dodge to slide down past through under from incoming thug swinging the crowbar.
As the thug was about to fall down hit on the ground, but Spider-Man double webbed on the thug's back pull himself before Spider-Man throw the double powerful kick send him flying toward at the wall. As Spider-Man shoot out the grenade web stick on the thug's back.
As the thug landed roughly on the wall before the grenade exploded with the sticky web stuck on the wall.
Spider-Man heard the battle cry, making him turns toward seeing of the two thug charging at him, before Spider-Man shoot the splitter web at the two two thugs before pull toward at each other stuck cover with the web cocoon.
Spider-Man turns facing against the brute charging at Spider-Man, before throwing the punch at him but Spider-Man quickly dodge behind him before shoot with the web taser at the brute.
As he screamed in pain, before Spider-Man throw the multiple punches and then throwing the kicks and then throwing the kick to knock the brute out in cold.
Spider-Man: If you guys doesn't get mess up with the city..... Then get a job! Oh wait, you're can't get a job, you're a criminal and hate the job!
He eject the web cartridges out from his web shooters, before replace the new one, while making the jokes.
[Karen: (Y/N), the thug has the woman as the hostage!]
Making Spider-Man open wide with the mask, making him turns toward spotted the thug holding Gloria as the hostage, point the gun at her head.
Thug: Walk away now, or she's dead!
Gloria: Let me go!
Spider-Man shoot out of the double webs with sling cover on the thug's face and the gun, letting go to free Gloria.
Spider-Man pull himself in midair before throwing the punch on the thug's face to knock out in cold.
Spider-Man walks toward on Gloria.
Spider-Man: All clear, ma'ma.
Gloria: I knew Jameson was wrong about you. You're a little weird, but you have good hearts.
Spider-Man: Thanks....
Gloria: Also.... I heard two years ago, you were trained by Iron Man, it was kinda sad he sacrificed his life to bring the other half. Are you going be the next Iron Man?
Making Spider-Man to be forming of the sad expression under his mask, hearing and mentions of his mentor and father figure.
He looks at her.
Spider-Man: Something like that....Have you got to somewhere to go?
Gloria: I can talk care of myself.
Spider-Man: I'm you can. But just in case, there's a place called the F.E.A.S.T Center, where you can go....
He was interrupted by Gloria.
Gloria: Seen it, I don't want Charity.
Before Gloria could walk away but Spider-Man got something good to say for her.
Spider-Man: They're got some best wheatcakes in the city. Hands down.
Making Gloria turns to him before she forming of the sad looks expression.
Gloria: Mom used to make those, haven't made any.... In long time. I'll check it out. Thanks, Spider-Guy.
Spider-Man: It's Spider-Man....
[Karen: (Y/N), I have detected of the anno....]
Spider-Man: Yeah, I know that.
Seeing of Spider-Man jump up with the higher great jump, before he webbed swing around to the another direction of the city.
Before Spider-Man landed on the another building, before he remove his mask and turns toward facing that haunted him and he still misses him for the long time ago.
(Pretend that (Y/N) in his Upgraded Suit)
(Y/N): Hey, Mr Stark.... Well... It's kinda weirded that I am talking to the guy who die is painting on the wall painting. You know.... It has been two years, so yeah, I found out Quentin Beck was the fraud but he reveal my identify to the whole world. But yeah.... Thanks to Dr Strange who kinda like my new father figure no need to be jealous Mr Stark, Matt Murdock known as Daredevil as my lawyer to help me and my name clear up and found out Mysterio was alive all this time, his team found his body and save him but he is the fraud and criminal and everyone see me as the hero. But... I kinda felt bad for this guy he was doing for his daughter, that he wanted to make her happy, his wife kinda divorced him, when he was lock up in prison alongside with your ex workers. Well, since me and my family has moves to the Japan to have new normal life, but yeah..... big sis is volunteer in F.E.A.S.T having break from Police but she pregnant. Yeah... I'm going have the nephew or niece and Amy thinks it's going be weird she going to be aunt, but she is young.
He released of the big sigh with the sad smiles.
(Y/N): Also you know Jax, but his real name as Richard Grayson known as Nightwing right? He was from Gotham, partner of Batman and move here met with my sister they're fell in love. Also Amy is doing fine, and Morgan too I see her sometime go to vacation and acted like her big brother, which made.... Amy to be jealous. Also Happy is doing well and dating my cousin Melissa yeah.... Also Arkham is trying to find the way to cure Ned since he was infected by Goblin serum. Aunt May does always helps other people in the Shelter, but huh....
He let out of the sniff, forming with the tears on his eyes, before he wipe out of the tears, he continue looks at his father figure.
(Y/N): I promise you, Mr Stark. I'm willing up to fix up and clean up of the mistakes for all those villains wanted to have revenge when you had ruined their lives and go to dark path and they wanted to destroys Stark Legacy. I promise you, Mr Stark. One day... I will be the next Iron Man for your next legacy.
He said with the determine expression, before placing on his mask and jump out to webbed out to swing the city.
Timeskip brought you Comic meme!
And now (Y/N) has arriving back to his apartment, inside of his citizen clothes. He walking in the hallway but unexcepted to meet Mr Neilson.
(Y/N): Mr Neilson! What you doing here?
Mr Neilson, he is the landlord of the apartments. But he is friendly and kind landlord out with the kindly. He has the good relationship with (Y/N) Parker, but knowing that he has the renting problems he give him another chance for sometimes.
Mr Neilson: (Y/N), I had been waiting for you.
(Y/N): Looks, looks, looks, I'm sorry that I didn't pay the rent. I was so much b...
Mr Neilson: No, it's fine for that. Some of the busy guy like you got the problems to pay up with the rent for that and hasn't time for that.
(Y/N): Yeah....
He rubbing his backhead, knowing that he was so busy when he was fighting crime as the vigilante known as Spider-Man.
Making Mr Neilson to be let out of the chuckles.
Mr Neilson: Don't worry, I'm going to give you another chance for that.
(Y/N): You sure about this? I don't you might lose your jobs.
He forming of the worried expression staring toward at the friendly landlord doesn't want to lose his job.
He lets out of the small smiles with the chuckles, before he patted on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
Mr Neilson: No, it's fine. But I see you guys as the family, when you're first arrived here we're celebrated and treated each other like the family. Plus losing my job doesn't mean it...
He know that Mr Neilson is to friendly and kindness toward the others, but knowing (Y/N) has more then lousy and strict landlord of his previous apartment.
He makes the hard decision for that.
(Y/N): Looks, I appreciated for your kindness, Mr Neilson. But what if in the another weeks if... I don't pay the rents, I might lose it.
Mr Neilson: You're sure about it, (Y/N)? You're might lose it.
He let out of the worried looks at his friend might lose his apartment, before he crossing his arms stares at him.
As (Y/N) lets out of the another words.
(Y/N): Yeah, it will be fine for that.... Plus if I don't make it to paid my rents, I might pick up my stuffs and leave to live with my older sister and brother in law's apartment so I can find the place to live. Is that the deal?
Mr Neilson: You're got yourself a deal. Don't worry I will packed your stuff in the boxes if you got eviction, where no one will takes it.
(Y/N): Thanks, Mr Neilson.
He let out of the smiles in grateful before handshaking with Mr Neilson's grip, before Mr Neilson pat on (Y/N)'s back.
Mr Neilson: Also.... Gets some rest, you're deserved it.
(Y/N): Thanks.
He smiles at him, before enter to his apartment and go to sleep with the nice rest to be sleep.
Timeskip next day
Seeing of (Y/N) in his apartment, designing of the new webshooter mark 3 blueprint on his laptop, he takes out of his phone.
Phone: You have reached the voicemail box of: Happy Hogan.
(Y/N): Huh, yeah. Happy is out my cousin. Hey Happy, it's me (Y/N). I know you guys are busy on the date in America. I just wanted to say that I'm sending you the link for my web shooter Mk 3 for the upgrade and craft. So say hi for Miss Stark and Morgan, buy!
As he released of the big high sigh, before looking up toward on the ceiling. Before he looks at the list for bands girls.
(Y/N): Well.... Time for my next hunting for the girls bands.
Seeing of (Y/N) dressing up in his casual clothes, before taking the EDITH glasses with him. As he walked up to exited the building.
(Y/N) looks at his upgraded suit but it has the few scratches and damages during his battle with Kingpin. He shook his head.
(Y/N): Nah, probably, can't take it. I use it so that I can can fix up with specialized suit foundry, but I heard Stark Industries has spare one since the Private got destroyed and new one.
He walks exited out of the apartment, walking in the street of the city, going to the train station. He takes out of his phone to looks at it.
He scroll down to using his thumb to checking for the spider related to help him battle and combated against the enemies.
As he heard the dings, making him to be exited out of the train station until he felt his spider senses making him turns toward see Kasumi running toward and try to tackle him.
Kasumi: (Y/N)!
Making (Y/N) quickly performs the backflipped from incoming tackle he landed on the ground, with the smiles.
(Y/N): Whoa! Another time from dan...
Tae; Ha!
Seeing of Tae tackle him, hugging behind his neck when she wrapped around his neck. Making to be stumbled back kept his feet on the ground.
(Y/N): Okay.... I did not see that coming.
He mutters.
Tae: Hey, (Y/N).
And then Kasumi jumps on him and started to be hugging on our young hero who is secretly known as Spider-Man.
Kasumi: Mou, why did you move when I was coming at you?
She let out of the pouted.
Making (Y/N) to be let out of the chuckles and small smiles.
(Y/N): Sorry, I thought that might be impossible attacker, but in fact I thought it was you guys.
Kasumi: Okay, I forgive! But... (Y/N) that was amazing when you performed to do of the backflipped with the quick reflection! And then....
She continued to be snuggled, smelling around him before she looks up with the brightful energized smiles.
Kasumi: You're smell nice!
Tae: Really?!
She leans in to sniffing behind on her back, as (Y/N) felt Tae's leaning behind on his back to resting.
Tae: Nice~.... I wanted to hugging (Y/N).
Kasumi: I know right!
Inner (Y/N): I got the two girls kept snuggled and hugging on me, and those two girls kept smelling on me is weird.... But.... I got the glare from the other boys.
As (Y/N) looks up felt the intimidating aura surrounding on the boys kept glaring at (Y/N) while walking. Making (Y/N) to be sweat bullet in nervously.
As he gentle pushed Kasumi and Tae off him, with the nervous expression.
(Y/N): Okay, okay, okay, okay. That's enough. So what you girls doing here?
Kasumi: We're here for Arisa's basement!
Tae: For our bands practice.
Kasumi: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ne, (Y/N) would you like to come to see of our bands' practice for that?
(Y/N): I see..... I would love to. But.... I kinda busy you know that, guys. I had to scout to search for the other bands.
Kasumi/Tae: I see....
As the two girls forming of the sad looks as (Y/N) notices doesn't want to be bad. He decided got for the idea.
(Y/N): Okay, how about this? What if we walks together and have the small conversation the thing we're like.
Kasumi: Really? Yay!
Tae: I got (Y/N)'s arm!
Kasumi: Me too!
As two hugs rushes to clinging on his both arms, as (Y/N) let out of the nervous smiles and gets the glare once again.
As they walking and having the small talks. Tae has two parents, she is very talented play guitar she learns and inspired by her mother admire. She also have the cousin who is in college plus she have 20 rabbits, which made him surprised and see her as the airheaded.
Kasumi explains she admire watching the stars made the beats, when she was younger she has the older sister names Kyoko she admires her older sister and part of the DJ units. She can be goofball and she has the guitar names Random Star. Plus she like to give hug to the others and even her two sisters Kyoko and Asuka.
Making (Y/N) to be let out of the laugh.
(Y/N): Well... You guys have the closet relationship.
Kasumi: Hai! Kyoko nee chan I admired her and Aa-chan can be cute and embarrassed! And do you have sibling, (Y/N) chan?
(Y/N): Yeah, like you. I have my older sister who working as the police detective and a younger sister still in school. My sister acts like my mother to me and I get along with my younger sister.
Kasumi: OHhhhhh, like me with Kyoko nee chan and Aa-chan!
She smiles with the sparkles appears on her eyes can't help admiring to listening of her cru/I mean friend.
(Y/N): Yeah, something like that. I have my aunt she act like a mother to me and my sisters. Also I have my brother in law who work in the police and my sister is on break.
Tae: Why?
(Y/N): Because.... I going be uncle.
Making two girls to be let out of the open wide and let out of the oooo sound. And realize what he said.
Kasumi: Congratulation! It is the boy or the girl?
(Y/N): We're still don't know about that.
Tae: Also, (Y/N).... How old are you? You looks like in high school?
(Y/N): Oh, I'm 19 years old.
Kasumi/Tae: 19?!
They let out with the surprised looks on their face.
(Y/N): Oh yeah, I did graduated from High school....but.... I don't know which college I go to. And also I am few older for you guys.
Inner Kasumi/Tae: That's good for me!
Tae: (Y/N), you looks like a foreigner. Where you from?
(Y/N): Well.... I was from the America, but me and my friends has move here
(Y/N): That my stop, also here.
He give them of the both notes, before two girls grabbing the note examining it.
Tae: What is this?
(Y/N): My phone numbers, if you guys wanted talks to me when you wanted to hang out.
Kasumi: Hai! Thank you so much!
(Y/N): So see ya.
Seeing of (Y/N) walking away in far meters away from the two girls, but Kasumi and Tae can't make to be blush thinking about (Y/N).
Inner Kasumi: (Y/N) is so nice and handsome! And it make my heart to be warn and fuzzy when I see him! I want to get to know him more!
(Y/N) arriving to the cafe shop name "Hazawa Coffee". He decided to takes some rest and drink some milkshake.
He soon greeted the girl who is few younger then him with the smiles and brown hair, to welcoming him.
Inner Brown hair girl: So handsome...
Brown hair girl: Welcome to the Hazawa Coffee shop! My name is Tsugumi Hazawa, may I take your orders?
(Y/N): Oh yeah, can I have some chocolate cake for the slice and tea, please.
Tsugumi: Hai! Right away.
As Tsugumi lefts heading to the kitchen hand order the cookers, while (Y/N) sit down on his table. He takes out of his book for his Spider idea for Spider-Man.
And Tsugumi arriving to (Y/N)'s position sitting down on the table holding of the slice of cake and tea.
Tsugumi: Hai! A chocolate slice of cake and cup of tea for you.
(Y/N): Thank you so much.
He smiles kindly at her, making Tsugumi to be forming of the small blush appears on her cheeks, can't help to see the sight of (Y/N) is handsome and kind.
Inner Tsugumi: He so handsome and kind. I wanted to get him known for the better but my shift is almost finished.
Before she could walks approach to (Y/N), but the four girls has arrive enter inside of the building, making (Y/N) notices them before he shrugged his shoulders.
He sip his tea continue reading his idea.
???: Hey, Tsugu!
Tsugumi: Ehh?! Himari, what you guys doing here?
Himari: Huh did you forget our meeting?
??? 2: Eh.... Tsugumi did forgets our meeting~
She lets out of the teasing grins to making Tsugumi to be forming the small tints of red with the embarrassed looks.
Tsugumi: Mou! It's my fault Moca, I currently have my shift is going to be ended!
??? 3: Yosh! Tsugu's shift is going to be end I guess we're can be start the meeting.
Tsugumi: Okay, I guessed we can use the table.
As the five girls used before sitting down on the table, while the girl known as Himari can't help watching staring on (Y/N) as he keep reading before he drink his tea.
??? 2: Ufufufu, It seems like Hii chan is staring at the boy.
Himari: Eh?!?!
She let out of the reaction looks turns toward facing at her childhood friend with the comical shock looks face.
??? 3: Geez, Himari chan, you did looks at the boy sometimes to find something like cute or handsome you likes.
??? 2: See, Tomo chin agrees with Moca chan~
Himari: Mouuuuu!!! Stop making fun of me! Now then, let have the Afterglow begins!
At this moment, making (Y/N) to be opens wide hearing of "Afterglow". Before he choke for the bit before spit out of the tea as he let out of the cough, gathering the attentions of the girls.
(Y/N): *Cough, cough, cough*
Making Tsugumi to be stand up from her sit before she quickly rushes worriedly to (Y/N) on his side.
Tsugumi: You okay, sir?
(Y/N): Yeah... Sorry about this I want to ask you girls the questions. Are you Afterglow?
Making the girl name Himari let out of the gasped with the excitement smiles.
Himari: Really, are we're famous?!
Tomoe: So are you fan of us?
(Y/N): No, actually. My name is (Y/N) Parker, I'm currently a part time worker at the livehouse called CiRCLE. May I know your names?
Ran: Name Ran Miitake, I'm the guitarist and lead vocalist of Afterglow.
Moca: Moca Aoba, umm... I like to eat breads and buns and also I'm the lead guitarist.
Himari: My name is Himari Uehara, I'm the Leader and the bass of the band!
Tomoe: I'm Tomoe Udagawa and I'm the drummer of Afterglow!
Tsugumi: And I'm Tsugumi Hazawa! I play the keyboard. And together, we are Afterglow!
Himari: Oh! That last part was really cool!
She praising her friend, making Tsugumi to be form of the little blushed and felt a little embarrassed.
As (Y/N) let out of the small smiles.
(Y/N): Yeah it is. Also... our live house is to be setting up of an event for the girl bands exclusively. Both of the pros and amateurs can join and play in live to exposure and experience. And it can happened that one of the Afterglow is part of the bands that we can headline of the event. So what you girls says?
Himari: Really?! We're invited to play in live?!
She let out of the gleams with the excitement and smiles on her tone, before she pumps her fists in air.
(Y/N): Yep! And also we're have the studios that you girls can practice to play whenever you wants.
Tomoe: Well, I'm in!
Tsugumi: Me too!
Moca: Hmmm....
(Y/N): Also we have the café if you girls wanted to eat and hang out.
He let out of the good mind for idea.
Moca: Moca wanted to be in!
(Y/N): Great!
Himari: Soons like it decided that everyone on board! Afterglow will be attending!
(Y/N): Great!
He hands the girls of the CiRCLE's flyers with the smiles on his face.
(Y/N): I will be seeing of you guys, see ya!
He place EDITH glasses on him, before walking away as the girls shout out with the goodbye and waving. He turns and wave back.
(Y/N): Hey, Marina I got some good news for you, Afterglow is going to be joins!
Marina: [Oh my god! That is great news!]
(Y/N): Yep! I only got 4 more to go.....
[EDITH: (Y/N), I have detected there is the hostile threats coming to the Hazawa Coffee has the criminal record on the Police's files.]
Making him turns toward with the open wide, until the HUD appears on the glasses to scan indicate to turns red to see them as the threats.
Before scanning the thugs' criminal record profiles appears, as (Y/N) forms the serious looks.
(Y/N): I'm gonna call you back, Marina.
Marina: [Hey, wai...]
As the call ended.
(Y/N): EDITH.... Unlock 17A....
[EDITH: Yes, (Y/N).]
As (Y/N) quickly to be hurried running to the another direction, and changing his secret identify as Spider-Man.
At Afterglow
Moca: And there he goes~
Himari: Yeah, I can't wait to see him in CiRCLE!
She said with the dreamily looks and thinking about (Y/N) with the smiles on her face, before placing her hands under her cheeks and elbow on table.
As Moca notices it with the teasing grins.
Moca: Oh~ Is this the romance I smell~
As Himari suddenly to be forming blushed in madly.
Himari: Moca!
Tsugumi: She wait, I can't wait to see him more.
Tomoe: Me too, what you think Ran?
As Ran remained in silent all the times.
As they're the ring bell, making Tsugumi turns to greeted to welcome them.
Tsugumi: Welcome to Ha...
Thug: Hang up in the air! We're here for the money!
Making all the girls to be let out of the gasped in worried, seeing the thugs arriving in the cafe shop with the guns in their hands.
Before the thugs could walk and steal the money as the girls feeling frightened and scared. Scared if one of the thugs see them has the beauty body might kidnapped them and take away from their family, but wished for someone to help.
Suddenly the thug felt the shadow pressure on them, making them turns toward before they're open wide with reaction looks as the person jump and break through the window glass shatter into pieces, landed and kicked on the thug knock out in cold.
Revealing is Spider-Man in his Iron Spider suit!
Afterglows: Spider-Man!
They shout out in relief.
Thug 2: Oh shit! It's Spider-Man, kill him!
As they're quickly firing their guns to shooting at Iron Spider making him to be quickly dodge flip in air from incoming bullets charging at him.
As Iron Spider turns notices the girls, making sweep slide toward at them, before throw the kick grabbing the table holding like the shield to blocking from the bullets.
Iron Spider: You guys alright?
Tomoe: Yeah! We're glad you're on time!
Iron Spider: Thanks! You girls go to the hiding spot!
As they're nodded, before rushes to the hiding spot, before Spider-Man throw the table away like the disc hit the few thugs as they're screamed and knocked out in cold.
Iron Spider: You guys really need the different hobby!
He jokes, making the girls let out of the giggles.
Iron Spider webs on the few thugs, get stuck and pinned on the wall cover with the webs on it, before Iron Spider quickly dodging from the incoming bullets charging at him flipping around.
Iron Spider fires out like the missiles flying around charging at the thugs before hit them cover with the web to placing on the wall to stuck on it. Before Iron Spider landed on the table suddenly there is the web exploded with sling as it pulling them up in half meter, revealing the thugs cover with web cocoon.
As the girls can't help to admiring on Spider-Man.
Himari: Kyaaahhh!!! Spider-Man! So cool!
She let out of the fangirls.
Moca: He, he, he, he Hii chan is fan of Spider-Man.
Suddenly the thug arriving with the guns firing at Iron Spider as he tried to gesture halt but hit by the bullets, causing them to be fall down.
Making the girls to be let out of the gasped in horrified to see of their friendly neighborhood got killed.
Himari: Oh no..... Spider-Man.
Suddenly Iron Spider get up with the cheerful under his helmet, making everyone looks surprised looks.
Iron Spider: Just kidding, it's bullet proof!
Iron Spider fired out of his repulsor blast from his gauntlet sending the energy blast hit on the thug as it hit on the chest, as he knock out in cold and grunt in pain.
Iron Spider webbed with the double webs on the pillars before pulling himself before let go to push him flying in the room like Slingshot with web, before he landed next to the last grunt remaining.
Before he could his weapon, but Iron Spider able to reacts in time to web on the thug's leg started pulling him straight toward on the ceiling as he screaming, struggle to rescue.
Iron Spider: It's safe! You guys, alright?
Tomoe: Yes, thank so much Spidey! You save the heck in time!
Iron Spider: No problem.
Himari: Ano Spider-Man.... Can I ask your hand?!
As she beg with the big heavy blush on her face, placing her hand in front of Spider-Man for the handshakes.
Knowing Spider-Man is kind.
Iron Spider: Sure....
As he handshaking with Himari, making her to be forming with the happy smiles on her face and admiring with our webhero, before let go.
As she pulling her hand toward on her and admiring that she gets to handshakes with Spider-Man.
Himari: I will never washing this hand again.....
Tsugumi: Spider-Man thanks you so much! Ano ne.... Can you sign my Spider plushie?
She asking with the shy looks on her face, looks like a shy blushing appears on her face. Before she takes out of Spider-Man plush toys.
Iron Spider: Sure, anything for Cute girl like you!
Making Tsugumi to be smiles in happiness, but Ran to be remained in silence and quiet. That she can't help to be focus and suspicious on Spider-Man.
As Spider-Man sign autograph on Spider-Man's plushie for Tsugumi, as she hug it in tightly of her plushie toy.
Iron Spider: Well, then See ya!
He wave at them, before he exited out of the building and flying in the air with the jet boots, as the girls smiles waving with smiles.
Himari: I can't believe we met Spider-Man!
Tomoe: I know right!
Moca: Hmmm, Ran chan what wrong?
Inner Ran: Spider-Man.... Who are you really and why does you sound like and same person like.... (Y/N) Parker?
She said in serious expression.
End of Chapter 2
That ended! Thank you for reading of my Spider-Man x Bang Dream's second chapter what you thinks good or bad? And now (Y/N) has succeeded to meeting of the Afterglow to joins in CiRCLE and Ran is suspicious about (Y/N)'s identify as Spider-Man!
And also next time (Y/N) will meet again of the Patel Palettes and then he will gets the Advanced Suit! See ya!
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